Great track, Wayne! And you know what? I have always really liked guitar string squeaks, and I have heard them on some of the best albums by some of the world's finest players. So don't worry about it unless it bugs you. Personally, I think the squeaks are a cool part of that instrument. Shadowdog has found a real gem!
I could fix the squeeks but I'm too lazy!! It's part of playing stringed instruments. Sometimes I will just lower them and stil leave them in. I lose the clave in them though, that should have been louder in the mix.
WOW!! I can hear how this must have been great without lyrics, and the vocals make it even better. Wow. I can see why this might be going on an album. I'd buy it! I know I am supposed to say more than, "good job, mane" but I'm speechless aside from that. So, thanks for rockin it.
thx a lot Anomelie!
and sorry for the very late reply ...
great that you liked this song so much, in the meantime I'm really proud of it ... ;-)
peace, rei
As a Taurus, I find this track completely offensive!! And you better watch out, I'll gore you with my horns!! haha, just kidding, Wayne. I am glad that after my long absence I can come here and listen to new tracks from you. Hopefully I will stick around this time. As for this track: you have a serious talent for arrangement. You really know what works together and what doesn't. Keep it up!
Loved this when I first heard it, still love it. Totally reminds me of some stuff I listened to in high school. It really works, there's nothing you could do to make this better. It's perfect as is. Thanks for sharing!
Did I tell you I was obsessed with crows for years, particularly this past year? I'm now exiting my crow phase, but _love_ hearing them in this. It's really difficult to work with bird calls and you do it brilliantly here.
I don't think this track could be better. So complex it can withstand infinite listens, and enough flow that I don't get stuck on any one sound. The sounds melt into each other and move the scene along. Truly gorgeous. Thank you for doing what you do!
Ha! I knew there was more than one reason I like you. Crows, ravens and I have an arrangement. Plenty respect to go around, and here at my home they get fed at least every weekend. Obviously I'm attempting to do many things at once with this track, and mostly feel I've pulled it off somehow. I wanted that uber-complexity without it becoming muddy in the process. I wanted to add the textures and deliberate techniques of Ambient without making it Ambient music. And I wanted to get a sound that carried a kind of joy in it. Good Dub grounded in Reggae does that for me, so that choice made sense. That yourself and others approve just gives me more license to "experiment within the bounds" - lol. Thanks!
Thank you; It's one of my favorite songs too. I have no idea what came over me when I wrote it, but I remember it taking at least 60 or 70 hours to get to the "yeah, I think this song is gonna be good" stage.
I hope you find those files too. This is fun! I particularly like ebb and flow of the energetic output: the suspenseful break just after minute 3, the way it freaks out for a while after that, then sort of starts to spiral in on itself. Very nice. I look forward to watching it evolve further if you find those files.
OMG, where was this when I needed rain for one of my pieces? I waded through so many crappy recordings, and this one is perfect. Clear and lovely. Doesn't sound like frying bacon or any of that other noise that tries to pass for rain out there.
Yeah, this totally works. I need to try mixing some vocals sometime! Sony Acid will alter a track's tempo to make it fit my other tracks automatically. Is that cheating? :) Anyway, I like the beats here. Eshar makes some really fun tunes, and I enjoyed your interpretation.
I don't know if I'd call this chill, but I'm terrible with genres. It has some shoegazer elements, some guitar work that makes me think of fIREHOSE from the 80's, and even some guitar sounds that make me think of Boston from the 70's. Quite a panorama going on here, and it all works beautifully together. Sometimes I wish there were two favorites lists: a regular one, and then a super favorites one. This would be the latter.
I like this better than the first time I heard it. It really has a Danny Elfman feel to it. You have a unique ear. Cultivate that! You don't have time? Whatever! Stop writing that damn novel and get us some new tunes.
Can I say I effing love the sound of breaking glass? The synth sounds too happy to go with the smashing & breaking at first, but then after a while, I really feel it: smashing sh*t up can sometimes make you feel pretty damn buoyant, that satisfying CRASH of the broken object. (And even better if, like here, there's no actual glass to sweep up!) Where did you get the smashing & breaking fx?
Kind of simple and yet captivating. Nice tone here, all the sounds seem from the same family. Hard to explain what I mean, but nothing seems out of place. Love the background vocals that are almost imperceptible. The earnest simple sweetness of the foreground lyric is fully supported by the purity of the tone. Nice job! I hope you get that squeeze. ;)
thanks for the kind review . my girl taren needs a squeeze every night and her voice goes squeeky like a mouse . tried turning the pitch up on the vocal but it sounded strange
Love the slowed down dub, and then the beautiful nuggets of sound sprinkled over it along the path... gorgeous. It just keeps moving forward, this one, gliding... I am gonna have to get this for my headphones when I am walking to work... Wha?? No more dl? Awww...
...A few days later... OK, I just had to buy the whole album. Downloaded now and ready for enjoying. Thanks for putting together such great stuff!
Mega Monster Music Ltd. currently owns the distribution rights for these tracks, but are gracious enough to let me post them in full streaming fashion. Still, it's a compliment that you'd like a copy. Thanks!
I am such a fan of finding the musical qualities of mundane worldly sounds. And we've all heard sirens & car sounds in songs before... but not like this. The keys and horns sort of mirroring/echoing what could be other street sounds, like screeching brakes & a HONK! Very nice indeed.
Wake up and smell the ashes! :D
I think I'd prefer more music & fewer spoken words bits. (Which is a preference reflected in my own work.) And I'm also a fan of panning; would love to hear some of these sounds better separated from each other. There's so much going on that some of them kind of stomp on each other here. But I definitely like the fx as music. This is really fun! Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Cheers for letting me know your thoughts on this Anomelie. I think with hindsight I would have used more than one channel for the samples - I suppose I was a bit lazy there! Anyway, glad u enjoyed the elements I used. --Davey--
Live jazz is one of the best things on earth, and if you were nearby, I would definitely go see you guys. Love the horns. Delicious! I don't know a lot about recording & mixing yet, but I agree that what you did worked pretty well. Would love to hear it with even more mics, though, so the different instruments could take up a different "space" in the finished recording (more panning). Please keep adding stuff of this caliber! Love it.
Great use of sound fx! Not only do they add to the story, they add to the overall musicality. I also really like a piece that tells a story without relying on lyrics alone. I could feel the confusion and tension of the scene in these sounds, and could feel the car rolling along. I even felt myself leaning into the curves as we rounded the corners. Nice work!
Walked into the other room to get a glass of water while listening and the vocals startled me, made me jump. Sounded like someone else was in the room with me. :) Not sure about the end. It's all chill and mellow then that string bit comes in that makes me think of agitated bees or something, breaks the mellow for me. But overall, pretty nice!
hi. thank you for your comment. sorry for my english, i'm french. the tribute to massive attack is only in the joke of the title and not in the track. for me the sound massive attack is unique. good week end.
There are elements to the early part of the track that remind me of some of the Eno/Byrne stuff on My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. I'm new around here and just getting my first listens to your stuff, but so far I really like how your pieces shapeshift and evolve. (And thanks for the tip about the fusion genre... that's totally the right call for me!)
Admittedly I listened to a lot of Eno and Byrne over the years, but My Life in the Bush of Ghosts is one I've never heard. I hadn't considered either as real influences, but I'm sure it's there. Actually, I really started seriously with music in the early `90's in Seattle in the underground scene, and I really see what I'm doing now as an evolution of that. Acoustic Trance into Primal Electronica. Glad you're enjoying my sonic offerings.
OMG, now we're talking. I can take a little Irish in my coffee, but usually not in my music. You, however, have made me rethink that anti-Irish position. I teach movement classes and could definitely see us exploring/experimenting to this. Incredibly interesting layers. Primal and ethereal, simultaneously. I didn't hear the other versions, but this one is glorious.
Welcome fellow Cascadian! It's a weird track (but Fusion nonetheless - lol) and to me still shouldn't work. The juxtaposition is just too awkward. But it does work somehow (I suspect a non-native English singer helps) and I feel really good about this version. Thanks for the review!
on Steam by theHumps
Thanks again!!
on I wish I could sit here forever ft Eshar by rei4real
and sorry for the very late reply ...
great that you liked this song so much, in the meantime I'm really proud of it ... ;-)
peace, rei
on The Lonely Toreador by theHumps
horns, ok, I'll leave that one alone...haha.
Thanks so much, you are great, look at all the reviews you just gave me. Thanks for the nice words.
Talk to ya later,
on People In My Way by theHumps
on Butterfly Opens - Titanium Handles Lock Fast by n0mad23
I don't think this track could be better. So complex it can withstand infinite listens, and enough flow that I don't get stuck on any one sound. The sounds melt into each other and move the scene along. Truly gorgeous. Thank you for doing what you do!
on Waiting by JHolmes
on The shivering line by FrenchKid18
French Kid
on The Method by siensystem
on Rain by alividlife
on Falling towards the sky - By Eshar (Gone remix) by Steevo
on The Ferrets Give back by WoodlandCritter
on The Edge of Chaos by RedKn1ght
on Breakin' It Down Patchin' It Up by RedKn1ght
Hello? You're supposed to respond! :)
on squeeze me please by garrin
on Dancing in the Dreamtime by n0mad23
...A few days later... OK, I just had to buy the whole album. Downloaded now and ready for enjoying. Thanks for putting together such great stuff!
on CrossTown by Planetjazzbass
on Robots of the Future by DaveyJonesMusic
on Vortis by DaveyJonesMusic
I think I'd prefer more music & fewer spoken words bits. (Which is a preference reflected in my own work.) And I'm also a fan of panning; would love to hear some of these sounds better separated from each other. There's so much going on that some of them kind of stomp on each other here. But I definitely like the fx as music. This is really fun! Looking forward to hearing more from you.
on Trees by TheseMetalDays
on Tenor Madness (Saxobones Quintet) by SLAPJOHNSON
on its9953 by oasisduke
Great use of sound fx! Not only do they add to the story, they add to the overall musicality. I also really like a piece that tells a story without relying on lyrics alone. I could feel the confusion and tension of the scene in these sounds, and could feel the car rolling along. I even felt myself leaning into the curves as we rounded the corners. Nice work!
on Chillax by Steevo
Happy you liked it, ta.
on lascive attack by joroch
on Cantus Ranocchio by n0mad23
on Moorlough Mischief and Ire (feat nabilkhazzaka) by n0mad23