nice work on this exersize, i have no complaints about it and think you did a nice job with the drums and baseline and made the best out of it. keep working at it and maybe experiment with adding your own melodies instead of loops to take it to the next level
i laughed reading the comments when you said you should try some weed to help loosen the track up a bit. i agree with your theory
Thanks, hobertni. Using all those vocal loops was actually a departure for me. I usually play all the melody lines myself on my keyboard. I tend to use midi drum loops a lot, instead of programming my own drums. That's always puzzled me because I actually played drums in rock bands (not professionally) years ago. But, I suck at programming good drum tracks from scratch.
So yes, I agree with you, using my own melodies would be a good idea. I'll definitely get back to doing that with future tracks.
hobertni, greetings. Thanks for sharing how this one came across. Originally I had a love-hate thing going on when I was writing and arranging this one, but that melody tho, with that synth bass wouldn't let me rest lol. I would wake up in the morning with those melodies playing on my mental tape recorder. It's a relief to have worked it to this stage, and I'll keep at it till its 1 and done. The compliments are greatly appreciated. Have a great weekend and stay safe.
i agree with what manuela was saying but i also hear that you enjoyed the result. i for one was listening to this on computer speakers and could not distinguish the stereo qualities of the song so i do think she has a point about similar frequencies in that regard
one of my suggestions was to maybe have some phrases where the synth isnt playing or have it reverbed out or something would be cool
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nice work,
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i laughed reading the comments when you said you should try some weed to help loosen the track up a bit. i agree with your theory
So yes, I agree with you, using my own melodies would be a good idea. I'll definitely get back to doing that with future tracks.
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one of my suggestions was to maybe have some phrases where the synth isnt playing or have it reverbed out or something would be cool
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