well darn, i hear lotsa influences - regardless, is a pretty trippy track and one hopes you are simply reflecting on someone else's story as opposed to having gone thru it your self, even though we know you most likely have.. as have we..
for some reason i feel the cure entering the depths of my mind as i listen and now pops up new order whats going on like a 1980s re union helllllp lol
no seriously i do like this production very much it has a path to the truth and one i will now dl and add to my collection I will listen again this evening whilst reading me book
thanks jose for shareing a powerful ambient production
mr and mrs z
good to find you here...
I love this one...That voice is so proper for the theme...and that guitar rising from behind is just on the right places...yeees-GOOD ONE!
I love it!
ahhh, thought this song was about me at first.. kidding of course.. i never lost control... i just didn't care at al.. then i see it's about a her.. ouch.
the song's pretty cool btw, and your vocals relly portray the emotion man, keep it goin bro - neal
i suppose the whole world could have made me as depressed
if i sang that way, but only a woman can take your heart and crush it with your soul---like she did......lol
I had to hit the Play button on this one just because it is the first track I have caught on the Loop since I got here that was in the Comedy genre...I love your musical imagination you two...and I like that little pregression running through the whole thing...and I like the idea that you`re having fun doing music together...good on ya...keep on doing it....Ed
thanks ed, just trying to show her how easy it is to record almost anything her heart desires....this was something we did for the fun of it....thanks for the review as always...
Like Pat, I had a bit of a difficult time understanding the vox, but I think it adds to the psychedelic feel of the track. I'm from that generation and this brought back memories of laying around the dorm room and listening to Led Zeppelin. Outstanding effort. Your bass work is stellar.
thanks bear...its was just done for the fun of it, im glad you liked it and my bass playin cause thats what i do best, the guitars and vocals are extra at no added cost..hehehehe
Psychedelic stuff man! I like it! My only problem is that the vocals are a little unclear, I know it's difficult to record them though. Really cool track!
Joe, I hope you find the release your soul is looking for. The world is a land of no holds barred, anything goes. It's a dark desert but at times, when times seem to be its lowest the sun shines on through for a bit. That makes us forget our troubles, our pain for the moment. That is where we truly live. Those few moments that stay in our minds like old pictures in the family photo album.
For the pain here, those memories start to hurt. Suffocating and feelings of being completely lost in a different place. I say you just let it go, there's a reason why they call it the past. When one way ends, a little further down the road another way opens. You have a good sense of expressing real emotions with raw power. That inner gut brute strength telling it like it is.
thanks dave,thats purtty cool of ya....but its alright really...im just a black sabbath kind of guy,hahahaha ....i just wanted to make a song that im sure other's can relate too. yes the past is what it is, and the bitterness will always stay,and the knife through the heart, still twisting and turning-(words to my next song) it was definitely the inspiration behind the music, I have moved on -in my passion for making music... and thank you and to kerry for letting me put my vocs on the track, it was exactly what i have been looking for...the music was done better than i ever could....
well dude, i had in mind for some rappin, like linkenpark style if thats what you ment.....and i got this from kerry and djgadget...so its really there track if you know what i mean... thanks for the listen and your review i's appreciate.
Nothing like straight up rock n roll dude!! This one has a classic rock feel to it which I love. The guitar tone is great and the bass comes in very clearly. Nice work!!
phenomena grind - pal you make music that demands to be heard on its own terms and you never fail to challenge and deliver like some crazy-ass knight on a quest for a holy quail dinner = you're a mindbender and a tailspinner, brother
I like the vibe but for me the actual music needs to be louder in the mix. I like the vocals...especially at 1:45 and on. Very trippy though...nice job
WOW Joe my friend this fekin rocks hardcore ! Total excellence. Man you have found a vibe here that talks to the inner being. Another great aural take on the colour red.
thanks visionarysoundsystem, you also are too kind,but it was an idea i have that came togher... still needs mixed better..thanks again for the review!....
Yeah, nice one! I like the tone on that guitar! Cool voices in the background, even though I could only catch a little bit of what they were saying! Definitely a red track! Great work!
thanks spivkurl, i made loops from a song my son made and was pleased how it turned out, and my voice is crapy from a cold i cant get rid of...hahaha
the words are...
and i am...
you are...
she said...
are we going down now...
in to...
the fire...
burning with desire... thanks for the review as always
thanks michael,to me it was about ending up doing those things that you really dont want to do and not feeling right about it afterwards....when i do i do feel red... thanks again for the review as always ....
on J Fred 2 by lostjoe3
on joes13 by lostjoe3
good thing that story is in my past..
Thanks Joe !
on joes13 by lostjoe3
no seriously i do like this production very much it has a path to the truth and one i will now dl and add to my collection I will listen again this evening whilst reading me book
thanks jose for shareing a powerful ambient production
mr and mrs z
on bobdanjoe7 by lostjoe3
on bobdanjoe7 by lostjoe3
another extrimly good stuff Joe...
My respect...
on joes13 by lostjoe3
good to find you here...
I love this one...That voice is so proper for the theme...and that guitar rising from behind is just on the right places...yeees-GOOD ONE!
I love it!
....are you singing...?
on Lost Forever in side my head by lostjoe3
I'm having a bit of difficulty making out the lyrics - but what I read looks cool!
I really like the choice of backing track, and the vocal's aren't bad,.. I can feel the emotion! (the mix could use a little work though imho)
I can relate to the lyrics too..
Anyways.. Good job fella! :)
Ciao for now o/
yeah i could work the vocals a little better but thats just how i sing it...lol
thanks again for the review.....peace...
on Lost Forever in side my head by lostjoe3
the song's pretty cool btw, and your vocals relly portray the emotion man, keep it goin bro - neal
i suppose the whole world could have made me as depressed
if i sang that way, but only a woman can take your heart and crush it with your soul---like she did......lol
on joeann 9 by lostjoe3
on joeann 9 by lostjoe3
on Lost Forever in side my head by lostjoe3
on J C 3 by lostjoe3
A tip of the hat to all involved.
on J C 3 by lostjoe3
on Lost Forever in side my head by lostjoe3
For the pain here, those memories start to hurt. Suffocating and feelings of being completely lost in a different place. I say you just let it go, there's a reason why they call it the past. When one way ends, a little further down the road another way opens. You have a good sense of expressing real emotions with raw power. That inner gut brute strength telling it like it is.
Take care of you, be safe & true music. Peace..
on Lost Forever in side my head by lostjoe3
on joes26 by lostjoe3
on J T 1 by lostjoe3
on J T 1 by lostjoe3
and I like this one...
on J T 1 by lostjoe3
on J T 1 by lostjoe3
on bobbyjoejenell red by lostjoe3
on bobbyjoejenell red by lostjoe3
on bobbyjoejenell red by lostjoe3
on bobbyjoejenell red by lostjoe3
the words are...
and i am...
you are...
she said...
are we going down now...
in to...
the fire...
burning with desire... thanks for the review as always
on bobbyjoejenell red by lostjoe3