

Buffalo, New York, United States
Joined : 2nd May 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on Sweetsoundmusic tracks

Other users have posted 9 comments on tracks by Sweetsoundmusic

Comments (9)
Tiltedbeats 8th Jun 2010 18:51 - 14 years ago

on Riddles by Sweetsoundmusic
lol @ Marius... i think that dude has cats on his mind...

this beat is pretty tight, with some work the beat could BE SUPERB!!! ... vox is niceee. you got the tone and mood right..

im deff liking this one man..

donmega 4th Jun 2010 18:07 - 14 years ago

on No Contest by Sweetsoundmusic
i love the lyric ''you old like kool moe doe".
nice word play with a couple of name calling
im impressed
but theres
comp every were
Sweetsoundmusic replied Unknown
Thanks for the review. AS for the competiton everywhere, there's a lot of talented artist in the world. It's just a concept. I dont take Hip Hop so serious and get all critical with it--it's entertainment. I support all artist, love the industry, and just switched up up to broaden my topics and range of diversity. :
benski 29th May 2010 13:03 - 14 years ago

on Bossman by gf by Sweetsoundmusic
Can't believe no one has left a review! Nice beat and cool lyrics, nice track!!
Sweetsoundmusic replied Unknown
I have gotten nothing but hate on my music on this site, yet on : I got 20,000 hits in 1 week! Over 76 songs--check me out, and thanks for the love! Respect.
Marius9 20th May 2010 04:24 - 14 years ago

on Riddles by Sweetsoundmusic
You got great flow man, and I really think the accents on the vocals are in all the right places, this has more feeling than a lot of other tracks I have heard. Great job. As a side note, when I read the description, I thought you were actually talking about cats, like the animal, and that made sense in context lol.
Sweetsoundmusic replied Unknown
Mad funny--about the cats, rediculously funny. I gotta watch my slang, but thanks on the compliment ! :
SkullG 20th May 2010 03:03 - 14 years ago

on Suffer by Sweetsoundmusic
I like how this one is sincere. Also, I don't hear a lot of rhyming at the ends of the lines but it still sounds good. Curious to see how you write you lyrics. Keep up the good work!
Sweetsoundmusic replied Unknown
My style isn't always exact ryming as opposed to just abstract bars and rythyms--that's why alot of people say I am so different. I rather break up traditional formats and keep listeners who expect typical format and structure to be off guard. For me, the main concern is the theme, story line, and to talk about real things--without trash, cursing, and wasting ya time. Anyhow, it is a sincere songe for those who are going through something at the moment. Thanks for your succint comment. gf
overlappingcircles 9th May 2010 13:01 - 14 years ago

on Hustling by Sweetsoundmusic
had to come back to this, I'm not specifically a rap fan, and don't know as much as i'd like about it, but I know my ears and I really enjoyed it, beat fits the lyrics and delivery tone perfectly. enjoyed this thoroughly :)
Sweetsoundmusic replied Unknown
Damn, that says alot when you hear a song in a genre you really dont like, so your review means a million! I got 250 songs, so get used to my postings and sound--wait until the New sh#t drop! gf p.s I rap but listen to only R&B--aint that strange? lol
ProphetProductions 9th May 2010 03:18 - 14 years ago

on Hustling by Sweetsoundmusic
man sick
gives me a kina cypress hill feel
beat is so ill n your flow is dope as fk
love the hook n your voice jus blesses the beat nice blend to it
dope track
check mine out if u git a chance
Sweetsoundmusic replied Unknown
Man, you really inspired me. Got me ready to drop 4 albums tonight. I listened to two of ya tracks, but I am gonne reserve comment until I listen to them all. For one, though, real clean engineering, crispy sound, thick and rich. Different. Beats are officil and right tempo and selection.
SlickazzG 8th May 2010 23:57 - 14 years ago

on Riddles by Sweetsoundmusic
Nice track mane, good show... keep up tha good work..
Sweetsoundmusic replied Unknown
Thank you for the compliment. If you wanna see the video go to youtube and click on sweetsoundmusic. Video came out nice.
BigReeg 8th May 2010 20:42 - 14 years ago

on The Streets by Sweetsoundmusic
got some lyrics bro. nice flow. the sniffin addlib was funny. keep up the good work. PEACE.
Sweetsoundmusic replied Unknown
Thanks for the support. However, what you mean 'the sniffin' adlib was funny'? As in it through you off, was late, or funny as in humorous? Just curious. I am New to engineering and doing all my own tracks from start to finnish, so it's valuable to get any feed back. Thanx. gf
Comments (9)