

Atlanta, United States
Joined : 18th Mar 2009 - 15 years ago
Bioscape comments on tracks

Bioscape has posted 143 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 51 - 75 of 143
Bioscape 8th Feb 2010 19:44 - 14 years ago

on Distant Shoreline by jfw
I really liked that lead synth...and all the sound fx. Good bass lines. Nice drum work on this; not over the top, but substantial. Cool track. Funky jazz I would say. Nice guitar playing as well.
jfw replied Unknown
Thanks for listening Andrew.
Bioscape 6th Feb 2010 01:43 - 14 years ago

on Trees by TheseMetalDays
I enjoyed the subtle build up. Mixed well. Electronic vision of trees...I like it. The panning is cool, also I like that slab bass sound.
TheseMetalDays replied Unknown
I'm glad that you thought the panning is cool. Someone has told me he was annoyed about it.
Bioscape 28th Jan 2010 02:14 - 14 years ago

on I'm Here Forever by BrianByron
I like how u implemented the vocals. They sound like they were meant for this song. Real funky. Cool chord progression.
Bioscape 19th Jan 2010 17:27 - 14 years ago

on Fast Lane by TheDonMusic
Hey Duke, this one stands out to me man. Really could see some mainstream artist on it. Sounds like a Drake track to me. I like what you did with the intro...and even the little tire squeals and such throughout the track. Yer snare break downs were tight. That arpeggiated line gives the track some playfulness...u might wanna go back and substitute some different vsts over that one tho. I like it how it is; but since the track has rough characteristics, it might sound better with something edgy. Cool work man! Later
TheDonMusic replied Unknown
I was listening to DRAKE before making this so maybe it had an effect lol
appreciate the love, thank you
Bioscape 19th Jan 2010 17:09 - 14 years ago

on Blue Lounge by Mpulse
Very funky track. I'm loving that slab bass. When the trumpets come in, they almost sound like vocals...I like how you arranged that. I thought the mmmmhhmmmm female vocal might have been a tad too loud...other than that the vocals were cool. I could see Paul Jackson Jr having fun with this one, sounds like some of his stuff. Nice one!
Bioscape 19th Jan 2010 05:40 - 14 years ago

on T-tap by Prezivor
This is real futuristic. and mechanical..its like industrial-hiphop. I enjoyed the intro. I picked up the rhythm and vibe right away. The originality here is very nice. Solid track man.
Prezivor replied Unknown
Industrial-hiphop I never thought of that. Thanks for listening and reviewing.
Bioscape 16th Jan 2010 02:34 - 14 years ago

on Feel My Love by d2d
haha! good stuff man. I think the vocals were arranged and placed really well. I like the synth phrases right before the choruses. This is one of those tracks were the artist doesn't like it, but everyone else can't get it out of their head! Nice riffin dude! This sounds like a late 80s-early 90s Paul Gilbert song.
d2d replied Unknown
I feel the chorus is kinda cute & memoriable. It must be... a number of live365 stations are playin' this track. Some day, I'll re-record this one in a way that makes ME happy, too. LOL!
Thanks for listening to it!
Bioscape 16th Jan 2010 02:29 - 14 years ago

on From the Desert to Space by WhiteSands
I like that pulsing bass and the spacious feel, this track is really "open". Cool arps, nice melodies. Its like house kinda.
Bioscape 14th Jan 2010 15:33 - 14 years ago

on Cantus Ranocchio by n0mad23
The originality is great here by itself...but the groove you created was very cool. A real sublte build up, and then it springs on you. Something sounds like rushing water...its very clear at the end, but I can't my finger on it. I love how you take the essence of nature and transform it to sound. I can't think of a better sound-scape to describe a frog. haha
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks for the fave! It's definitely one of those archetypal tracks that gave me much grief in the early stages. Once I submitted to the demands of Frog it all kind of fell into place. Cheers.
Bioscape 11th Jan 2010 17:35 - 14 years ago

on Saturn Kilometric (Among Giants) by siensystem
Had to review this one as well. I really like how you are creating these sound structures. This is a fantastic setting for Saturn. I like that this one has more phrasing and instrumentation than some maybe piano..idk if thats what it is though. There was one section where it sounded like it was venturing out onto the around 1:35. Nice ambient work!
Bioscape 11th Jan 2010 17:28 - 14 years ago

on Omega Centauri (Noise Fragments) by siensystem
I really enjoyed the subtle pan...just right for this image. Also getting the sound of chimes (without chimes) was very nice. The intro and fade, seemed to give a visualization of moving in and out of the star structure. The synth phrasing was a very nice complement to the main panning rhythm. Fav
Bioscape 11th Jan 2010 17:21 - 14 years ago

on M31 (Andromeda Galaxy) by siensystem
I love the concept here. I do this alot also...its like transforming images to sound, which seems odd to some. I also like the idea of an album about the universe or planets etc. Your interpretation of Andromeda is nice here, there is some dark parts, but they are complemented nicely by the light minor phrases. Cool track!
Bioscape 11th Jan 2010 03:15 - 14 years ago

on Uno (the 1 Loop song) by DonnieVyros
You know, this sounds alot like the old school hiphop tracks with alot of samples in them...Its like sampled-house..with the scratching being exchanged with reversing. Cool use of the loops, I liked the drums.
DonnieVyros replied Unknown
Yeah, one day I was messin around on one of the programs I hardly every play with and I found this one loop. Immediately thought that it'd go good in a song and then BAM- after foolin with it for like 20 minutes or so I realized that I could possibly make a whole song out of it. Which does hark back to the early days of hiphop alot. Find 1 sample & go with it. Glad ya dug it. Later on!
Bioscape 11th Jan 2010 03:04 - 14 years ago

on Eshar- Still Tribal (DVs Angry Ants rmx) by DonnieVyros
The fading was really nice and smooth. I really like the intro pad...the verb on it gave it a unique sound. I thought some drum patters you chose immulated ant feet and the synth were the bites... Also with the fading...nice job of still having depth from whats left after the other sounds leave.
DonnieVyros replied Unknown
Yeah, when I was listening to this as it progressed I kept seein lines of ants marching away from a picnic basket or the way they swarm when someone's stepped on their mound. And the conversion part at the end was done to give tribute to the original (since this is so vastly different). Downside is that I don't think Eshar has the original of this up any longer (shrugs). Glad ya dug it. Later on!
Bioscape 4th Jan 2010 16:39 - 14 years ago

on Lament for the Bees by bcway
real cool track. the piano riffs were my favorite...i really enjoyed the creativity with the drums, the reverbs were good. Felt it could/should have been longer...but still nice as is, cool for a first try. I also like the instuments you chose for the intro. The chorus blends nicely with the strings.
bcway replied Unknown
Hey Andrew, thank you for your kind words.
Bioscape 3rd Jan 2010 20:51 - 14 years ago

on Back 2 The Block (loop shocase 1) by DonnieVyros
I really like these drums, and all the little reverses and pauses..I'm actually working on a track with those 2 elements. The subtleness of the way the track morphs from just drums to more synth stuff is nice.
DonnieVyros replied Unknown
That's cool mate. This was my first 'loop showcase' and it came from one set of drum loops I made last spring. When I was uploading them I go back n play 'em for quality purposes and when I got to 5 & 6 it suddenly dawned on me that it reminded me of that one Chem Bros song. So afterwards I set out to make the mix you hear now. And I plan on reworking this sometime in the future. Anyways, glad ya dug it. Later on!
Bioscape 31st Dec 2009 18:40 - 14 years ago

on Bump Bump (loop showcase 2) by DonnieVyros
This might be DnB, but idk alot of different elements you do not normally hear in that genre. The drumming's great though. I like the bass..kinda it arpeggiated?
DonnieVyros replied Unknown
Yeah, I dunno what this is exactly (kind of it's own beast). As for the bass, they're all loops that I've got loaded on here in my loops section (feel free to check 'em out). Used 2 sets and I don't recall arpegin any of 'em. Glad ya dug it. Later on!
Bioscape 31st Dec 2009 18:34 - 14 years ago

on TCM- Black Rainbows (DVs Nap Time rmx) by DonnieVyros
I love the minor notes you threw in here..the whole vibe switches when they come in. I like the idea of the swirling vocals as well. Kinda like dreams, and different ideas flowing through your head. Kick's great, snare's nice. I like the volume and fullness you provided with this track.
DonnieVyros replied Unknown
Yeah, those notes were done to echo the stylings of Snooze Button (you'll see what I mean whenever ya check it out). Kinda like I'm trying to capture this 'sleeping style' with these (either making a new genre or just putting my spin on fusing existing genres like trance, ambient, and tech-house). Glad ya dug it. Later on!
Bioscape 31st Dec 2009 01:46 - 14 years ago

on The Beginning of Eternity by Kper
I really enjoyed the intro. When the drums come in the chorus sound u used is awesome. I also like how u used a 7-stringer in this one. You're a great composer! Couldn't have arranged this one better myself. I like the use of the double-bass. The ending is optimistic, very "hopefull."
Cool track
Kper replied Unknown
Many of the chorus sounds I "borrowed" from loops done by Planetjazzbass. Calling me a composer is a great compliment. I don't know about you, but using loops feels a lot like painting where we take bits of color and brush them onto a canvas. What's nice about that is that no one has to like my music other than me. But when others do, that is an extra bonus. Thanks for taking the time to listen and review. I'm looking forward to checking out more of your tracks as they come out. Kper
Bioscape 24th Dec 2009 02:06 - 14 years ago

on Rapster by DuckCez
if u exchange the trumpet with a hit, it'd be tight. the beat's cool, exchange the flutesitar pad for a saw
Bioscape 21st Dec 2009 15:21 - 14 years ago

on FlutterBy by YourzTruLee
I like that sample..also the way u wrapped the bass around it. All the little vocals are nice as well.
Bioscape 21st Dec 2009 15:09 - 14 years ago

on Firefighter (XxYoung Collab) by DonnieVyros
Man the into shifts grooves like 5 times, real cool. I like how u arranged that. I like that synth around 1:25...kinda reminds me of fire truck(maybe u planned it to be as such.) I would like to hear a low pounding bass to accentuate the groove, but u did a good job doing that with the high synths
DonnieVyros replied Unknown
Cool deal mate. Yeah, the name on this was something that I had decided upon back when I first started mixing it ages ago. And it's because of the way the synths on this reminded me of fire trucks, alarms, and such. As for now, I think this track is as done as it's gonna get. Sah sent me the first few loops and then the project kinda stalled. At any rate, I'm glad ya dug it. Later on!
Bioscape 21st Dec 2009 15:03 - 14 years ago

on Heatwave by DonnieVyros
I like the pulsing bassline..the kicks come in just right. I like the drums loops, they sounds DnB-ish. The pad that comes in in the end is cool. I like that the ending echoes the intro in a different synth
DonnieVyros replied Unknown
Yeah, that's what I was wanting to focus on in this track (the bassline). Kinda like my way of showing people how I break down a song when I hear it (the certain parts that just pop out). I was also thinkin that it'd be a cool spot for the dancers & glostikrs to break it down. Glad ya dug it. Later on!
Bioscape 13th Dec 2009 21:28 - 14 years ago

on Illuminati by WhiteSands
Man this is really cool. I like that arppegiated synth. Smooth hi-hat work! Good bass line and high synths
Bioscape 11th Dec 2009 16:47 - 14 years ago

on Dis Harmonics Riddim by AceRuiz
I like the bassline the best. adding the shaker was a good idea..kinda gets repetitive, but u did mix up the samples and dropped the drums well

try adding some short delay on the kick and snare samples..might sounds pretty cool
Comments 51 - 75 of 143