Lovely minimal piece. Reminds me of an album Tosca did in a similar vein. I read with interest the comments on ecological degradation. As an ecologist by trade, I'm always amazed at nature's ability to recover and restore itself. So that gives me hope that Gaia, our mother, might heal herself given the chance. But I'd also certainly agree we're way past living sustainably. In fact I find the use of that word a bad joke. Anyway, a nice calm and melancholic melody you created.
WOW! this is sublime! listening to this breath-taking piano piece, there is nothing that can contaminate my sacred and quiet peace, so, so AMAZING!!! now this is REAL! musical Art. ACE!!! luv it indeed It's nice to hear such refinement on LM It's a Fave!
Ciao dear Seelegold. Anche questo e un pezzo di musica molto bello, come tutti gli altri tuoi ed ha l aria di un pezzo fatto apposta per la tua descrizione. Si abbiamo un pianeta, un posto bello in qualle viviamo tutti noi, e siamo obbligati di mantenerlo cosi. Il tuo piano e se fosse parlante, e dire a noi queste cose, . L esecuzione e sempre ottima e mi piace molto questo suono di sad o anche di vecchia pianola. Molto bello, come tutti i tuoi brani. Grazie.
Yes, the order you mentioned is correct: The description of what we actually think we will find in space when we already have the indescribable beauty here was there first and only then did the song come; it was actually superimposed on the description and not, conversely, the description was given to the song afterwards. I am very happy if the song is perceived by you or the listener as this harmonious whole.
yes, it fits better in the Acapella section, of course.
So was my intention, but I was surprised to find out that a separate approval from Looperman is required for uploads there.
I asked for this approval by e-mail, but received no response, so I switched to Tracks. My impression is that the Looperman site has been running for several days without the operator's supervision; this is also indicated by the persistent labeling of the envelopes with the track title, which is not normally specified there.
As soon as I get upload access to the Acapella area, my voice will move.
Thank you for your advice and have a happy new year 2024!
This is a little piece of heaven in those keys played and it also brings forth a very beautiful quiet peace within. Absolutely Exquisite! in it's entirety, I know real talent when I hear it and no amount of my kind nature will make me say untrue words if it's not so, BUT this gentle piece of delight is so BRAVO! like it a lot! Faved.
When I received the E-mail from LM with the news of a comment there, I was naturally delighted.
As a matter of course, I automatically assigned the comment to one of my later pieces on LM. I was all the more surprised to see that it was a comment on my very first track there.
"This is a little piece of heaven"
With this formulation you have given me an extraordinary pleasure. Yes, for me music must/should represent beauty. And not just "simple", necessarily always imperfect earthly beauty, but there should always be that intangible Something in it that makes people instinctively feel that there are things that have their origin somewhere else, that go beyond the human being.
I feel the same way about this piece as you do. Thank you for confirming my feelings. On your own, you are always rather insecure.
ich denke filmisch trifft es ganz gut! Bis auf den weiblichen Teil finde ich den Song auch sehr ausgewogen. Beim weiblichen Teil sind mir die Effekte zu sehr an der Clippinggrenze. Das fordert meine Ohren schon ganz stark *smile. Alles in Allem aber wieder mal eine gute Idee, die du hier umgesetzt hast. Beste Gruesse Manuela
ja, die weibliche Stimme ist sicherlich grenzwertig.
Innerhalb der Songdramaturgie hat sie aber eine zentrale Funktion, naemlich sich steigernde Dringlichkeit/Beklemmung/Dramatik zu erzeugen. Die dafuer potentiell vorhandenen Parameter sind relativ beschraenkt.
Ein Parameter neben nur sehr wenigen anderen ist Lautstaerke.
Ich selber kann mir durchaus vorstellen, dass es da noch bessere Loesungen als die jetzige gibt. Ich war bei der Suche danach aber bisher recht erfolglos.
Thanks for letting me know. Not sure about the need for this female announcement,cause it decrease the value of the track, but find the rest as interesting.
since I don't speak Russian myself, I was aware from the start that the Russian vocals would almost certainly not make any statements that would have a stringent, rational connection with the political structure of the track.
I was well aware of the risk that absurdities of meaning would arise.
I had two possibilities:
a) to renounce the realization of the track
b) to make it anyway
My intention was to create an oppressive, threatening atmosphere.
Component 1 = Instrumental
Component 2 = Vocal
I may be wrong, but I am to some extend sure that the Russian language used in the track in interaction with the instruments - absolutely independent of its concrete semantic statement - will lead to the intended emotional consequences, i.e. anxiety, uneasiness, fear etc. for the general Looperman user - who, like me, has no knowledge of the Russian language...
With a Russian-speaking listener like you, there can, of course, inevitably come to frictions.
I dont know anymore, who has said it in the sense (I must look for it again), but it was or went at least in the direction of "proof of God",
namely that earthly/our beauty can only ever be an imperfect derivation from a superior, absolute beauty, only the primeval reason of all being as source of our beauty is conceivable, imaginable.
And with this train of thought he was then with God.
I did not necessarily become more faithful to God, but this train of thought had and has a compelling stringency for me until today.
Sometimes you are confused by the attributions that others give to your own song. But no trace here, it´s absolutely accepted by me.
I have to admit that I've practically "skipped over" you musically so far, because I always think of you as Hip Hop or Rap and I don't really have access to that.
But when I get a comment, I always look at the commentator musically and listen sideways to get an impression. And have to revise myself:
You're actually not limited to Hip Hop at all, you're also active in other genres. I came across "Telstar" while listening to one of your songs... 1000 years ago, 999 years since I heard it... BUT I had the song in me AT ONCE, the melody hummed through my head IMMEDIATELY.
Then I went to YouTube and while listening to it, one cold shiver after another ran down my spine...
You are reminded of the enormous power music has and especially its influence in the phases of life that shape people (I was just of elementary school age at that time).
I also have points of contact with another of your songs that I have heard so far. But I have to let that sink in a bit before I say anything about it.
"The description of the track really sets the mood for it."
Yes, if one thing follows from the other and vice versa, if things depend on each other without alternative, then that is certainly beneficial to the harmony of the whole.
"A Beautifully moving piece," I see you much like myself use music to address social or environmental issues. To paraphrase your description: "It is a complete mystery to me why man thinks to find paradise. And we are consistently destroying this paradise with an asocial ruthlessness as if we could buy a new one." Personally I think the powers that be aren't telling us that we've already passed the point of no return, climate change, the spirit of mankind as a whole. Thats why they're desperately trying to seek new planets...
I wouldn't really make a distinction between social and ecological.
I think that each of these terms already contains the other within it, would even think that they are synonymous with each other; one could well speak of twins.
"I personally believe that the powerful are not telling us that we have already passed the point of no return, climate change, the spirit of humanity as a whole. That's why they are desperately trying to find new planets..."
Well, that's where I would reverse the order:
This ominous belief in some paradise out there and the resulting obviously intrinsic urge of man to want to find it come hell or high water, was already there before (in 1957 my father stood with me as a toddler in the garden and a luminous point pulled above us its orbit through the night sky, Sputnik...) when one could still quite safely assume that the point of no return was not yet reached.
Nobody knows whether it has already been exceeded, but what EVERYONE can know for sure, without having to be a Nobel Prize Winner, is that maintaining the current economic model, an irresponsible eternal growth fetishism that is alien to reality, is as safe as that Amen will come to church.
In the past, the planet seekers could at best be justified intrinsically - thus rather weakly equipped in terms of argumentation - but with the concrete current/concrete upcoming missed reversal point, an incomparably harder argument is possible according to the motto:
"You see what awaits us, should we remain idle and everyone perish here?"
If you want to get/earn money, this "right" market economy argument becomes more convincing as the urgency for action increases...
Many thanks to you for listening and your thoughts!
Gave it another listen:
- love the guitar and clap
- the vocal untl 0:36 is partially offbeat and that's perfect and very cool
- then in 0:37 I first felt it went into a different tempo but I think you skipped or inserted a beat
- then at 0:44 there's a sudden change, especially in loudness, but here it really goes into a lower tempo
- the change at 1:24 I liked, and again back to the original tempo/rhythm
- Then at 2:00 and 2:07 something similar happens as above which I don't fully understand with my tiny brain.
I suspect all of this might be fine, but it would help me if the transitions are either more gradual, or possibly "announced" in advance, so I understand what's going on.
Or not, and that's also fine, I'm just trying to explain what I heard and meant :) Oh and btw lovely clear production!
Have a fantastic day!
you have correctly addressed all places where every ear involuntarily pays attention.
But it is at no place an oversight, but was actually made by me with declared intention so. One can argue about that, of course, but in the end it is a matter of taste. You like it or you don't.
"Or not, and that's also fine, I'm just trying to explain what I heard and meant :)"
Thanks for your two comments and the related time you gave me/the song.
I'm quite glad that the track was not judged as a technical renovation case. Because as I said, about taste you can argue, about possibly glaring technical deficiencies not.
It doesn't have an intuitively instantaneous context of meaning, I quite agree with that. After rather yes restrained vocals one does not expect so necessarily with quite abruptly and quite impetuously beginning strong instrumental contrariness. But that's intentional, because otherwise the song would probably have quickly taken on an exclusively sentimental character, which I wanted to avoid.
"but it has enough consistency", thank you!
Because also from my point of view this is given. In contrast to the usually common intact consistency of a track, however, I would name the term "Broken consistency" here and consider it a perfectly permissible technique, as a fully suitable stylistic device.
zunaechst mal moechte ich sagen, dass Evguenia (Ratsouk) eine wunderbare junge Kuenstlerin ist. Ich habe auch schon einige Projekte mit ihr machen duerfen.
Zu deinem Song, ich hoere keine stoerenden Geraeusche, die von einem Effektgeraet kommen koennten. Allerdings, das sieht man auch an der Grafik deines Songs, sieht man einige harte Ausschlaege beim Einsetzen des Gesangs. Das drueckt gleichzeitig alle anderen Instrumente nach unten. Das koente von einer Falscheinstellung des Compressors kommen.
Aber es ist schwierig bei mp3 kodierten Material eindeutige Aussagen zu treffen.
Hier mein Text nochmal in deutsch, weil die Uebersetzung nicht das sagt, was ich ausdruecken moechte.
Nun ja, sehr eigenwillig, nicht gerade das, was ich als harmonisches Lied bezeichnen wuerde. Aber ich denke nicht, dass es auch eins sein sollte. Ich habe eher das Gefuehl, zwischen 2 verschiedenen Fahrgeschaeften auf einem Rummelplatz zu stehen. Obwohl alles als eigenstaendiger musikalischer Ausdruck und Praegung wahrgenommen werden kann, fuegt es sich nicht zusammen. Nun, solche Experimente sind nicht meine
Welt. Aber das muss es ja auch nicht sein.
Grüße Manuela
da freue ich mich jetzt aber tatsaechlich so richtig.
Dein Jahrmarkt-Bild mit den zwei Fahrgeschaeften und Du mitten dazwischen trifft es auf den Punkt. Es ist in der Tat sehr gegensaetzlich, was aber auch erklaerte Absicht war.
Ich wollte zu Ratsouks ja eher verhaltener und sensibler Stimme einen Kontrapunkt setzen, damit das Lied nicht Gefahr laeuft, in Seichtheit zu versanden. Insofern sind auch einzelne Uebergaenge bewusst “hart” (kontrast-stark) gewaehlt, um der Gegensaetzlichkeit einen deutlichen Ausdruck zu geben.
Es stimmt; es ist eine Geschmacksfrage, natuerlich. Ich selber – und das ist bei eigenen Werken bei mir normalerweise nicht der Fall – bin in diesem Fall ambivalent. Einerseits gefaellt es mir, andererseits ist ein Stoergeraeusch da... Mal sehen, ob ich das noch irgendwie fuer mich in einen Ausgleich bekomme.
Bei BaoBous Kommentar war/ist mir nicht so richtig klar geworden, ob seine diplomatische Betrachtung nun eher technischer oder geschmacklicher Natur war; deshalb meine Nachfrage an ihn.
Mir ist diese technische Betrachtung sehr wichtig, zumal ich auch das allererste Mal einen Kompressor bei der Bearbeitung eingesetzt habe. Und natuerlich kann ich auf mich alleingestellt nicht halbwegs zuverlaessig einschaetzen, auf welchem technischen Niveau ich mich mit meinem Lied denn so befinde.
Ich waere also auch an Deiner technischen Beurteilung interessiert.
well, very idiosyncratic, not exactly what I would call a harmonious song. But I don't think it should be.
I rather have the feeling of standing on a fairground between 2 different rides. Although everything can be perceived as an independent musical expression and imprint, but it does not come together. Well, such experiments are not mine
World. But it doesn't have to be.
Greetings Manuela
I know about a certain weakness, but I only noticed it myself very late and a repair was no longer possible with reasonable effort, so I was faced with the question: delete or accept this weakness? I then consciously decided to accept it, since I had already invested a lot of time.
Will you tell me - without diplomatic consideration, which I really don't want at all - what technical weaknesses you see? Without a concrete hint, I can't think about it, but I would like to. One doesn't like to repeat mistakes or to improve oneself.
on Ueberall Blumen - So many flowers by Seelengold
on Ueberall Blumen - So many flowers by Seelengold
with such enthusiastic praise, I have to be careful not to get delusions of grandeur. How quickly one writes rash things into the world ;-)
Many thanks to you!
on Ueberall Blumen - So many flowers by Seelengold
thank you for your kind comment.
Yes, the order you mentioned is correct: The description of what we actually think we will find in space when we already have the indescribable beauty here was there first and only then did the song come; it was actually superimposed on the description and not, conversely, the description was given to the song afterwards. I am very happy if the song is perceived by you or the listener as this harmonious whole.
Kind regards
on Gold In The Snake River by Seelengold
In any case, merry Christmas!
yes, it fits better in the Acapella section, of course.
So was my intention, but I was surprised to find out that a separate approval from Looperman is required for uploads there.
I asked for this approval by e-mail, but received no response, so I switched to Tracks. My impression is that the Looperman site has been running for several days without the operator's supervision; this is also indicated by the persistent labeling of the envelopes with the track title, which is not normally specified there.
As soon as I get upload access to the Acapella area, my voice will move.
Thank you for your advice and have a happy new year 2024!
on German Piano Intermezzo No 2 by Seelengold
I apologize for my somewhat late reply.
When I received the E-mail from LM with the news of a comment there, I was naturally delighted.
As a matter of course, I automatically assigned the comment to one of my later pieces on LM. I was all the more surprised to see that it was a comment on my very first track there.
"This is a little piece of heaven"
With this formulation you have given me an extraordinary pleasure. Yes, for me music must/should represent beauty. And not just "simple", necessarily always imperfect earthly beauty, but there should always be that intangible Something in it that makes people instinctively feel that there are things that have their origin somewhere else, that go beyond the human being.
I feel the same way about this piece as you do. Thank you for confirming my feelings. On your own, you are always rather insecure.
Best regards to London
on Systemmeldung - System Message by Seelengold
ich denke filmisch trifft es ganz gut! Bis auf den weiblichen Teil finde ich den Song auch sehr ausgewogen. Beim weiblichen Teil sind mir die Effekte zu sehr an der Clippinggrenze. Das fordert meine Ohren schon ganz stark *smile. Alles in Allem aber wieder mal eine gute Idee, die du hier umgesetzt hast. Beste Gruesse Manuela
ja, die weibliche Stimme ist sicherlich grenzwertig.
Innerhalb der Songdramaturgie hat sie aber eine zentrale Funktion, naemlich sich steigernde Dringlichkeit/Beklemmung/Dramatik zu erzeugen. Die dafuer potentiell vorhandenen Parameter sind relativ beschraenkt.
Ein Parameter neben nur sehr wenigen anderen ist Lautstaerke.
Ich selber kann mir durchaus vorstellen, dass es da noch bessere Loesungen als die jetzige gibt. Ich war bei der Suche danach aber bisher recht erfolglos.
Viele Gruesse
on Systemmeldung - System Message by Seelengold
on Systemmeldung - System Message by Seelengold
since I don't speak Russian myself, I was aware from the start that the Russian vocals would almost certainly not make any statements that would have a stringent, rational connection with the political structure of the track.
I was well aware of the risk that absurdities of meaning would arise.
I had two possibilities:
a) to renounce the realization of the track
b) to make it anyway
My intention was to create an oppressive, threatening atmosphere.
Component 1 = Instrumental
Component 2 = Vocal
I may be wrong, but I am to some extend sure that the Russian language used in the track in interaction with the instruments - absolutely independent of its concrete semantic statement - will lead to the intended emotional consequences, i.e. anxiety, uneasiness, fear etc. for the general Looperman user - who, like me, has no knowledge of the Russian language...
With a Russian-speaking listener like you, there can, of course, inevitably come to frictions.
Thank you very much for your comment.
Many greetings
on Grazie der schoenen Seele by Seelengold
The pleasure is all mine.
Thank you!
on Grazie der schoenen Seele by Seelengold
Ultimately, it is always about the term "beauty".
I dont know anymore, who has said it in the sense (I must look for it again), but it was or went at least in the direction of "proof of God",
namely that earthly/our beauty can only ever be an imperfect derivation from a superior, absolute beauty, only the primeval reason of all being as source of our beauty is conceivable, imaginable.
And with this train of thought he was then with God.
I did not necessarily become more faithful to God, but this train of thought had and has a compelling stringency for me until today.
Many thanks for your thoughts to my track.
on Grazie der schoenen Seele by Seelengold
Thank you for your beautiful picture to my song.
Sometimes you are confused by the attributions that others give to your own song. But no trace here, it´s absolutely accepted by me.
I have to admit that I've practically "skipped over" you musically so far, because I always think of you as Hip Hop or Rap and I don't really have access to that.
But when I get a comment, I always look at the commentator musically and listen sideways to get an impression. And have to revise myself:
You're actually not limited to Hip Hop at all, you're also active in other genres. I came across "Telstar" while listening to one of your songs... 1000 years ago, 999 years since I heard it... BUT I had the song in me AT ONCE, the melody hummed through my head IMMEDIATELY.
Then I went to YouTube and while listening to it, one cold shiver after another ran down my spine...
You are reminded of the enormous power music has and especially its influence in the phases of life that shape people (I was just of elementary school age at that time).
I also have points of contact with another of your songs that I have heard so far. But I have to let that sink in a bit before I say anything about it.
Best regards
on Grazie der schoenen Seele by Seelengold
This is very beautiful, serene and pure.
I can see them with those beautiful dresses dancing courteously with the gallant men.
thank you for hearing and commenting.
What about your singing?? I dont hear anything...
Kind regards to the Netherlands
on Grazie der schoenen Seele by Seelengold
Liebe Gruesse Manuela
na ja, aber von der Sinnlichkeit bis zur Seele ist es dann ja aber nicht wirklich noch so undenkbar weit.
Vielen Dank für eine nicht unbedingt alltägliche Aussage, welche ich deshalb um so mehr zu schätzen weiss.
Viele Gruesse
on Grazie der schoenen Seele by Seelengold
"The description of the track really sets the mood for it."
Yes, if one thing follows from the other and vice versa, if things depend on each other without alternative, then that is certainly beneficial to the harmony of the whole.
I'm glad you like it.
Thanks for listening.
Best regards
on Ueberall Blumen - So many flowers by Seelengold
I wouldn't really make a distinction between social and ecological.
I think that each of these terms already contains the other within it, would even think that they are synonymous with each other; one could well speak of twins.
"I personally believe that the powerful are not telling us that we have already passed the point of no return, climate change, the spirit of humanity as a whole. That's why they are desperately trying to find new planets..."
Well, that's where I would reverse the order:
This ominous belief in some paradise out there and the resulting obviously intrinsic urge of man to want to find it come hell or high water, was already there before (in 1957 my father stood with me as a toddler in the garden and a luminous point pulled above us its orbit through the night sky, Sputnik...) when one could still quite safely assume that the point of no return was not yet reached.
Nobody knows whether it has already been exceeded, but what EVERYONE can know for sure, without having to be a Nobel Prize Winner, is that maintaining the current economic model, an irresponsible eternal growth fetishism that is alien to reality, is as safe as that Amen will come to church.
In the past, the planet seekers could at best be justified intrinsically - thus rather weakly equipped in terms of argumentation - but with the concrete current/concrete upcoming missed reversal point, an incomparably harder argument is possible according to the motto:
"You see what awaits us, should we remain idle and everyone perish here?"
If you want to get/earn money, this "right" market economy argument becomes more convincing as the urgency for action increases...
Many thanks to you for listening and your thoughts!
Best regards
on Trio Musica by Seelengold
- love the guitar and clap
- the vocal untl 0:36 is partially offbeat and that's perfect and very cool
- then in 0:37 I first felt it went into a different tempo but I think you skipped or inserted a beat
- then at 0:44 there's a sudden change, especially in loudness, but here it really goes into a lower tempo
- the change at 1:24 I liked, and again back to the original tempo/rhythm
- Then at 2:00 and 2:07 something similar happens as above which I don't fully understand with my tiny brain.
I suspect all of this might be fine, but it would help me if the transitions are either more gradual, or possibly "announced" in advance, so I understand what's going on.
Or not, and that's also fine, I'm just trying to explain what I heard and meant :) Oh and btw lovely clear production!
Have a fantastic day!
you have correctly addressed all places where every ear involuntarily pays attention.
But it is at no place an oversight, but was actually made by me with declared intention so. One can argue about that, of course, but in the end it is a matter of taste. You like it or you don't.
"Or not, and that's also fine, I'm just trying to explain what I heard and meant :)"
Thanks for your two comments and the related time you gave me/the song.
I'm quite glad that the track was not judged as a technical renovation case. Because as I said, about taste you can argue, about possibly glaring technical deficiencies not.
Thank you!
on Trio Musica by Seelengold
It doesn't have an intuitively instantaneous context of meaning, I quite agree with that. After rather yes restrained vocals one does not expect so necessarily with quite abruptly and quite impetuously beginning strong instrumental contrariness. But that's intentional, because otherwise the song would probably have quickly taken on an exclusively sentimental character, which I wanted to avoid.
"but it has enough consistency", thank you!
Because also from my point of view this is given. In contrast to the usually common intact consistency of a track, however, I would name the term "Broken consistency" here and consider it a perfectly permissible technique, as a fully suitable stylistic device.
Thanks for your comment!
Kind regards
on Trio Musica by Seelengold
zunaechst mal moechte ich sagen, dass Evguenia (Ratsouk) eine wunderbare junge Kuenstlerin ist. Ich habe auch schon einige Projekte mit ihr machen duerfen.
Zu deinem Song, ich hoere keine stoerenden Geraeusche, die von einem Effektgeraet kommen koennten. Allerdings, das sieht man auch an der Grafik deines Songs, sieht man einige harte Ausschlaege beim Einsetzen des Gesangs. Das drueckt gleichzeitig alle anderen Instrumente nach unten. Das koente von einer Falscheinstellung des Compressors kommen.
Aber es ist schwierig bei mp3 kodierten Material eindeutige Aussagen zu treffen.
Liebe Gruesse Manuela
stoerende Geraeusche hoert man tatsaechlich nicht.
Es war auch nicht akustisch gmeint, sondern als Empfindung.
Vielen Dank fuer Deine Hinweise.
Freundliche Gruesse
on Trio Musica by Seelengold
Nun ja, sehr eigenwillig, nicht gerade das, was ich als harmonisches Lied bezeichnen wuerde. Aber ich denke nicht, dass es auch eins sein sollte. Ich habe eher das Gefuehl, zwischen 2 verschiedenen Fahrgeschaeften auf einem Rummelplatz zu stehen. Obwohl alles als eigenstaendiger musikalischer Ausdruck und Praegung wahrgenommen werden kann, fuegt es sich nicht zusammen. Nun, solche Experimente sind nicht meine
Welt. Aber das muss es ja auch nicht sein.
Grüße Manuela
da freue ich mich jetzt aber tatsaechlich so richtig.
Dein Jahrmarkt-Bild mit den zwei Fahrgeschaeften und Du mitten dazwischen trifft es auf den Punkt. Es ist in der Tat sehr gegensaetzlich, was aber auch erklaerte Absicht war.
Ich wollte zu Ratsouks ja eher verhaltener und sensibler Stimme einen Kontrapunkt setzen, damit das Lied nicht Gefahr laeuft, in Seichtheit zu versanden. Insofern sind auch einzelne Uebergaenge bewusst “hart” (kontrast-stark) gewaehlt, um der Gegensaetzlichkeit einen deutlichen Ausdruck zu geben.
Es stimmt; es ist eine Geschmacksfrage, natuerlich. Ich selber – und das ist bei eigenen Werken bei mir normalerweise nicht der Fall – bin in diesem Fall ambivalent. Einerseits gefaellt es mir, andererseits ist ein Stoergeraeusch da... Mal sehen, ob ich das noch irgendwie fuer mich in einen Ausgleich bekomme.
Bei BaoBous Kommentar war/ist mir nicht so richtig klar geworden, ob seine diplomatische Betrachtung nun eher technischer oder geschmacklicher Natur war; deshalb meine Nachfrage an ihn.
Mir ist diese technische Betrachtung sehr wichtig, zumal ich auch das allererste Mal einen Kompressor bei der Bearbeitung eingesetzt habe. Und natuerlich kann ich auf mich alleingestellt nicht halbwegs zuverlaessig einschaetzen, auf welchem technischen Niveau ich mich mit meinem Lied denn so befinde.
Ich waere also auch an Deiner technischen Beurteilung interessiert.
Viele Gruesse
on Trio Musica by Seelengold
well, very idiosyncratic, not exactly what I would call a harmonious song. But I don't think it should be.
I rather have the feeling of standing on a fairground between 2 different rides. Although everything can be perceived as an independent musical expression and imprint, but it does not come together. Well, such experiments are not mine
World. But it doesn't have to be.
Greetings Manuela
on Childrens Fun by Seelengold
on Trio Musica by Seelengold
thank you for your comment.
"I'm not 100% everything fully lined up"
I know about a certain weakness, but I only noticed it myself very late and a repair was no longer possible with reasonable effort, so I was faced with the question: delete or accept this weakness? I then consciously decided to accept it, since I had already invested a lot of time.
Will you tell me - without diplomatic consideration, which I really don't want at all - what technical weaknesses you see? Without a concrete hint, I can't think about it, but I would like to. One doesn't like to repeat mistakes or to improve oneself.
Many greetings
on Childrens Fun by Seelengold
on Childrens Fun by Seelengold
on Childrens Fun by Seelengold
sorry, I am a little late.
Thank you for your comment.
Many greetings