

touloose, France
Joined : 3rd Sep 2015 - 9 years ago
Last Online : 19th Dec 2024 - 2 months ago
BLEEP comments on tracks

BLEEP has posted 422 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 126 - 150 of 422
BLEEP 20th Mar 2018 21:17 - 6 years ago

on The Sound of Silence by GoTyBeaTs
i wanted to write "S&G" for simon and garfunkel (the sound of silence) :)
GoTyBeaTs replied 21st Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
;) ;) Keep on PLAY!
BLEEP 20th Mar 2018 21:04 - 6 years ago

on sikk mood by DanGoldstein

What a surprising track! the beat is uncommon and really cool! I like when artists dare novelties, get off the beaten track! The minimalist approach assures a very relevant final depiction! Like this track! congrats!

BLEEP 20th Mar 2018 20:58 - 6 years ago

on A Ghost Lives by Your Fireside by toastedavalanche
hello TA,

this ballad is full of melancholy, a real pleasure to discover it, sometimes simple things are more efficient than big production!

congrats for this performance
toastedavalanche replied 21st Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
Hey BLEEP. I totally agree. The song is simple, so it's production should be the same. I'm glad that the song connected with you. And thank you for feedback my friend.

BLEEP 18th Mar 2018 11:30 - 6 years ago

on Vibes by sqrtofneg1
i don't really like the intro but since 0:39 until the end, mmmmmmm a real pleasure to listen to it!

great work
sqrtofneg1 replied 20th Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
Unfortunate to hear that you didn't enjoy the intro, but thanks for continuing to listen, and I'm glad you enjoyed the main part.

BLEEP 18th Mar 2018 09:59 - 6 years ago

on DOWN IN MEXICO by CitizenMofo
I didn't find it ridiculous may be because it wasn't easy for me to catch the words sense owing to the voice filter :) usually (and as english is not my natural language, i don't often understand all the spoken lyrics).

tHe instrumental part is awesome and the effect on the bass is really cool. i'm less fan with The tone of the synth lead.

Great track
BLEEP 17th Mar 2018 21:37 - 6 years ago

on The Sound of Silence by GoTyBeaTs
Hello GotyBeats!

Don't laugh... first i thought "is it a remix of S&F?" and i launch the start button...
wow, what an excellent instrumental session! i really appreciate how the bass interlaces with the kick drum, it's so subtle! congrats for this clever inspiration and no doubt someone will want to put his flow on this magical beat!

GoTyBeaTs replied 18th Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
;) Thanks BLEEP! I hope so...! Im glad you Like it...!! ;)
Keep on PLAY!!!
BLEEP 17th Mar 2018 12:36 - 6 years ago

on All day all night by mudhoen
Salut Mudhoen,

Très homogène cette compo, plein de cohérence dans son évolution rythmique et surtout perso, ce que je trouve très abouti c'est au niveau des synthés: ils donnent une atmosphère très années 80.
L'instru épouse parfaitement la partie vocale, les breaks sont efficaces, bref j'ai pris plaisir à écouter ton son plusieurs fois d'affilé!

mudhoen replied 17th Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
Je ne parles pas Francais. But if I understand correctly you mention the 80s feeling this track has. I think it is very importnat to give the vocals the synth they deserve. That means no flashy sounds but just mood enhancing tones. I am glad you liking it.
BLEEP 4th Mar 2018 14:16 - 7 years ago

on Doing A Thing Will by Spivkurl
Impossible to be bored with this awesome track! listened again recently and actually :) a real pleasure for my ears :)

Spivkurl replied 14th Jan 2022 - 3 years ago
Bleep my friend, I am so sorry for this long overdue reply! It's been a long few years to be sure. Thank you for being a fan!
BLEEP 4th Mar 2018 13:57 - 7 years ago

on Kickin back VOX NEEDED by Indieground
superbe morceau aux influences sixties periode woodstock je trouve. Ca sonne très sweet smoke à mes oreilles. Par contre, je trouve la ligne de basse un chouya trop dry. En tous les cas l'atmosphère générale était captivante.
Nul doute que tu trouveras qqn pour y poser des lyrics!

Indieground replied 4th Mar 2018 - 7 years ago
HI buddy
Merci pour le feedback
Pour la basse je suis preneur de tips en tout genre car j'avoue relativement récemment m’intéresser à différentes façons de mixer la basse (au delà de la compression et les eq pour faire court) et balancer de la reverb sur la basse et bien ça doit être mon 2 ou 3éme morceau pas plus.
Du coup sur ce morceau là j'ia du limiter mes ardeurs mais du coup en te lisant j'aurai peut être du pousser la reverb plus loin ??
The mix is never over !!
BLEEP 2nd Mar 2018 10:17 - 7 years ago

on BREATHIN IN - T2 by TRE24
hello TRE,

Those musical instant full of phylosophy are precious! As i read it i don't remember where: "your second life begin when you understand you have only one" :)

Really good song which permite me to inaugurate my new tube amp! pretty hearing experience with high quality sound!
TRE24 replied 3rd Mar 2018 - 7 years ago
Thanks Bleep. I appreciate it!
That is a really cool quote.
I'm grateful you gave my track a spin on the amp.

Thanks again,
BLEEP 2nd Mar 2018 08:53 - 7 years ago

on Tonight by wemert
hey bro! really nice song here! nothing posted since 2015? what happen? you got talent, hope you will share your work soon again :)
BLEEP 1st Mar 2018 10:03 - 7 years ago

on I Dont Mind If I Do by ronabo
Hello Ronabo!

Many influences in this piece among which two main clause: deep house in the intro and jazzy atmosphere during all the song! I am fooled by the used brass instruments. You say that they are synthetic on the base? Tones, stamp, heat are to be mistaken close relation of the truths there! Magnificent composition! it's a big fav for me!
ronabo replied 1st Mar 2018 - 7 years ago
Thanks Bleep for the comments and the Fav! I guess the real credit goes to Logic Pro X new sound library. I try to use sounds of instruments from Logic that seems real to the ear. While exploring the new sound library of logic prox I heard the new strings and brass sounds and had to use them. If you think that the brass sounds seems real wait until my string track comes. Anyway, thank you for listening to my track. Ronabo
BLEEP 27th Feb 2018 11:57 - 7 years ago

on Dark Pink by Orlando51
Even if i don't find a resemblance with pink floyd vibe (first i thought you were talking about their concert "Live at Pompeii" and i listened to it again to be sure), this track is really pure of sweetness and very soothing!

A very beautiful hearing experience, thanks for that and congrates to Ed and you for this brilliant collab!

Orlando51 replied 1st Mar 2018 - 7 years ago
Well I guess there is just a hint of Floyd left, since the project went in different direction than originally intended....anyways thanks for listening and your kind and positive feedback !:)

With appreciation_____Orlando
BLEEP 26th Feb 2018 21:21 - 7 years ago

on am i richard peerson by adamms
this track is a real ufo! Definitively under the spell of such a creative genius!

BLEEP 26th Feb 2018 21:12 - 7 years ago

on Eyes Open by mildperil
Awesome track, there's something of pink floyd in your voice atmosphere!

i think i will explain better my feeling in french lol

No matter, it's a real good track! congrates for this brilliant work

mildperil replied 2nd Mar 2018 - 7 years ago
Thank you.

It's quite humbling as it's not the first time someone has mentioned Ping Floyd, although I don't for one second compare myself.

Still, can't deny that I had a little smile to myself :)
BLEEP 25th Feb 2018 22:19 - 7 years ago

on Box Room Remix Feat How to Loot Brazil by EricMilligan
Je suis complétement d'accord avec Laurent: dieu que c'est dur d'écrire une instrumentation digne de ce nom autour d'un acapella! et tu l'as superbement réussi!
La voix est filtrée non? j'ai pas écouté l'original, mais cette version m'enchante sans problème, très belle ambiance que tu nous proposes!
Félicitations à toi!
EricMilligan replied 26th Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
Merci, Bleep. Oui, la voix est filtrée. Aussi double-tracked, compression légère, un peu de reverb, un peu de delay, et "stereo spreader". Peut-Être trop?

BLEEP 25th Feb 2018 13:03 - 7 years ago

on Alesis Beat by giuliomusic
interesting track with a solid base. I think it's too much linear. Sometimes it's not a problem but here, it gave me a kind of monotony. Fortunately, there is a break which permite to relaunch the sound but here again, on the same atmosphere. So i will try to find variations. The musical theme is really great, it just need other contributions to break highly-rated monotonous.

Congrates for the high quality of the mixing!
giuliomusic replied 25th Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the comment, I really agree with you about the monotony i need to find ways to switch it up, it's about not being lazy really :)
BLEEP 25th Feb 2018 08:25 - 7 years ago

on Answers by BabyGee
so beautiful voice! this track need a beat, if you want to collab i can write it, mail me at if you are interested
congrates for your work
BLEEP 24th Feb 2018 19:52 - 7 years ago

on Oiga Usted Senora -remix by vigwig
Strangely, i like the vocals part and i like too the instrument part but not mixed.
vigwig replied 25th Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
That's very interesting, I don't believe I've ever seen a review quite like that before. I'll have to replay the track a few times to see what you mean.
BLEEP 20th Feb 2018 20:05 - 7 years ago

on NEVER WANNA GO featuring Michael Mayo Mastered by laurentwirz
superbe morceau sauce Jamaïque! Les arrangements sont en effet superbement bien réalisés, chaque instrument apporte sa petite touche et l'ensemble délivre une atmosphère chaleureuse. C'est simple, tu te poses, tu ouvres le son et il te reste plus qu'à apprécier le voyage :)
Petite mention spéciale pour l'orgue dont le timbre si particulier ne peut passer inaperçu; ca match super bien dans cette orchestration! en tous les cas superbe production que tu nous proposes! On entend trop eu de ce type de son dans le secteur à mon plus grand désarroi :) que ce soit du dub ou du reggae ou du ska, peu de musiciens en proposent et pour le coup quand ca se présente et qu'en plus c'est de très bonne facture, alors je ne peux que m'incliner!
Félicitations encore!
laurentwirz replied 21st Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
Hello Bleep et merci beaucoup pour ce message très sympa! Mes amis musiciens se sont donné de la peine pour essayer de faire sonner tout ça! Si le son passe bien, ça me fait plaisir car c'est mon tout premier mix. Merci encore, j'apprécie le feedback. Cordiales salutations. Laurent
BLEEP 20th Feb 2018 14:07 - 7 years ago

on Not Ready by Ludwigbroo
Luuuuuuuuuucky you are!!!! i'm not a singer :D (world is safe lol)
About your track:
The section before the second verse, from 01:03 to 01:35, the sound level is lower on my speakers.
The synths used in are warmy, i like their render, it comes to rock your rhythmic which is voluntarily jerky.
In a more global way, the atmosphere in this piece is very festive, full of positive energy!

Really good work
Ludwigbroo replied 22nd Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
Thanks for your nice feedback, really appreciated :)
BLEEP 20th Feb 2018 10:49 - 7 years ago

on Puppet Juice by BlancFroid
Hi BlancFroid,

Really interesting atmosphere in this one. There is a melt between industrial activity and an urban aspect.

This rhythmic which unwinds on a perfect linearity evokes a kind of hammering where from highly-rated industrial. It kept silent add all the " fx " sounds which contribute to stress highly-rated urban, the whole wrapped in a soft and smoothing melody and you obtain a delicious musical UFO.

It's only my own feeling :)
BlancFroid replied 21st Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
Always appreciate your input, sir - cheers!
BLEEP 19th Feb 2018 11:04 - 7 years ago

on TO LOVE MY ENEMIES by CitizenMofo
Il y a un coté david bowie dans ce remix qui est très captivant! une sorte de folie douce qui plane autour de la mélodie et qui est fascinante!
Artistiquement parlant, c'est super intéressant à l'écoute.

Il y a des morceaux que l'on écoute une fois et qui se suffisent. Mais il y en à d'autres, qui ont un goût de "reviens-y" :) je repasserai pour écouter à nouveau :)

CitizenMofo replied 19th Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
Thank you, Bleep. I really appreciate your comment.
BLEEP 19th Feb 2018 10:57 - 7 years ago

on Depressed by tekmo
Tu m'étonnes que tu dois être dégouté! très bon conseil ceci étant dit qui résonne de bon sens et pour cause, ta mésaventure, je l'ai connu également en son temps ;) j'avais, comme toi, perdu l'intégralité de ma production juste car mon disque dur avait vrillé... depuis je fais une triple sauvegarde de tout ce que je fais :)
Pour info, je sais pas si cela pourra t'aider, mais si tu veux absolument récupérer tes compos, il y a une possibilité mais elle est chère et le résultat n'est pas garanti, c'est de confier ton disque dur à des techniciens qui l'ouvriront en "chambre blanche". Ca peut marcher mais bon vu le prix, si tu as pas le résultat.... voilà quoi :)

Pour le petit beat que tu nous a livré là, je le trouve très intéressant avec un petit bémol, c'est sur les niveaux de sortie du son: le beat a tendance a "écrasé" la mélodie :)
très bon beat à part ca :)

tekmo replied 21st Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
J’ai confié mon disque à un technicien et il m'a affirmé qu'il à tout essayé et que mon disque est mort :(
Merci pour ton avis, tu as absolument raison. Je crois que j'ai un peu exagéré au niveau du limiteur :)
BLEEP 16th Feb 2018 11:28 - 7 years ago

on FREE TO BE ME by CitizenMofo
Ca sent la transpiration, ca sent la poussière, ca sent le road trip! excellent morceau!

CitizenMofo replied 17th Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
Thank goodness for online language translators, since my French is a little...nonexistent. Yes, perspiration, dust, it's all in there, some dance moves, a giggle or two, and some spit and snot. Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it!
Comments 126 - 150 of 422