

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Joined : 11th Aug 2011 - 13 years ago
Last Online : 20th Oct 2024 - 5 months ago
Comments on DrvanLansberg tracks

Other users have posted 117 comments on tracks by DrvanLansberg

Comments 1 - 25 of 117
HenryPascal 23rd May 2019 15:39 - 5 years ago

on No more scratch sheet Feat Steelvibe by DrvanLansberg
Classy sound! Love it!
RuslanG 12th Oct 2018 14:47 - 6 years ago

on I dont need you anymore - Feat Stephanie Kay by DrvanLansberg
laurentwirz 12th Oct 2018 09:26 - 6 years ago

on I dont need you anymore - Feat Stephanie Kay by DrvanLansberg
Hey man! Beautiful! Nice harmonies, like it. Maybe a solid drum beat starting in the middle of the song... it's only my suggestion. Congrats.
Indieground 9th May 2018 19:39 - 6 years ago

on By Your Side - Feat Farisha by DrvanLansberg
I definitly like your productions mate
Keep them coming
DrvanLansberg replied 11th Oct 2018 - 6 years ago
Thanks again Indie! Will do.
Orlando51 9th May 2018 10:32 - 6 years ago

on By Your Side - Feat Farisha by DrvanLansberg
Wow...this is an excellent chill, superb work. it's beyond me how this doesn't get more'favs'...well, now it will be one more at least...where is that little heart icon?..:))

DrvanLansberg replied 11th Oct 2018 - 6 years ago
Thanks for listening and commenting Orlando.
EricMilligan 8th May 2018 21:58 - 6 years ago

on By Your Side - Feat Farisha by DrvanLansberg
OK. You nailed this one for sure. Your revisions to the drum track were, I think, perfect. You made the right decision for sure, leaving syncopation throughout. It definitely made it sound much more contemporary. I think this is one of the very best tracks I've heard on Looperman. Great production. Sounds like a pro production in my view. Deserves more listens. :)
DrvanLansberg replied 11th Oct 2018 - 6 years ago
Wow, one of the very best tracks on Loopermnan? What have you been smoking? :-)) But thanks again for your feedback. It REALLY helped me to create a better track.
EricMilligan 12th Apr 2018 20:13 - 6 years ago

on By Your Side - Feat Farisha by DrvanLansberg
You did a great job on this one! The vocals are really nicely placed in the mix. Backing instrument track is very nice, especially the EP.

I do have one issue with it. I think the drum part is way too "busy" for this kind of song. I think it competes with the vocals and, to some extent, with the other instruments in the backing track.

I would have used a far simpler, less syncopated beat for the first part with the vocals up to about 2:04. Then, introduced your more complex beat for the instrumental break running up to around 3:40 I think. Then back, to a simpler drum track (but probably with some added elements, but still without a lot of syncopation) for the remainder of the song.

I know from your other tracks that you are really good at fashioning complex drum tracks with really interesting syncopation and it is something that I admire in your music. For this ballad, however, I think simpler is better.

Your ending was excellent. Endings are hard. This was really nice.
DrvanLansberg replied 8th May 2018 - 6 years ago
Thanks for your detailed feedback Eric. As always (as while ago now, sorry) I appreciate your feedback.

When listening to the track again after reading your comments, I could not agree more. You know I like syncopation :). But indeed I took it too far this time. This kind of track doesn't ask for this kind of drumtrack. At the same time I didn't want it to sound too mainstream if you get my drift. I wanted it to be just a bit different from a standard ballad. So, with your comment in mind, I went back to the drumtrack and removed quite a lot of snares (left some syncopated in though) and shakers and I moved the kick at a few important spots.

I re-uploaded the track now and I think it has improved. This is is why I like this place so much. I get real feedback on how to improve my tracks. Much, much appreciated Eric!
mildperil 12th Apr 2018 19:17 - 6 years ago

on By Your Side - Feat Farisha by DrvanLansberg
A really great tune. I would even go as far as to say it's modern 80's, which is no mean feat to accomplish.

Enjoyed every second and quite happily listened through to the end. Thanks for sharing :]
DrvanLansberg replied 8th May 2018 - 6 years ago
Yeah, I recognize that 80'2 feel. I guess it's partly because of the keys. just liked the sound of it. It was no intention at all to make ik sound like 80's :). Often I feel a track is moving itself into a certain direction when creating it. Same happened to this one. And when I put in Farisha's vocals, it was all clear what it needed to be :)
RuslanG 12th Apr 2018 12:29 - 6 years ago

on By Your Side - Feat Farisha by DrvanLansberg
Just Great!
DrvanLansberg replied 8th May 2018 - 6 years ago
Thank you for listening Ruslan!
Indieground 6th Apr 2018 09:11 - 6 years ago

on No Control - Feat Steelyvibe by DrvanLansberg

Just listened your track from A to Z and there is something in it i must say very efficient. I alos check "foever and ever" and downloaded both to broadcast them in my next radio show called "Indieground sound system" check here

A weekly musical radio show broadcast on 6 locals radios here in France. If you got more info about your work (bio etc) mail me at indieground75 [@]

DrvanLansberg replied 12th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Hi Indieground,

Thanks for the recognition. Feel free to playt them. As for a bio, my profile shows all information I want to show right now.

Cheers, Doc
toastedavalanche 4th Apr 2018 16:47 - 6 years ago

on No Control - Feat Steelyvibe by DrvanLansberg
This is awesome. It has a very clean, relaxed vibe. It starts of like a 90's club tune then has little chill out sections in between. This was a lot of fun to listen to. Thanks for sharing.

DrvanLansberg replied 12th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Thanks for listening and your comment TA!
MGproduct 4th Apr 2018 16:26 - 6 years ago

on No Control - Feat Steelyvibe by DrvanLansberg
Style ... your music has personality ... difference ;)
DrvanLansberg replied 12th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Well thank you sir :). Much appreciated. I think it's mostly the vocals that give it this specific quality though.
Nous2 30th Mar 2018 07:25 - 6 years ago

on No Control - Feat Steelyvibe by DrvanLansberg
Woooow ! It's 8 in the morning here and I dance !!
I love the groove. The voice is really good, and the transition too !

it's really a good job!

Musically !!
DrvanLansberg replied 4th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Haha, dancing?? That's just wonderful :). Never heard anyone mentioning dancing in relation to any of my tracks. Cool! Now I can finally check that box :). I was quite happoy with the groove myself too. Finding the right balance to the sounds and the rhythms they play, is what I find a most interesting section of producing. And yes, the vocals I simply love, although it has been subject to disagreement.

Thanks for listening Nous.
Ludwigbroo 29th Mar 2018 20:57 - 6 years ago

on No Control - Feat Steelyvibe by DrvanLansberg
Very cool and intresting sounds. Top quality too. ´Nice work
DrvanLansberg replied 4th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Thanks for listening Ludwig and your kind comment. Much appreciated.
StaticNomad 27th Mar 2018 12:07 - 6 years ago

on No Control - Feat Steelyvibe by DrvanLansberg
Yo, Dr VL.

This is some good shit.

Cool bass intro. What a solid sound.

Nice, delayed keys at 0:16, plus that groovy shaker. I don't actually likemthe processing on the vocal. Not terrible but I think it would sound better without.

0:47 what a funky little lead. Nice chillout, progressive dance music now. Very well produced.

1:51 I love that high, delayed lead. Kind of a liquid synth sound.

And then some guitar in your breakdown. Nice space in the track when the vocals return. A good contrast with the busy previous sections. Good pause before 3:03 vocal return.

There's a lot going on here so I may well return for more thoughts.

Congrats on some good music well made.
DrvanLansberg replied 27th Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
Yo Static!

Good to see you here again dude :). And thanks of course for listening and your feedback. Much appreciated, as always.

Since I finally found a way to have the Looperman site perform well for me, I will defintely visit, listen en comment a lot more than I have recently done. Hope to bump into you again soon.

Cheers, Doc
BLEEP 27th Mar 2018 06:36 - 6 years ago

on No Control - Feat Steelyvibe by DrvanLansberg
interesting sound. i already knew this steelyvibe acapella, i used some in my tracks but for this one it was difficult to find a nice melody and you did it .

good work!
DrvanLansberg replied 27th Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
Thanks for listening Bleep. I hardly ever work my music around vocals. Usually I create a track and then try and find an acapella that fits it. And I was lucky enough to stumble into Steelyvibe's vocal (like I have before). Looperman is such a great source.
i love when there is a male and female voice in a track. it immediately creates a dramatic aspect - a narrative. you create a beautiful rich texture with your sounds. nice work!
DrvanLansberg replied 21st Mar 2016 - 9 years ago
Thanks for your feedback Spark! I agree that male and female vocals could potentially enlarge each others presence. I have done that once before only however, since it can be quite difficult to find a good match. On the other track I combined Patricia Edwards and RarCharm. Hope to do some more in the near future.

Best, Doc
The female's voice sounds big and compliments the music perfectly. Abstract and different but definitely stands on its own. Is that authentic whistling? I like how the song "feels" slightly off-key (or is it the vocal?) but ever so slightly off-key that it feels. Then good ol' Shamoozy's voice appears and while it sounds rather out there, it oddly works haha! I'd suggest you try to add a little more along side his voice to elevate the sense of change and differentiate the two segments a bit more.

Overall, very great job!

DrvanLansberg replied 21st Mar 2016 - 9 years ago
Hi Brado,

Thanks a lot for your comment. I think the female vocal sounds a bit different because it was recorded in E, while my track is in D. I had yo change a few notes manually, but left the rest as it was intended. I think that might add to the feeling that it's a bit different. And yes, the whistling is authentic. Took it as an acapella from looperman as well. The poster asked not to give credits, so I won't :).

And yes, a few tracks are slightly off key. I pitched the pads and repeated rythmic arp slightly up. The pad is also drifting a bit. And Shamoozey is all over the place as well :). Although I grew up playing the violin and was taught that on-key is the way, I really like the off-key feeling.

Many thanks for your suggestion. For some reason I never thought of having Shamoozey's vocal accompanied with a few changes in the other tracks. I'm sure that will work perfectly and it gives me a new goal for improvement.

Best, Doc
Kinda weird, I was thinking "clever" as I was listening. When I opened the track page and saw silverman's review I couldn't help but laugh.

The music is vague, soft and a bit abstract and with drum and some percussion, I liked the bongos and triangle especially. The main vocals, while different seem to all work well together. The vocals that were heavy with effects and more used as an effect popping in the mix helped the overall ethereal feel of the track and added interest as I listened and enjoyed. Dig the whistling, I have to try doing that sometime.

Well done!

DrvanLansberg replied 21st Mar 2016 - 9 years ago
Hi there Wayne!

First of all, thanks for listening and your reply. Secondly, I really need to start finding out the meaning of "clever" in a musical context :-). I am from Amsterdam, so English is not my native language.

The whistling is not something I did myself. I used it as an acapella which was dropped here at looperman. The poster was quite clear in not mentioning name, and didn't want any feedback either. So, of course I respect that and that's why I didn't mention it.

I have now second thoughts about the use of Shamoozey's line in a second voice. I received quite some advice to take it out...

Anyway, thanks again. Much appreciated.

Lily und Wulf I don't know but she sounds wonderful.
Shamoozey I'm familiar with and find something very interesting about his voice. But hell it's so far out off the norm that he's very difficult to do anything with.
For me that is.
You've pulled it off here and made an interesting piece.
DrvanLansberg replied 20th Mar 2016 - 9 years ago
Hey Silverman,

Thanks for listening. I wasn't aware of Lily und Wolf either before last Thursday. I was just scrolling through the female acapellas while playing my raw track. And there was a perfect match. And as far as Shamoozey is concerned, to be honest, for me, because he is out off the norm, he is rather easy to work with. This is my 4th track in which I used his vocals. He just gives my clean and software produced tracks a raw edge that I am looking for.

Anyway, thanks for your comment again!
promenade2239 29th May 2015 11:56 - 9 years ago

on Play All Day Feat Epic Record by DrvanLansberg
So this is some very cool production. As always drums and funky basses are great, reminding me of your older works. Some of the synths used here sound also quite familiar to me.
I see the 'correctness' of placement of the vocal section was already discussed but I must say I really like this composition as it is - vocals are pretty much only an another 'atmosphere' layer in here than really a very proper vocals. The placement is very gentle and they sound fine in the context of the entire track. Yes, maybe this structure is a bit unusual (to me the track is still too short - first part seems a bit too elaborated and the fade-out at the end was quite unexpected). To me the B part starts from 2:32, that's why I want that last A' section (or whatever it is) last longer haha.

All in all a very cool track and solid chillout production as always.

Best to you,
lowmusik 29th May 2015 07:46 - 9 years ago

on Play All Day Feat Epic Record by DrvanLansberg
love the vocals
srob1234 28th May 2015 19:14 - 9 years ago

on Play All Day Feat Epic Record by DrvanLansberg
The track is great as a stand alone piece, but the vocals were a great choice as an addition! Really made the piece have that extra "something"!!! :) Nice work!
soundhound 28th May 2015 17:21 - 9 years ago

on Play All Day Feat Epic Record by DrvanLansberg
Nice track done with taste and flavour, for me the voices could
have come in alot earlier, would have defined the tune and not
keep people waiting to hear good vocals...
Only because the music, didn't have any highlights that were
different or distinctive if you get my drift...But that's my 2 cents...

Well done by all...

ShortBusMusic 28th May 2015 15:55 - 9 years ago

on Play All Day Feat Epic Record by DrvanLansberg
Hey Doc, really nicely done, especially considering you had to manipulate both tempo and pitch on the vocals to get them to work with the backing track. Actually, I didn't find them all that hard to decipher. The instrumental part of this is beautiful, with outstanding chord progressions. I thought it was well thought out and a beautiful piece. Well done. I hope all is well.

Comments 1 - 25 of 117