Independant artist who has been writing music since 1994 (thanks to Wu Tang "Cash Rules"). Have written well over a 1,000 tracks, recorded well over 250 songs. Born and raised on Buffalo's West Side (gangland). From Murderland and 10th Street.
been on numerous mix cd's, too many to list, TV, radio, and up and coming!
the ratchet--come test the gun...
Pro Tools 8.0 LE
Blue Bird MIC--real clean and clear
All I listen to is my music--real talk!
Nas--Illmatic and NWA--classics.
Nas--his irradic flow; Tupac --his emotin; Biggie his story telling ability; and Jad--that gutter music.
No body out there. I aint no carbon copy. Dont listen to anyone else for that very reason. Original. Authentic.
Music is my life, but I am a novelist too.