This is freakin Dope Guys! omg yalls songs keep getting better and better. I think people are sleepin on The Loserz Club....but I'm not. I already know it's straight up Fire. Nice work CF and Pnnywze, im blown away
Nothing makes me happier than seeing the success of these songs, man. A few more and it'll be time for a proper release. This one is one of my favorites so far
This is deep! & powerful! you guys should work together much more you seem to really produce some beauties! the melodies running through this track are bitter-sweet! TOP! work both! Choice!
Superlatively flowing and inviting - Pnnyflares! Love it! You have synergised sth v special together yet I can hear your distinctive identities, too ;)
Hello Cyberflares, I must say the beginning of this track immediately gives a hint of the direction its going to go.....the wicked beat is followed by the eerie effects and deep bass....Demons could not be to far behind if they were a part of this scenario. The music also invites a scary addition ....very good track my friend.
Its good, no surprise there lol. Since Ive been listening alot lately, Im starting to hear little things, melodic stuff, that u do in your songs. Kinda like pnnywze does, but its definitely unique to u. Its a pleasure to listen man.
Everytime I hear something of yours, I instantly get into it - you synergise everything so perfectly - tune, melody, rhythmn. I found this track beautiful. Kay
I did not lose interest up to the end of the song and I think this is magnificent. It is fully instrumented, it is a very beautiful melodic theme and of course I listened to very good rhythmic parts.
Excellent work guys.
My best regards, Anthony.
Hi Anthony,
thats what we all try to do is keep the listener interested its quite hard without vocals to do that sometimes, so i am extremely pleased we managed to keep you entertained all the way through thank you for your kind comments and listens
Robin and Aaron
Wow! First thought! Excellent A+ callob!
Crazy you fellas have developed a system cuz I can definitely hear both of you in this as one really nice work! But I know PWNNYWZE has them thumping drum works!
Ill hit you back with a WOW A+ Ahhhhh my first A+ thanks man appreciate your kind words and listen, yeah you cant mistaken Aarons drums. once again cheers man. :)
Robin- how do you do it - come u with infinite guitar tracks that are different and equally superb - your collabs are also pretty epic, and this is no exception -brilliant. Kay
As my GF and I were relistening to our tracks today to come up with some prompts for the artwork, we noticed something - they're all hella good. Every song, man. And you did an extra exceptional (say that 5 times fast lol) job with this one. None of these songs really need vocals, per se, and some are probably better without them, but a few would definitely go up another level with some good vocal work. So I've asked 2 of the Monzder Squadd members to pick a track and do something on it, we'll see how they turn out and go from there. Amazing work, man. I hope u are happy with the ideas I've had for this project, I've tried to keep u a little more in the forefront when i talk to people about it, u deserve it and I hope it brings a little more attention on your work as a whole. I can tell u that the folks I've shared these songs with so far are impressed... Take a bow, and take the credit, bro.
Im just chuffed you took me along for the ride not only is it fun but i am learning some new things in the process which cant be that bad lol. it takes two to tango you have as much credit as me if not more they are your ideas which is cool i am happy with what we have done in i love this one lol.
cheers again for letting me into your musical circle. :)
This is crazy Robin.
Very nice beat and the vocal is perfect
You have outdone yourself and it shows in the downloads.
My compliments.
I just don't understand the lyrics very well because my English is still poor, but is this about gaslith by a narcissist?
Well, now that the power is back on in my house and its stayed on for longer than an hour, i can catch up on my listening. Bro, ur my collab partner, for real. U just have a deeper understanding of the emotions and the melodic intent i put into my work that goes over the heads of most. Thats why ive allotted more time every week to put together stuff specifically to send to u - it brings out the best in us both. Im not sure what more wevcould ask for, my man. The one ur working on now will be peak, i feel. I think we should come up with a name for our team-up, because it should be a permanent thing. Even with no specific release schedule, itll be a little more official. Beautiful work my friend. - Aaron
Lol I'm glad you added collab or i would start to wonder lol.
cheers man appreciate the big up and yes it does seem to be a match made in heaven lol
yeah we should come up with a name like twisted souls your the twisted im the soul lol
on The passage by Cyberflares
on The passage by Cyberflares
on The passage by Cyberflares
on The passage by Cyberflares
on Demons by Cyberflares
on Demons by Cyberflares
Your collaboration is successful !!
on Demons by Cyberflares
on Demons by Cyberflares
Glad you enjoyed the track and thanks for leaving a comment its much apricated
on Demons by Cyberflares
on Demons by Cyberflares
on Demons by Cyberflares
on Demons by Cyberflares
Thank you kindly i appreciate your listen and comment as always. :)
on Outside by Cyberflares
on Outside by Cyberflares
Excellent work guys.
My best regards, Anthony.
thats what we all try to do is keep the listener interested its quite hard without vocals to do that sometimes, so i am extremely pleased we managed to keep you entertained all the way through thank you for your kind comments and listens
Robin and Aaron
on Outside by Cyberflares
on Outside by Cyberflares
Crazy you fellas have developed a system cuz I can definitely hear both of you in this as one really nice work! But I know PWNNYWZE has them thumping drum works!
on Eyes only by Cyberflares
on Outside by Cyberflares
on Outside by Cyberflares
on Outside by Cyberflares
cheers again for letting me into your musical circle. :)
on Gaslight by Cyberflares
on Gaslight by Cyberflares
on Gaslight by Cyberflares
Very nice beat and the vocal is perfect
You have outdone yourself and it shows in the downloads.
My compliments.
I just don't understand the lyrics very well because my English is still poor, but is this about gaslith by a narcissist?
A narcissist would more than likely use gaslighting as a weapon
gaslight to make someone believe they have said or done something that they have not.
on Into the sea by Cyberflares
cheers man appreciate the big up and yes it does seem to be a match made in heaven lol
yeah we should come up with a name like twisted souls your the twisted im the soul lol
on Gaslight by Cyberflares
thanks for the listen and comment much appreciated, yeah i found a gold vocal there man. :)