Fabulous track man! LOvin that vocal....Who wrote the lyrics? And performed the vox? Very very nice work in this. This could transform into a hit with some work on the beats and bass i think,,,Not taking away from this version...just think commercially it would need some tweaks to make it a hit BUT I really love this track man!! Terrific stuff...
I like the crunchy base line, ambience and vocals. It progresses nicely and the composition is on queue. Theres a sound in the background that was bugging me a little... couldnt put my finger on it. Kept me moving!! Good work and Keep em' coming!!
my head was spinning like a firestorm because of this track....well and....n2o.....but I think that just enhanced it. I like how you switched the words up to make it your own wahwahawhwhwahahahwhahahwhwhahahahwhwhwhwhwhwhwhahahahah...........
wow never heard a vapire eletro song before,love the vocals and sound u put in the say,those vampires,what are they not good at besides sucking poeple dry.
ahhhh this could definetly be a hit....maybe the lyric need changing but other than that omg yes id dance to this lol can you tell me what effect you used on the voice???
This is well put together. I liked it so much I downloaded it (thank you). I am not equiped to comment on the lyrics ( I've never been able to do that - I always focus on the music and the metering of the vocals to the track). I can definitely see this playing in the club scene.
Well done.
on Alexei Scutari - 7 Turn FT TOMMYXANGELL by tommyXangell
Check out one of my tracks!
on TECHNOLOGY by tommyXangell
Well put together.
Some real good basses and other sounds 'it got me bopping'...
on Dance Tonight by tommyXangell
on Dance Tonight by tommyXangell
on TECHNOLOGY by tommyXangell
on ELements (SLOW MIXDOWN) 2010!! by tommyXangell
on TECHNOLOGY by tommyXangell
on TECHNOLOGY by tommyXangell
on Vampire by tommyXangell
on eLEMENTS W/ bEAT by tommyXangell
on Im Not Crazy ft Joshua Christ by tommyXangell
on Vampire by tommyXangell
on Vampire by tommyXangell
on eLEMENTS W/ bEAT by tommyXangell
on Vampire by tommyXangell
on Vampire by tommyXangell
on Vampire by tommyXangell
Well done.
on eLEMENTS W/ bEAT by tommyXangell
on eLEMENTS W/ bEAT by tommyXangell
on eLEMENTS W/ bEAT by tommyXangell
on eLEMENTS W/ bEAT by tommyXangell
i like it =)