

Milwaukee, United States
Joined : 27th May 2017 - 7 years ago
Last Online : 31st Jan 2025 - 1 month ago
neuromancer56 comments on tracks

neuromancer56 has posted 148 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 76 - 100 of 148
neuromancer56 4th Apr 2018 00:19 - 6 years ago

on Lemon Soda by MasanoriMurabayashi
Bro, don't take this the wrong way because you know like 1000 times more than I do about music. However your music has a tendency to be nice. Like it doesn't want to upset anyone. To do EDM and make a hit, you have to throw all that theory out the window and just go with how it makes you feel. And you have to be willing to go crazy and upset people. To have soul, you have to be willing to expose all kinds of pain inside you and be willing to dump it out there. That's called being edgy, and that's the way to make a hit. I think you should do what I do for a while, just use loops, and see if they sound edgy and stir up your emotions. Use them to make some bad ass tracks. Once you have mastered that then go back to composing your own stuff. I'm telling you this because I respect you, and want the best for you and your music.
MasanoriMurabayashi replied 5th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Hi, neuromancer56

Really meaning comment.
I was trying to find something very important between the line of your message.
I divide what I felt into these categories bellow. I hope to share with you, if you consent one of these.

What I totally agree
Music Methodologies is limited to good feel of the resonance,
melody line (incl. counter line), and how well sound the instruments.

Although, they don’t have how well music makes someone feel good or bad,
    they are one of the tires drive music safely.

What I miss now
My music uploaded here don’t have a condition that someone ask me to make a music
for a certain situation such as films, TV drama, or commemoration private video.
So, I possibly make only for musical resonance., missing how someone feel.

What I do now
Very my experimental, confined to understand when I use harmony with some instruments,
how it turn out to be. So, if someone favorably listen to my music, I should have put more
musical essence which makes more heart moving including edgy one.

As of now, I don’t know what it is. But, If I use loops as you said, it may be the answer.
I may continue to upload easy pop, jazz tune for experimental basis.
What I want to do
What I really want make is that
getting out of 8bars A melody follows A dash, follows B bridge
with comfortable harmony or standard jazz chord progression with standard
key modulation. Not only these but also Melody line.

I hear ‘Shashank Redemption’ by Thomas Newman, recently.

Thanks for reading,
I appreciate your support.
See you again!
neuromancer56 26th Mar 2018 02:22 - 6 years ago

on Endgame by Billydragon1
Love the HUGE sound on this. Has a nice groove and swagger.
Billydragon1 replied 22nd Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Cheers for that. Enjoyed arranging this.
Stay strong my friend.
neuromancer56 18th Mar 2018 03:52 - 6 years ago

on DOWN IN MEXICO by CitizenMofo
Love this. It got me bobbin' my head and put a smile on my face. Sweet groove.
neuromancer56 26th Feb 2018 03:27 - 7 years ago

on I Dont Mind If I Do by ronabo
Pretty much love every one of your tracks. Always so smooth, and puts me in a good frame of mind. Brass sounds are pretty good. I like how you didn't overpower the piece with it.
ronabo replied 26th Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
Thank you Neuroman... I am glad you enjoyed the tracks and thanks again for commenting. I will have to listen to some brass players and see if I can get better at it. :)

neuromancer56 24th Feb 2018 03:14 - 7 years ago

on I see ya by smallpaul
I've never heard Garage before, but I like this. Smooth, soulful, and funky. Quality production all the way through.
neuromancer56 10th Feb 2018 00:24 - 7 years ago

Dude, you effed up. You made this track non-downloadable. Now how the eff am I supposed to make this my theme song?
VicaMOOR replied 10th Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
i know man, i'm always effin up but when i'm finished with the song it will definitely be up for download!
neuromancer56 26th Jan 2018 03:04 - 7 years ago

on Mysterious B by kiuiTheVibes
This is short but sweet. It has a Boards of Canada, or maybe even an Adventure Time feel for me both of which I love. Would like to see it progress with a little more variety and length.
kiuiTheVibes replied 26th Jan 2018 - 7 years ago
Thx man appreciate it. Those use to always be my fav. I tried sampling boards of Canada before but it was too good by itself for me to screw with it...but anyway yea I might post a longer version but on soundcloud. Glad u enjoyed it tho.
neuromancer56 20th Jan 2018 13:26 - 7 years ago

on Sciocchezza by MrSpookd
Absolutely gorgeous from beginning to end. Surprised the heck out of me when got all funky at 1:26 but it really works. Total ear candy. Love the jazzy parts @ 0:41 - 0:55 Holds up to some of the best new age music I listened to in its heyday. Beat is sweet. My only advice... make more tracks. You are the bomb.
MrSpookd replied 23rd Jan 2018 - 7 years ago
Thankss :D I'm glad that you liked it so much!
neuromancer56 15th Jan 2018 04:32 - 7 years ago

on Love for You by Nightingale
This is plain and simple perfection. Just a complete song. Everything comes together for pure listening pleasure. So much better than anything on the radio. Would go perfect on the local college indie/alternative radio station.
neuromancer56 13th Jan 2018 21:30 - 7 years ago

on Kurui by EXANofficial
Maybe there's nothing wrong with drums in Ambient. One example of good drums in Ambient I found mentioned was Leylines by Aes Dana . I'm just used to deep space music that gives you that out of body experience, but who am I to tell you what's Ambient and what isn't? There's a good discussion of this here: Your track does however have a really strong groove...
neuromancer56 13th Jan 2018 13:46 - 7 years ago

on Kurui by EXANofficial
I like it. I especially like the mood of the music. Though I wonder if this is Chillout rather than Ambient. To me Ambient doesn't have any percussion or drums. Would be interesting to hear another version of this track without the drums. But I think the track is stronger with them.
EXANofficial replied 13th Jan 2018 - 7 years ago
Fair point. I wasn't sure which category to put the track in, but chillout would probably fit better. Changing it now
neuromancer56 31st Dec 2017 20:56 - 7 years ago

on MNMYT - Make You by shannylawl
I feel like I'm listening to the voice of Goddess/God when I listen to this track and I can't stop listening to it! Takes me to a state of Bliss... I bow down to you.
neuromancer56 31st Dec 2017 02:16 - 7 years ago

on Big Bumper by Nodog
Love the buildup from 0:00-0:33 but I kind of wish when you transition to the new instrument at 0:34 instead you cranked up the energy and hit the beat harder and more violently instead of going whimsical.
Nodog replied 31st Dec 2017 - 7 years ago
Hey Glenn good to hear from you I wanted light for dancing I see whimsical referenced as playfully quaint or fanciful and or acting or behaving in a capricious manner which i can definately go with. Best wishes to you and yours for the new year Robbie.
neuromancer56 30th Dec 2017 14:13 - 7 years ago

on I Died A Little by mildperil
I think this is my favorite track of yours. The mood of the instrumental really suits your voice. Sounds kind of like a chilled out Ozzy.
mildperil replied 31st Dec 2017 - 7 years ago
Thank you very much.

And it's nice to see a familiar face popping up in the comments, it means a lot.

Happy new year!
neuromancer56 25th Dec 2017 21:33 - 7 years ago

on ITS YOU by Carrol
Hell yeah its funky!! Love it, Love it, Love it! The groove is sweet and the vocals are even sweeter. The only thing I would change is sometimes the vocals come in too loud, like they aren't blended in with the track like @ 1:32. For example the Oh! and the Oooooh! from @0:05-0:08 seconds are a little quieter and blend perfectly with the instruments, but the Ayahhh @ 1:32 is too loud and seems separate from the music. Maybe quiet the vocal down a bit, and add more reverb? It sounds too up front, and needs to be pushed into the background a little more.
neuromancer56 24th Dec 2017 19:14 - 7 years ago

on Wonder by GoldenOokami
This could easily be put under Chillout. Would go nice with some vocals. It's really an enjoyable listen. Almost sounds too clean. Wonder what it would be like if you dirtied it up a little, or added a little background noise or some atmosphere like this Enigma track:
GoldenOokami replied 26th Dec 2017 - 7 years ago
I appreciate your comment! I actually haven't thought about a vocalist on here. But that's really a good idea. I'm not sure where to look for one though. And for background noise, I'll look into that more often. I don't really use sfx, but I should get into that. Also, I heard the track starting at 15:00, which is where it automatically started me, and I can see where it could lead me if I got into the sfx usage. Cheers!

neuromancer56 22nd Dec 2017 00:08 - 7 years ago

on Return of the Dead King by EricMilligan
Sorry, I didn't realize it was Amazon that is doing LOTR TV series.
EricMilligan replied 1st Feb 2018 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the link. I wasn't aware of ANYBODY doing a LOTR TV series, so this is potentially very good news.
neuromancer56 14th Dec 2017 16:44 - 7 years ago

on All Night Long by sumjazz
This is perfect except for the flute. It ruins the complete chill of this piece. I would rip out the flute and you are done. If you insist on keeping the flute make it super slow and super smooth. Not frantic and chaotic like you have it. That said I still love this piece and absolute fave of mine.
neuromancer56 13th Dec 2017 00:46 - 7 years ago

on We Struggle by musiclover38
Nice. Trade the electric piano/rhodes for a steel guitar and you've got yourself a country hit!
musiclover38 replied 14th Dec 2017 - 7 years ago
Ha ha, I guess you're right :-P
neuromancer56 9th Dec 2017 23:09 - 7 years ago

on discouragement by MasanoriMurabayashi
The piano music is some of the most beautiful piano music I have heard in my life. And the Orchestral part in the middle, while good seems out of place, like it doesn't connect with the piano. Maybe wikkid's suggestion is correct, but it just seems to go from very sparce, delicate and beautiful to a bunch of stuff all at once. Maybe you could add one instrument at a time and carry the piano into it. Slowly build rather than drastic change?
MasanoriMurabayashi replied 11th Dec 2017 - 7 years ago
Hi neuromancer56,
Thank you for coming back again!
As you said, especially on the second half of the piano, there could have a chance of adding a single instrument such as flute or strings that embellish melody line. I did not do it, because the comparison between piano solo, orchestration, piano with single instrument seemed odd in A-B-A form within 2:38 short time. I'll try gradually overlay the instruments on another piece next time. Thanks for your advice.
neuromancer56 9th Dec 2017 15:14 - 7 years ago

on Return of the Dead King by EricMilligan
Very nice evocative track. I can definitely feel the LOTR vibe. Maybe you can get them to use it on the new Netflix LOTR series?
EricMilligan replied 21st Dec 2017 - 7 years ago
Hi, Neuromancer. I'm happy to hear that the track connected with you. What Netflix LOTR series? Have I missed something?

neuromancer56 7th Dec 2017 04:23 - 7 years ago

on Electricity -beat by williusu
Can't wait to hear the full version!
williusu replied 25th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
neuromancer56 4th Dec 2017 03:43 - 7 years ago

on JazZedd by Neomorpheus
I have some guitar playing pointers for you, which are best explained by this video:
Neomorpheus replied 4th Dec 2017 - 7 years ago
There was guitar playing in that? Ha Ha ! Actually she nailed the solo pretty much note for note but totally bombed out on the last note where Ritchie whammy's the hell out of it. The best part of the solo actually. So sorry man, its pretty much a thumbs down for me.
neuromancer56 3rd Dec 2017 19:26 - 7 years ago

on Ride with me by MightyMemphis
This is one of those tracks that you think "Damn, why didn't I do one like this?" Love the gritty start, sets the whole tone, then goes smooth chill. Love it.
MightyMemphis replied 3rd Dec 2017 - 7 years ago
Glad you like Neuro.

All music on here is inspired by the community. Just hunt for the loops and believe it or not, it almost sounds like the the entire base could make a tune together. Just takes a little tweakin'.

- Memphis
neuromancer56 2nd Dec 2017 18:29 - 7 years ago

on Space Time by Nodog
Very cool... laid back *AND* funky. I like the spoken word too. Not that I do such things, but I feel like I just got done smoking some weed after listening to this track.
Nodog replied 2nd Dec 2017 - 7 years ago
Heee Glenn ya made my day and brought as smile to my craggy ol face. I would like to have that feeling for sure. Good to hear from you. Its like siberia out there i think the weather affects the music seriously chilled. Best regards Robbie.
Comments 76 - 100 of 148