

When words fail music speaks
Dallas, United States
Joined : 14th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Last Online : 15th Nov 2024 - 3 months ago
Comments on Neomorpheus tracks

Other users have posted 163 comments on tracks by Neomorpheus

Comments 1 - 25 of 163
Jitovi 30th Oct 2024 10:09 - 4 months ago

on Ghost in my Guitar by Neomorpheus
He must have been quite a guitarist in his lifetime. great song
VintageNights 29th Oct 2024 16:21 - 4 months ago

on Ghost in my Guitar by Neomorpheus
Excellent guitar piece and I love your back story - I also have a story with Kay0s creations, so I can relate. Love the eery finish, Spirit hits air. Kay0s
VintageNights 27th Oct 2024 09:54 - 4 months ago

on Dark Sun by Neomorpheus
This took me on a journey through the forest, with all its shade and glints of light through the trees. An incredibly well-balanced track. Love the Hendrix guitar bit and I wished the track had been longer! Kay0s
Neomorpheus replied 31st Oct 2024 - 4 months ago
Thanks for the listen and comment VN! Pretty cool description there I like the visual. As far as the length goes I'm not big on long audio tracks. I would rather have someone say like you that they would have liked more than complain that its too long or repetitive.
RitajustRita 27th Oct 2024 01:31 - 4 months ago

on Dark Sun by Neomorpheus
This sounds cool.
I like that rhythm and This track is very original.
When i mix 3 genres in 1 beat i call it the RitajustRita genre so your track is now the Darksun genre......problem solved
Neomorpheus replied 31st Oct 2024 - 4 months ago
Thanks for the listen and comment Rita, much appreciated !
RuslanG 27th Oct 2024 01:07 - 4 months ago

on Dark Sun by Neomorpheus
Neomorpheus replied 31st Oct 2024 - 4 months ago
Thanks Rus !
ValveDriver 3rd Oct 2024 01:24 - 5 months ago

on Dark Sun by Neomorpheus
(1 of 2): Neo, what's happnin, brother? When I saw that you had a new track on the wall, I could hardly wait until I got home to give it a proper listen. You sir, did not disappoint!
I'm not familiar with the show. I'll have to watch it to see the connection. We just finished up season two of "From". Trippy-ass show. I like the idea of making a track based on a show.
Serum is a beast! It's about the only one I use now. Did you use it for the sub, or for the sequencer at 0:28? Or, both?

The intro zigged, then the song zagged! Overall, it almost has a feeling of flight to it. I can definitely hear your brand of latin based sound in this. It does have a nice touch of Santana in there. Santana and Satriani. It's like Satriani cut a track on Santana's rig. As always, the mix is flawless. Everything is crystal. With the multiple guitar tracks, none get in the way of the others. It's perfectly filled. There are a lot of notes being played, and none of them crowd the place up. Well done.
Neomorpheus replied 3rd Oct 2024 - 5 months ago
I figure you would like the Rings of Power, It's Tolkiens story of early Middle Earth and the introduction of the dark Lord Sauron and the creation of the rings. This Serum loop was something I did a few years back when I was dabbling more with electronic music. I was just going through some files hoping I could find something to give me a direction and this just fit the bill.
I like the Santana /Satriani reference. Two great players that I very much admire. I never made that connection during the process here but since you mentioned it I certainly can relate. Of course like you said I do a lot of Latin flavoring, its a style I enjoy. It comes out sometimes even when I'm not trying. Satriani is big on using wah, he's a wah Zen Master. I have loved the effect since first hearing Hendrix' Voodoo Chile and Machine Gun. That intro is just a bar chord that I reversed and stretched. I went corny old school!
ValveDriver 3rd Oct 2024 01:07 - 5 months ago

on Dark Sun by Neomorpheus
(2 of 2) It's funny that I was the one that inspired you to jump back into your music, because after seeing all of your art work, it's inspired me to pick up the pencil (digital and "analogue"). I've been in an artistic slump for quite a while. Seeing the cool pieces you do really gives me the want to put in some quality time on a new piece of my own.
As far as music goes, I have a hefty metal tune that I'm stuck on as far as leads go. That's never been my forte, and honestly, I've been thinking about asking you if you could take a listen and see if you can come up with something fitting. Ever since "No Salvation", I've always wanted to collab on something. I just never really had anything that I felt was up to your caliber. This one just might get at least one toe over the line into that territory. Maybe. Let me know if you'd be interested.
Anyhow, it's so great to see you back with new material. I hope there are many more to come.
Take care, my friend!
Neomorpheus replied 3rd Oct 2024 - 5 months ago
Yeah I guess you and I do have a lot in common when it comes to creativity. I know your also quite an adept photographer as well. I do appreciate you convincing me to record. I don't get near enough playing time these days. Hate to admit it but I'm also discovering the onset of some joint discomfort in a couple of fingers which has reminded me that time is creeping up on me. I had to learn it. I still have your No Salvation track. And its still just as cool as the first time I heard it! I'm hip to any kind of collab bro. It may not be quick, I sometimes don't know what day it is with all I have going on, but hell yeah, love to hear what you got. Thanks brother, its definitely fun to get back to some of this. Even though this is the first track I've posted in a while, its not entirely new and I put it together pretty quick. I'm actually working on something totally new so stay tuned.
BananaLu 2nd Oct 2024 17:48 - 5 months ago

on Dark Sun by Neomorpheus
did you kidnapped Carlos Santana for that ? pls let him go. Your guitar lead is extraordinary. straight from your soul. I can almost touch those frequencies. Thank to Valve for kicking you in the nuts, we need more stuff like that. relly expiremntal and your mix is superb. i love those dimensions you created. every little sound you put there is a for reason and makes sense. crazy hard stuff but you dont overwhelm the listeners. Like Vintage Nights i get those avantgarde muse vibes but totaly your own. hope you you get back on track, something is brewing here in looperman, we all get more heavy and guitar is coming back. Love from a banana
Neomorpheus replied 3rd Oct 2024 - 5 months ago
Banana, thx for Santana mention, even in jest. He was a pretty huge inspiration for me early on. Still is. I do like to play with feeling and of course Santana is one of the best at it. Yes it definitely would be cool to hear more guitar music. Thanks for the cool comment man, I really appreciate it.
DarrenHirst 2nd Oct 2024 17:17 - 5 months ago

on Dark Sun by Neomorpheus
Really love the tune you did a really good job. Reminds me of Miami Vice a little.
Really great job my friend nice work.
Neomorpheus replied 3rd Oct 2024 - 5 months ago
Hmm, Miami Vice? I'm guessing its the synth portion. Jan Hammer did the theme for Miami vice and he was big into synth. That was a very cool theme song and the show was pretty cool too. Don't tell anybody but I had a Sonny Crocket blazer and pants back in the day!! Thanks bro.
VintageNights 2nd Oct 2024 10:39 - 5 months ago

on Dark Sun by Neomorpheus
Hendrix meets Muse. The marriage of the soaring guitars over the synth is set to last. Only thing missing is lyrics to add a touch of urgency. Kay0s
Neomorpheus replied 3rd Oct 2024 - 5 months ago
Much appreciate the listen and comment. I do like the combination of synth and guitar but I don't it that often. This synth loop was made several years ago when I was experimenting more with electronic music. I just ran across it while rummaging through some bass files and it grabbed me.
Zootman 2nd Oct 2024 10:07 - 5 months ago

on Dark Sun by Neomorpheus
Sounds awesome, and dunno about the genre! Mix sounds amazing. Fx on the guitar sounds great, I don't remember Hendrix doing that.
Neomorpheus replied 3rd Oct 2024 - 5 months ago
Thanks for the listen and comment Zoot. Yes there is quite a bit of effects in the signal chain here. Besides the Wah pedal I'm also using a pitch shifter to obtain the harmony. I'm also using the whammy bar quite a bit to bend a lot of the notes in and out. Hendrix used an Octavia pedal quite often in his soloing, I'm using boosted octave fuzz, driving the amp hard, with some added reverb and delay.
2Sisters 2nd Oct 2024 08:00 - 5 months ago

on Dark Sun by Neomorpheus
Great song with a wonderful lead guitar. Although I havent seen the series, I can easily imagine that this consistent drive fits well into a film sequence. The mix and mastering are good. Everything just fits together well.
Best regards,
Neomorpheus replied 3rd Oct 2024 - 5 months ago
Thanks for listening and taking time to drop the comment. The series I'm referring to is based on JRR Tolkiens the "Silmarillion"which is the precursor to the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Its basically the introduction of evil in Middle Earth and the backstory about the Dark Lord Sauron. I'm glad you like the track, I'm hoping to be able to work up a few more soon.
Zootman 3rd Sep 2024 07:55 - 6 months ago

on Primordial by Neomorpheus
Some amazing tracks you have here. The start of this one reminds me a little of Neil Young's soundtrack to the Jim Jarmusch movie Deadman. Strange, fey, psychedelic and slightly disturbing. Cheers Zoot
VintageNights 18th Aug 2024 21:16 - 6 months ago

on Ghost in my Guitar by Neomorpheus
For some reason, this reminded me of some Pink Floyd stuff. Love the concept and effects :) KayOS of VintageNights
madeen 4th Aug 2024 16:49 - 7 months ago

on Beyond Nebulous by Neomorpheus
Hellllllll yes
Neomorpheus replied 19th Aug 2024 - 6 months ago
Thanks for the listen and comment madeen.
T576 5th Dec 2021 20:58 - 3 years ago

on Control by Neomorpheus
Fire guitars. Good Rock mix. outstanding production. PEACE. T576 OUT.
RuslanG 2nd Nov 2020 17:20 - 4 years ago

on Control by Neomorpheus
Just Grate!
BaoBou 18th Oct 2020 16:19 - 4 years ago

on Control by Neomorpheus
Absolutely awesome sutff Neo! Very metal, but also very much your own thing. Respect bro!
Eighteen 20th Jul 2020 15:43 - 4 years ago

on Control by Neomorpheus
The riffs are damn nice, how is the low end of the guitars done? I also tried but i never get the low end right, is there a bass guitar added?

The easy guitar around 2.30ish is really nice, wish it was a tiny bit longer xd

Mastering is very well done and have zero complaints!


Neomorpheus replied 21st Jul 2020 - 4 years ago
Eighteen, hows it going man?

I'm not quite sure what your referring to as "low end guitar". Since Kargalar did the rhythm guitar I'm not exactly sure about his set up but in his profile he mentions an SM-57 which is the same mic I use for recording live through the amp. No mention of what he's using for effects but I would assume if hes recording through the amp hes probably using pedals and in this case it sounds like overdrive, maybe slight distortion, so he could be using a Boss SD-1 or maybe an Ibanez Tube Screamer. Of course hes pushing the amp, with a fair amount of gain. Hes also playing a PRS Mark Tremonti SE with dual humbuckers which is a very potent guitar that can produce some quality tone. I'm playing a Suhr Strat standard with 2 v60 singles and an SSH HO dual. Its a direct in set up here with an amp sim. I applied delay and reverb effects in the vst.

There is a bass track in there but the guitars and drums are clearly more dominant in the mix.

The easy guitar you mention is all Kargalar and yeah, I dig that too. That little section works perfect to de-pressurize things, drop the intensity a bit to allow some cool string and stick work to lead in to that nice build section. I know its kind of short but its pretty much dictated by the structure here. Stretching it out wouldn't work as well.

Don't know if any of this really answers your question bro but I gave it a shot. Thanks a lot for the comments.
crucethus 19th Jul 2020 18:31 - 4 years ago

on Control by Neomorpheus
Awesome. The percussion really hits home with this one. Definately nineties feel. Even a little Dream Theatre like (Constant Motion) Without the insane breaks they do. Nice work my friend.
Neomorpheus replied 20th Jul 2020 - 4 years ago
Thanks for the post Steve. Yeah drums are really in your face and in your ears here. I really loved the structure of this track and the drums set so big in the mix. I just made them a bit bigger. Again I gotta give all the props to Kargalar here, without his input, all I did was make a bunch of noise.
bringerofDOOM 19th Jul 2020 18:19 - 4 years ago

on Peripheral by Neomorpheus
Question "does it jent"
Answer "yes"

Too bad the genre prematurely aged and ate itself. Probably too much mashup like mentioned previously.
Also no polyrhythm, but even my drummer has a hard time counting past four, so why make the audience do math.
Neomorpheus replied 20th Jul 2020 - 4 years ago
I haven't really kept up with djent since it's not really in my wheel house (dumb saying)! But I still think bands like Meshuggah and a few others will keep some semblance of it alive for a while yet. I actually kinda dig all that polyrythm, weird time signatures and and polymetered riff stuff. A lot of people think that its all relatively new and attribute it to the Alternative/Groove/Nu/Math metal movements. But Bands like Led Zeppelin and Queen were doing it.

Well, the genre was too hard to pronounce anyway - (also you forgot the "d") djent: is it "Dee-gent", "jent", "Digint"? Who knows?

"but even my drummer has a hard time counting past four, so why make the audience do math"? Drummers get such abuse, that's why they want to pound sh!t all the time !

I used to be a drummer. That's why I switched to guitar, kinda like EVH.

Later bro.
bringerofDOOM 19th Jul 2020 18:04 - 4 years ago

on Ghost in my Guitar by Neomorpheus
Why would he return it? I would just let it play itself all the time, like a dead mall pianist. Plus the ghost sounds like he's in good spirits... :)
Neomorpheus replied 20th Jul 2020 - 4 years ago
Ha ha, only a true bringerofDOOM would answer as such !!

Thanks for the entertaining comment bro.
theHumps 19th Jul 2020 16:30 - 4 years ago

on Control by Neomorpheus
First off, I like the mix, solid, open. Cool collab, got no complaints or criticisms, thought the lead could have been a bit louder around 2:10 but so minor a suggestion. Dig it man!

Neomorpheus replied 20th Jul 2020 - 4 years ago
Hey Wayne, your wish is my command bro. I checked it out and sure enough that lead was on a lower volume than the others(?) so I leveled it up and yeah you were right, sounds better. So, as always thanks for the feedback, especially when it involves improving the track.
2nick8 18th Jul 2020 21:32 - 4 years ago

on Control by Neomorpheus
Well put together ..Awesome shreds too..!!
Neomorpheus replied 20th Jul 2020 - 4 years ago
Thats man, I appreciate you checking it out and dropping a comment.
ValveDriver 18th Jul 2020 18:06 - 4 years ago

on Control by Neomorpheus
Excellent work! I went and listened to his original. (I'll be listening to more of his work). I can see how you would categorize it as a Tremonti style. It does have kind of a late 90's feel to it. I was never a huge fan of his bands, but I can appreciate the talent.

I know you're a fan of the classic rock, but what about Eddie VanHalen specifically? I can hear a lot of his style in this one. Maybe it's just me. But it reminds me a lot of "1984". Which, is a good thing. I loved that album.

Speaking of collaborations, why have you and Evisma never collaborated? Between your guitars and his bass... I mean, come on man, that's what legends are made of!
Neomorpheus replied 20th Jul 2020 - 4 years ago
I was hoping you would check this out Aaron. Man I would of thought you to be a fan of the alternative/grunge music, especially considering your location. Your right there in the birthplace brother.

Actually I was a huge Eddie VanHalen fan. Still am pretty much. Even though I lost a lot of respect for them when they sold out and went pop. I was an EVH disciple for a while, especially after that first album. Damn, what guitar player wasn't? I spent countless hours trying to learn his techniques and how he created some of those sounds. I posted a track a few years back that was kind of a VanHalen thing. I made the mistake of putting some Dave Lee Roth snippits in it and got some backlash so I took it down.

As far as Evan goes, I mean yeah, hes awesome and I have always admired and respected his talent, for sure. As far as collabs though, I'm really not much into them. I've done a few but they tend to be uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, I love making music and I love interfacing with other musicians but working together can be difficult. Its why I quit playing in bands. So I don't really approach others for collabs but if someone asks I don't think I've ever said no.

Thanks for your constant support bro, I always appreciate hearing what you have to say in any capacity whatsoever.
Comments 1 - 25 of 163