

Derby, United Kingdom
Joined : 10th Feb 2011 - 14 years ago
Comments on WeakheartDrop tracks

Other users have posted 16 comments on tracks by WeakheartDrop

Comments (16)
digitalSKYY 2nd Jun 2011 02:59 - 13 years ago

on No High Like You ft AM Valentine by WeakheartDrop
Awesome vox man! Real talent. The music reminds me of MGMT. Look them up. The vox dont but the music does. Insane man!

Keep it up!

Kenny Lee
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Thank you so much for the review Kenny.. really appreciated. I've never noticed the MGMT connection... I'll have to check them out again.
MStokes 26th May 2011 21:44 - 13 years ago

on Our Mary by WeakheartDrop
beautiful blue original epic - amazing and hatching like damselflies - natural and weird as hell - thanks for yr music, much respect
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Wow.. thanks for that review. I wasn't too sure how this would fare here so your appreciation is honestly valued.. 'natural and weird'... I might use that...
Pillow 18th Apr 2011 12:07 - 13 years ago

on Chords by WeakheartDrop
This is such a beautiful and touching song. I like every part of it. Singing and backing track match each other nicely. I think the music goes into the Avantgarde or Indie direction. Very special indeed, and the basssound is also really cool. Nice.
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Wow... Thankyou Pillow. This means a lot to me as you have written two of my favourite songs on this site and I have sung your praises to friends who are also in agreement that you have a special talent. Your thoughtful review is greatly appreciated.
JohnBoutilier 10th Apr 2011 23:48 - 13 years ago

on Chords by WeakheartDrop
Wow. Yet another great track. Faved.

WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Hi JB.... Without wishing to repeat myself, I very much appreciate the attention you seem to be paying to my tracks, it still comes as something of a surprise to me when others enjoy the stuff I create.
Thanks for the review and yet another fave....
SGN 5th Apr 2011 21:37 - 13 years ago

on Status Anxiety by WeakheartDrop
This is absolutely lovely. "Soothing" is another word that comes to mind. I've heard three of your tracks now, and I really like your sound.

I don't normally do this, but I felt an honest connection to this song, so I might as well - I think you may like one of my tracks called "Imperfect" that's sort of similar to this one, but much quieter if that's possible.
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Again SGN, thanks for the review... I really like the use of the word 'lovely', it's not used often enough! I'm 'chuffed' that you found a connection with this song, makes it all worthwhile. Peace
The Weakheart Drop
SGN 5th Apr 2011 21:27 - 13 years ago

on Do Me Calvinist ft AM Valentine by WeakheartDrop
The best rock song I've heard on this site. To be fair, I haven't heard that many, but this is really, really good. The bassline, the atmosphere, the vocals - all excellent. Just love the mood of this.
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Thank you SGN.... Glad you picked up on the tone I was attempting to execute in the track. I'm genuinely appreciative of your review. .
abnerbesares 19th Mar 2011 13:08 - 14 years ago

on Status Anxiety by WeakheartDrop
GREAT GUITAR PLAYING ! VERY TALENTED AS WELL my friend now i know wy my music captured your attention , love all of your work keep it up. PEACE
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Thanks abnerbesares... Your review is appreciated.

Yes, it is now clear why I picked up on your track... I really should make clear that some of the acoustic guitar was played by my friend 'DrustIV'... Check him out on this site
abnerbesares 19th Mar 2011 13:04 - 14 years ago

on No High Like You ft AM Valentine by WeakheartDrop
WOW ! LOVE YOUR VOICE MAN ! and as for the girl ( BEAUTY FULL ) the talent i can feel it in this one well done. Peace my frien'
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Thank you for your kind words...I'm pleased you like it... A special thanks for the praise for my vocal.. I've only recently decided to believe in myself and give it go. The female vocalist is very, very special and I feel honoured to work with her.
JohnBoutilier 17th Mar 2011 20:39 - 14 years ago

on Status Anxiety by WeakheartDrop
I like every track you've posted thus far and look forward with great anticipation to the next track :-)

Another great piece, my friend

WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Hey JB... Thank you once again for your kind words... Your appreciation of my 'canon'(!) genuinely brings me joy. Today I shall wear a smile....
The Weakheart Drop
DRUSTIV 9th Mar 2011 19:40 - 14 years ago

on Do Me Calvinist ft AM Valentine by WeakheartDrop
2nd review as more thoughts struck:
Backing is dark, almost Goth, atonal disturbing, total deconstruction of the original, stripped of the confetti and candy floss, this is a menacing, brooding take on something, more Dexter (involvement in the macabre and digging it) than any love story boy/girl thing. Modern brutalism of the bass is superb, reminding me of a slowed down Clash, Paul Simenon quasi Dub bass via Jah Wobble, in post-modern minimalism. Drums with shakers, tambourine and percussion sound good, especially crack of the snare, but more editing out to give light & shade and let those scything chops of electroshock guitar do their work. Also reminds me of Portishead.

2. Her Vocals! Why is she not famous already? This is Sandy Denny's evil twin sister, some PJ Harvey in there too, but then again, totally original; the vocals will stand more of the backing doing less, but the backing is fine in itself. Spine=chilling voice
DRUSTIV 9th Mar 2011 18:01 - 14 years ago

on Do Me Calvinist ft AM Valentine by WeakheartDrop
What a mean bass line; it drives the piece along, I like that chugging guitar that comes in half way through that fleshes out the notes. Vocals are great - what a voice. Hard to classify into genre but amazing stuff and a firm favourite of a song I would never have believed I would listen to with any great pleasure until now. The dark side of desire
Predator Duffus
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
I can only salute you Drust IV for not one but two reviews... Your erudite thoughts have had and will continue have great influence...

The Weakheart Drop
Gordw 4th Mar 2011 02:28 - 14 years ago

on Status Anxiety by WeakheartDrop
This track would take anyones anxiety away. Very peaceful. Nice one.
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Thanks Gordw.. having a song touch people is always a pleasurable moment....
All the best
Weakheart Drop
JohnBoutilier 2nd Mar 2011 03:33 - 14 years ago

on No High Like You ft AM Valentine by WeakheartDrop
Fantastic track, my friend, what more can I say.


WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Hey JB... Thanks for yet another positive review ....


The Weakheart Drop
JohnBoutilier 28th Feb 2011 03:40 - 14 years ago

on Do Me Calvinist ft AM Valentine by WeakheartDrop
Beautiful. love the piece. Again, this piece has a very coherent sharing of perfect atmosphere with instruments and vocals.


WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
John... Thanks for your considered review and the fav. This track is one of my personal fav's... I wasn't sure what reaction it'd get given it's origins ... A guilty pleasure made public. I'm really impressed by the words of encouragement that flow here. Thanks again

The Weakheart Drop
Hirogenium 27th Feb 2011 06:05 - 14 years ago

on Do Me Calvinist ft AM Valentine by WeakheartDrop
Agree to Jamscience, this song is catching you, no chance to escape. Absolutely great stuff! Very good progressing.
Definite shades of Björk in there :). Good job!
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Thanks a lot hirogenium... I'm humbled by your review... to have it compared to the genius that is Bjork pleases me. AM Bird will be so pleased her vocals are going down well here.
The Weakheart Drop
Jamscience 27th Feb 2011 01:49 - 14 years ago

on Do Me Calvinist ft AM Valentine by WeakheartDrop
Hi, saw this in the top window and the title caught me. After the intro I was thinking w.t.f! but as the tune progressed I was hooked. Its so off the wall its on the ceiling!lol! wicked bassline underpinning the track and tasty vox as well. Would have liked to heard a bit more of AM Bird as she got a little lost in the mix a couple of times but this is the best cover of a cap and T song ever. definite shades of Sonic Youth in there. Well done!
WeakheartDrop replied Unknown
Hey Jamscience... Thought I'd give you a public thanks for your kind words
Comments (16)