Nice vocals and intro mate, totally love Oceanically vocals, such a haunting beautiful voice, you have combined the 2 vocals very well in the piece, you on guitar work? It sounds nice in track not over powering the track just sitting there doing its bit along with vocal...very nice work...Fav...Peace n Respect matey...mosaic...
Interesting intro to the track, different but I like it, nice when the bass starts to filter in, Since my genre is trance I find that this track is little repetitive where's it should/could have had some more variety in track currently at 2.35 mark and nothing has changed, you have a couple nice sounds there Sonny but track is a little boring, I don't say that in a mean way either but tracks needs change to keep listener hooked and wanting more, now at end of the track nothing seemed to change the whole length of the track, production wise track sounded okies in headset, I would find a couple of nice synths and layer over the top of track, you would notice big different in the sound and overall feel, just wondering if that's why track has had 124 plays but only 3 reviews including mine...will check out more of your more current work over next week or so...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
nice intense intro, being a trancer I totally love the strings in this piece, I definitely think this would work great in a video fight scene or as a soundtrack for the same type of film, love the build up you have achieved in the whole track, nice piano to give it a bit of variety...impressive work...massive fav piece...Peace n much Respect...mosaic...
Happy I'm the first to review this one for you, notice you have it under weird but to me it has a chill type of vibe with a touch of weird :), nice change up everything seems to work well to achieve what you were saying in the description, hope you have been keeping well my friend...Peace n respect...mosaic...
It's good to hear from you, Mosaic. If I got a bit of chill in this one I'm glad. Trying to collab on this one now with mindheist for special effects. He is in Houston though and I am waiting to hear that he is ok. Tx for positive feedback. Regards Dan
Great intro, my fav bit is the bass, nice rolling type of bass working great with the beat, nice touch with synths and FX coming through out the track, nice build up with the pad/chain synth, agree with Spiv about finding a vocal to fit in this would send it to another level, I don't think I have any Techno up on profile, will search out as I have a couple hidden away in files here at home, will try to upload one in the next week or so, ending seems to chop off a little quick but a minor thing as the main piece is a very enjoyable listen, thank you for sharing...Fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic..
Mate firstly great sounds coming through headset, sounding very professional and radio friendly for sure, nice beat and synths, great vocals overall a very easy listening piece, totally enjoyed the listen...Great work to those all involved...Fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
Sorry first off not a genre I have done or know much about, so no feedback on genre, surprised no one has reviewed this one yet well it doesn't really surprise me now days on the loop, people don't take time out to review works, this piece has a very much a midi sound coming through out the track but in saying that it is still a very enjoyable listen...fav...Peace n respect...mosaic...
Firstly you have named track just right, does give you that feeling of flying, listening to this with headset, great piano in the intro, nice use of vocals, lots going on in this piece but everything has its own place and shines through when listening with headset...Impressive work...Nice mix up of sounds exploding with feelings of it...FAV...Peace n Respect my friend...mosaic...
My friend again you delivered with your sweet tune, beautiful chill track absolutely beautiful in everyway, nothing to fault, just have to say I'm in awe of your talent, you and Ed make a great musical team, I think you are my most downloaded artist here on the loop no wonder with brilliant work like this...MASSIVE FAV and dl'd...Peace n MUCH respect my friend...mosaic...
Sorry for the late reply, but I was away for quite some time. Nice to come back and read your precious comment, Thank you so much for all the wonderful words and compliments.:)
well this is something really different, totally loving it even the horse neigh, this is a piece that really makes you think and dissect the track, from what I'm hearing it has a chill vibe about it in a strange way but enjoy way...Impressive track my friend...Fav'd...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
Hey Mosaic, thank you for stopping by to hear this one!
I've been doing a lot more work in a live and spontaneous manner this year, as was my intention. I choose my instruments, I hook them together, and I record what I do with them. Sometimes there is an intention to begin with, sometimes not, but nothing beyond that really.
It is interesting hearing yourself and others speak about dissecting a track like this, considering only two instruments were used. I suppose I should take it as a compliment of the complexity of what was done with them, especially since they were either built or modified by me.
It is meant to be a bit chill, thoughtful or meditative, rather than some sort of dance or pop track.
Firstly apologies for not responding to your email as of yet, will explain n when I get back to you asap...
Note a little different sound here then your normal stuff I've heard when last here on the loop, must say I'm really enjoying this one, bouncy happy type of sound well to me it is, can totally understand the amount of the reviews this tracks has gotten well deserved my friend, will take a little to get back into listening to members tunes to give constructive feedback...but glad I check out this one first on my return, excellent sound and vibe my friend...will email either tonight or tomorrow depends...Fav'd...Peace mosaic...
Mosaic, first please understand that I was simply concerned for a fellow friend and traveller in this life. I would never be intrusive without what I felt was a good reason. I also see that your first and only comment in almost nine months was this one, and that I feel is reciprocation enough for any communcation!
It's been a wild year, but no more intense than previous I suppose. Songs such as this identify what is going on in a way. As you know, I do not drive, so I walk a lot. I am extending my range pretty drastically, putting on 15-20 miles per week usually. I hope to walk to the state forest in the south of our county eventually.
I think that in a local dank forest (I might even say disturbing) I found the inspiration I need to finally finish and release this album, as well as the cover art. Things are obviously different than I had previously assumed. I am happy to have some sort of breakthrough though.
I have been playing classical guitar more, since getting new strings, and we got some acoustic bass strings for my wife as well... so hopefully something will come from that. I know that it has already made me a better musician.
Looking forward to speaking with you again, all in good time. Have a great day!
Mate very nice track, nice beat and bass, nice synths, vocals work nice in the track, good clarity of the mix, volume could have been a touch higher as I had to adjust my normal listening volume up to get the full benefit of your work...either way totally enjoyed the tune...fav...peace n respect Eric...mosaic...
Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback on my track, Mosaic. Very much appreciated.
I actually mastered three versions of the track using LANDR, each producing a different volume level and level of compression. I usually opt for the middle level, but for some reason (which I can't remember) I decided to go for the lowest intensity level on this track. In retrospect, I think I should have gone one notch higher.
Crucethus, in his comment, has suggested that I insert a low-pass filter on the synth track in the project. I think I'll give that a try and then remaster to a higher volume level generally. Of course, this means that I need to figure out how to automate the controls in my filter plugin, something that I've never tried before. :)
Mate wow oh bloody wow...stumped me for words...spotted this one after I had reviewed another for you...I'm just going to leave it as stunning work by everyone most fav track I think of yours yet...massive fav Dan...Peace n much much respect...mosaic...
thanks mosaic. I had some luck picking the patches out of Harmless synth and Burt already had a cool 'monk chorus' hit. Glad this one gave you the ghostly moment. Thanks again for checking it out.
Love the intro to this one, liking the drive to this track mate, contagious groove and vibe about it, definitely has your signature sound flowing from within, great vocals my friend, nicely distorted fitting in great with sound of the mix, nice clarity and arrangement...fav...mosaic...PS hope all is going okies with you my friend, not heard from you for a bit now, you are in my thoughts mate for sure, will try and email over weekend...Respect friend...mos...
Hey friend, good to hear from you! As you can probably tell from this track, life has been a bit frightening and painful of late... and saying "a bit" is being optimistic. I've been working hard to hone my skills at performing entire songs live on my own, since it really is the ideal for a multi-instrumentalist such as myself... plus it will give me that much more power when Love and I get back to work on Iris-T-Shirt tunes, since we did a lot of things live. Beneath it all, I'm doing okay, aside from continuing legal issues. I should get my bankruptcy certificate in the next couple of weeks, so that will be nice. Still hopeful that I won't be sent to jail in January... Been working hard on various projects, such as putting up a nice stylish fence in our side yard, making the house more secure, and harvesting some nice produce and herbs... raspberries in November in Minnesota is not normal at all (goes out to those still in denial of the drastic change in climate). Thanks for taking a listen, and leaving your always supportive words! I will try to keep in touch better!
Nice piece this one, atmospheric creepy track, sort of has a chill out vibe to it as well my friend, nice vocal touches through out, loving the laid back feel, good clarity of the mix matey...very enjoyable listen...fav...peace n respect...mosaic...
Stunning intro my friend, so soothing, great transition into the beat, loving the way it gradually builds, nice little reverse sample in there too, this reminds me so much (before vocals come in)of one of my all time fav artist Kitaro, check him out on youtube and you will see what I mean, vocals are stunning and sound so nice and work really well in this type of chill track, impressive work, only suggestion is try to get volume of the mix up seems little low but will be back to check more out of your tunes in the future for sure...fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
Not heard DnB for a long time here on the loop, so thought would give this one ago, very pleased I did, very nice beats and bass used, nice build into the track mate, nice swing groove feeling coming from the main piece, transitions through out nice, listening to this one, I might venture into this genre again, don't do many but like to do one every now and again, so if you hear one in the near future then you know it was this piece that got me started on a DnB track...fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
Hey matey, liking the simplicity of this piece, not sure if you meant to do it or not one piano or midi sounds slightly out of key right, still works though, short but enjoyable mate...fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
I think I know where Wobbin was heading in his reviews, Trance is my main genre as you may have seen on my profile tracks the couple I currently have up which requires a bit of variety to keep listener wanting to hear more,liking your idea in part with this track, but I think it is very repetitive, first at the intro I would do something different eg a bass with kick and synth or just a synth then build up into the track, basically it starts out the way it finishes, which isn't very good for the listener, maybe that's why it has had 90 plays but only 3 reviews before mine, sounds like you have a rolling bass or something in the back ground of the track, maybe think about adding a couple of different bass lines to help with drive and variety, kick should be higher then the hi-hats/shakers not sure what you did use, this will allow more depth to the track and drive, lastly add something different in the form of synths/cymbals/rises ect to keep it inviting and interesting for the listener, also some nice drops and biulds would help too...Hope you don't mind the constructive review, but trying to help you out so you know why others have hinted at but not laid out for you like I have...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
Thanks for laying it out, i appreciate it.
You know, it's a bit confusing if one says the track is to busy and someone else says to add more stuff ;)
I used a big room echo over the entire track , maybe not the best thing to do but that may explain the rolling bass. There's 2 different hi hats, one with higher volume so it would add to the rhythm of the track.. i just like that effect.. but i see now its quite useless if the track doesn't build up more. I will definitely consider all your advice, also for future projects this will be helpful to me so thanks again!
A very haunting but beautiful piece, loving the pads and strings, cant really put into words what I feel hearing this one, something surreal about the sound, not sure, amazing piece, this is a sound you expect to hear when watching fish swimming in and out of the reefs in a ocean doco, maybe that is the strange feeling it is giving me...Totally loving the piece my friend, again credit to your talent...fav...peace n respect...mosaic...
I'm so sorry for the late reply mate....I somehow overlooked your happens!
I like your aquatic approach to this one...very interesating !:) As always good to hear from you and may I express my gratitude for all kind words and support...means the world !
Saw this one in the forum page so had to check it out, as I'm a trance producer here on the loop, nice work on this one, different sound then what I do but very enjoyable listen, seeing what others do style wise is always great, nice transitions, really loving the choice of synths and pads, nice driving beat and bass lines, loving it guys...First track listened to for a while on the loop, very pleased it was a very nice trance piece like this one...fav...Peace n Respect....mosaic...
Sweet intro to this one, liking it, nice synths and great arrangement, has a trance sound to my ears about the mix so far and loving it, everything sounds like something you would play while at beach or taking a stroll in park...Very enjoyable Dadash...Fav...Peace n Respect Agha...mosaic...
Knew this was going to be good even before hitting play, two extremely talent artist teaming up...sweet you haven't disappointed...Love it...Peace n love...mosaic...
Man you have done it again, another outstanding piece of work, amazing on its own but could see this being taken to another level especially if someone like Patricia was singing on it, one extremely talented singer here on the faults at all from my end my friend...admire your work and talent...fav...peace n respect...mosaic...
Nice intro to the piece, deep house feeling coming to me, great transitions, nice piano bass and beats, clarity of the mix is definitely have some talent my friend...lots of different things going on but done so well...impressive work...Fav...Peace n respect...mosaic...
Yea quite some tiny details. I like my tracks like a good glass wine. Easy enough to drink enjoyable but yet a wine that has tiny details in it that gets discovered by drinking it a few times more.
on Dreaming ft Oceanically by Burtsbluesboxes
Nice vocals and intro mate, totally love Oceanically vocals, such a haunting beautiful voice, you have combined the 2 vocals very well in the piece, you on guitar work? It sounds nice in track not over powering the track just sitting there doing its bit along with vocal...very nice work...Fav...Peace n Respect matey...mosaic...
on MiMiMi by SonnyChapelle
Interesting intro to the track, different but I like it, nice when the bass starts to filter in, Since my genre is trance I find that this track is little repetitive where's it should/could have had some more variety in track currently at 2.35 mark and nothing has changed, you have a couple nice sounds there Sonny but track is a little boring, I don't say that in a mean way either but tracks needs change to keep listener hooked and wanting more, now at end of the track nothing seemed to change the whole length of the track, production wise track sounded okies in headset, I would find a couple of nice synths and layer over the top of track, you would notice big different in the sound and overall feel, just wondering if that's why track has had 124 plays but only 3 reviews including mine...will check out more of your more current work over next week or so...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
on Epic movie by mindhiest
nice intense intro, being a trancer I totally love the strings in this piece, I definitely think this would work great in a video fight scene or as a soundtrack for the same type of film, love the build up you have achieved in the whole track, nice piano to give it a bit of variety...impressive work...massive fav piece...Peace n much Respect...mosaic...
on Brujita Halloween with Mindhiest by DanGoldstein
Happy I'm the first to review this one for you, notice you have it under weird but to me it has a chill type of vibe with a touch of weird :), nice change up everything seems to work well to achieve what you were saying in the description, hope you have been keeping well my friend...Peace n respect...mosaic...
on Under the Arches by Diskonnect
Great intro, my fav bit is the bass, nice rolling type of bass working great with the beat, nice touch with synths and FX coming through out the track, nice build up with the pad/chain synth, agree with Spiv about finding a vocal to fit in this would send it to another level, I don't think I have any Techno up on profile, will search out as I have a couple hidden away in files here at home, will try to upload one in the next week or so, ending seems to chop off a little quick but a minor thing as the main piece is a very enjoyable listen, thank you for sharing...Fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic..
on Sell My Soul - Feat Yo Major by BentonMcKenzie
Mate firstly great sounds coming through headset, sounding very professional and radio friendly for sure, nice beat and synths, great vocals overall a very easy listening piece, totally enjoyed the listen...Great work to those all involved...Fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
on POKETRAP by jamesbishop15
Sorry first off not a genre I have done or know much about, so no feedback on genre, surprised no one has reviewed this one yet well it doesn't really surprise me now days on the loop, people don't take time out to review works, this piece has a very much a midi sound coming through out the track but in saying that it is still a very enjoyable listen...fav...Peace n respect...mosaic...
on I Wish I Could Fly by crucethus
Firstly you have named track just right, does give you that feeling of flying, listening to this with headset, great piano in the intro, nice use of vocals, lots going on in this piece but everything has its own place and shines through when listening with headset...Impressive work...Nice mix up of sounds exploding with feelings of it...FAV...Peace n Respect my friend...mosaic...
thanks for stopping bye.
on Cloudless by Orlando51
My friend again you delivered with your sweet tune, beautiful chill track absolutely beautiful in everyway, nothing to fault, just have to say I'm in awe of your talent, you and Ed make a great musical team, I think you are my most downloaded artist here on the loop no wonder with brilliant work like this...MASSIVE FAV and dl'd...Peace n MUCH respect my friend...mosaic...
Sorry for the late reply, but I was away for quite some time. Nice to come back and read your precious comment, Thank you so much for all the wonderful words and compliments.:)
Hope all is well____Orlando
on Risin Up by Spivkurl
well this is something really different, totally loving it even the horse neigh, this is a piece that really makes you think and dissect the track, from what I'm hearing it has a chill vibe about it in a strange way but enjoy way...Impressive track my friend...Fav'd...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
I've been doing a lot more work in a live and spontaneous manner this year, as was my intention. I choose my instruments, I hook them together, and I record what I do with them. Sometimes there is an intention to begin with, sometimes not, but nothing beyond that really.
It is interesting hearing yourself and others speak about dissecting a track like this, considering only two instruments were used. I suppose I should take it as a compliment of the complexity of what was done with them, especially since they were either built or modified by me.
It is meant to be a bit chill, thoughtful or meditative, rather than some sort of dance or pop track.
I always appreciate hearing from you! Thanks!
on Pavement Hitter by Spivkurl
Firstly apologies for not responding to your email as of yet, will explain n when I get back to you asap...
Note a little different sound here then your normal stuff I've heard when last here on the loop, must say I'm really enjoying this one, bouncy happy type of sound well to me it is, can totally understand the amount of the reviews this tracks has gotten well deserved my friend, will take a little to get back into listening to members tunes to give constructive feedback...but glad I check out this one first on my return, excellent sound and vibe my friend...will email either tonight or tomorrow depends...Fav'd...Peace mosaic...
It's been a wild year, but no more intense than previous I suppose. Songs such as this identify what is going on in a way. As you know, I do not drive, so I walk a lot. I am extending my range pretty drastically, putting on 15-20 miles per week usually. I hope to walk to the state forest in the south of our county eventually.
I think that in a local dank forest (I might even say disturbing) I found the inspiration I need to finally finish and release this album, as well as the cover art. Things are obviously different than I had previously assumed. I am happy to have some sort of breakthrough though.
I have been playing classical guitar more, since getting new strings, and we got some acoustic bass strings for my wife as well... so hopefully something will come from that. I know that it has already made me a better musician.
Looking forward to speaking with you again, all in good time. Have a great day!
on Falcon Trance 8 by EricMilligan
Mate very nice track, nice beat and bass, nice synths, vocals work nice in the track, good clarity of the mix, volume could have been a touch higher as I had to adjust my normal listening volume up to get the full benefit of your work...either way totally enjoyed the tune...fav...peace n respect Eric...mosaic...
I actually mastered three versions of the track using LANDR, each producing a different volume level and level of compression. I usually opt for the middle level, but for some reason (which I can't remember) I decided to go for the lowest intensity level on this track. In retrospect, I think I should have gone one notch higher.
Crucethus, in his comment, has suggested that I insert a low-pass filter on the synth track in the project. I think I'll give that a try and then remaster to a higher volume level generally. Of course, this means that I need to figure out how to automate the controls in my filter plugin, something that I've never tried before. :)
Thanks again,
on Ghost Guitar by DanGoldstein
Mate wow oh bloody wow...stumped me for words...spotted this one after I had reviewed another for you...I'm just going to leave it as stunning work by everyone most fav track I think of yours yet...massive fav Dan...Peace n much much respect...mosaic...
on FiveCar SmileUp by Spivkurl
Love the intro to this one, liking the drive to this track mate, contagious groove and vibe about it, definitely has your signature sound flowing from within, great vocals my friend, nicely distorted fitting in great with sound of the mix, nice clarity and arrangement...fav...mosaic...PS hope all is going okies with you my friend, not heard from you for a bit now, you are in my thoughts mate for sure, will try and email over weekend...Respect friend...mos...
on His Hell by lAVel
Nice piece this one, atmospheric creepy track, sort of has a chill out vibe to it as well my friend, nice vocal touches through out, loving the laid back feel, good clarity of the mix matey...very enjoyable listen...fav...peace n respect...mosaic...
on Angels rise by mindhiest
Stunning intro my friend, so soothing, great transition into the beat, loving the way it gradually builds, nice little reverse sample in there too, this reminds me so much (before vocals come in)of one of my all time fav artist Kitaro, check him out on youtube and you will see what I mean, vocals are stunning and sound so nice and work really well in this type of chill track, impressive work, only suggestion is try to get volume of the mix up seems little low but will be back to check more out of your tunes in the future for sure...fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
on Haunted by swindla007
Not heard DnB for a long time here on the loop, so thought would give this one ago, very pleased I did, very nice beats and bass used, nice build into the track mate, nice swing groove feeling coming from the main piece, transitions through out nice, listening to this one, I might venture into this genre again, don't do many but like to do one every now and again, so if you hear one in the near future then you know it was this piece that got me started on a DnB track...fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
on Edwardian Haunted by DanGoldstein
Hey matey, liking the simplicity of this piece, not sure if you meant to do it or not one piano or midi sounds slightly out of key right, still works though, short but enjoyable mate...fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
on Technoboy by SonnyChapelle
I think I know where Wobbin was heading in his reviews, Trance is my main genre as you may have seen on my profile tracks the couple I currently have up which requires a bit of variety to keep listener wanting to hear more,liking your idea in part with this track, but I think it is very repetitive, first at the intro I would do something different eg a bass with kick and synth or just a synth then build up into the track, basically it starts out the way it finishes, which isn't very good for the listener, maybe that's why it has had 90 plays but only 3 reviews before mine, sounds like you have a rolling bass or something in the back ground of the track, maybe think about adding a couple of different bass lines to help with drive and variety, kick should be higher then the hi-hats/shakers not sure what you did use, this will allow more depth to the track and drive, lastly add something different in the form of synths/cymbals/rises ect to keep it inviting and interesting for the listener, also some nice drops and biulds would help too...Hope you don't mind the constructive review, but trying to help you out so you know why others have hinted at but not laid out for you like I have...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
You know, it's a bit confusing if one says the track is to busy and someone else says to add more stuff ;)
I used a big room echo over the entire track , maybe not the best thing to do but that may explain the rolling bass. There's 2 different hi hats, one with higher volume so it would add to the rhythm of the track.. i just like that effect.. but i see now its quite useless if the track doesn't build up more. I will definitely consider all your advice, also for future projects this will be helpful to me so thanks again!
on Touch Of The Irish Aka One For Ed by Orlando51
A very haunting but beautiful piece, loving the pads and strings, cant really put into words what I feel hearing this one, something surreal about the sound, not sure, amazing piece, this is a sound you expect to hear when watching fish swimming in and out of the reefs in a ocean doco, maybe that is the strange feeling it is giving me...Totally loving the piece my friend, again credit to your talent...fav...peace n respect...mosaic...
I like your aquatic approach to this one...very interesating !:) As always good to hear from you and may I express my gratitude for all kind words and support...means the world !
With much appreciation_____Orlando
on Above the Clouds by novaspace
Saw this one in the forum page so had to check it out, as I'm a trance producer here on the loop, nice work on this one, different sound then what I do but very enjoyable listen, seeing what others do style wise is always great, nice transitions, really loving the choice of synths and pads, nice driving beat and bass lines, loving it guys...First track listened to for a while on the loop, very pleased it was a very nice trance piece like this one...fav...Peace n Respect....mosaic...
on U Found Me Vocal mix by MGproduct
Sweet intro to this one, liking it, nice synths and great arrangement, has a trance sound to my ears about the mix so far and loving it, everything sounds like something you would play while at beach or taking a stroll in park...Very enjoyable Dadash...Fav...Peace n Respect Agha...mosaic...
Peace and respect too dadash ...
on Am I Crazy Muzic by BradoSanz by FullCapicityMuzic
Knew this was going to be good even before hitting play, two extremely talent artist teaming up...sweet you haven't disappointed...Love it...Peace n love...mosaic...
on I Have Chosen by NateJMusic
Man you have done it again, another outstanding piece of work, amazing on its own but could see this being taken to another level especially if someone like Patricia was singing on it, one extremely talented singer here on the faults at all from my end my friend...admire your work and talent...fav...peace n respect...mosaic...
on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
Nice intro to the piece, deep house feeling coming to me, great transitions, nice piano bass and beats, clarity of the mix is definitely have some talent my friend...lots of different things going on but done so well...impressive work...Fav...Peace n respect...mosaic...
Yea quite some tiny details. I like my tracks like a good glass wine. Easy enough to drink enjoyable but yet a wine that has tiny details in it that gets discovered by drinking it a few times more.
Best of luck with your shoulders!
- Wobbin