This track reeled me in. Really good work. Kudos, keep it up.!
The choice of sounds is complimentary to the flow within the layers and provides movement to the piece right down to the outro. It's got soul.
High praise for the sonic clarity. Definitely up there with the room space for the discreteness of instrument placement; seems to be a feature of all your tracks - ie., nice work, KIU (keep it up), homey from Kanuckistan, Cheers!
Kanuckistan...LOL. First time I heard that, for some reason I like it.
Thank you for taking the time to listen and review my...err...perhaps I should say engineering. I have limited resources, including time, but it is great to get away from the daily b.s. and cavort about with music.
Somebody came over while I was listening to this track and it helped me get the hooha I needed ( Thanks, hope you get lucky too). This is pretty good work , especially the break. I appreciate this tune for its lively, fresh up feel. The breaks and layering promote the chorus throughout - that's called composition. Who's got two thumbs up and giving them to you? Yep - it got's it. Only one critique, though: There were some spots that sounded like they needed some DC correction and you might like to pump it through a broadcast processor or some spatialiser to help bring it. Cheers! and sincere compliments. ( Yeah, it got played a few times.)
The melody is fantastic in its movement, appropriately melding into itself again to allude to its chorus. This piece is a monster. It has so much proportion. This is truly inspired work. A pleasure to hear again and again until my ears wear out.
My man in Alberta - Thanks for the listen and encouragement! I've got the extended piece "Jungulation Victor" back up on Live and am going for the 6.5 to 7.5 satisfying version next. Won't wear out the replay button so fast this way! Cheers.
Ambient hip-hop. The buildup is there and I enjoyed the magic in the mix. Makes me want to lowride around late at night with busted headlights and ill intentions. Good work; keep it up!!
This excellent acoustic guitar instrumental composition stands on its own; almost in the self-accompanying style of , I believe, 18th century classical guitarist Dionisio Aguado. Great work. The clarity of the instrument is superb.
Nice pop mix with a great upbeat tempo. Really enjoyed this happy little number. The structure's great; the solo guitar break is quick and easy in there. This one's got A/R rep knockin' down your door written all over it, i hope, anyway. Good work.
This IS the bomb. I love your stuff. Man, this is sweet. The rythm is perfect for the genre. How about calling it Jungletrance. You could be the Jungle-ator. Please keep this up.
Thanks! The genre problem is with me again. I actually spent part of my youth in West Africa and tend to agree with my African friends - music is music. Trance? Ambient? Industrial Dance Noize? A band I was in a few years ago billed ourselves as "Pacific Northwest Folk Punk Music" and nearly came to blows when an International Music Festival organizer labeled our 'genre' as West African Dub Fusion. Go figure!
Nice minimal deep house with no excessiveness. Perhaps the hardest type of piece to provide contrast into and out of a break/hook. Good work. I like this piece: it moves.
Rippin'. I really like the clarity and definition that your soundscape has. Perfect tension in the tempo. I could see this in an animated Japanese horror flick. Let the bleeding begin. :)
on African Wing by mushadu
on Let's fall in love by Lflat
The choice of sounds is complimentary to the flow within the layers and provides movement to the piece right down to the outro. It's got soul.
on Busy Unit # 3 by bcway
Thank you for taking the time to listen and review my...err...perhaps I should say engineering. I have limited resources, including time, but it is great to get away from the daily b.s. and cavort about with music.
on SHIMMER2000 by Ashman1
on Jungulation by n0mad23
on The Right Way by PDRakaJosephColumbo
on trait stooper by LongJohnsLiver
on retail hail by necron90nine
on Ballerini by jfw
on Time to bang This Club Hard mixtape preview by victormusic01x
on sOul of my heart by cdm
on Medieval by MisterFujisam
on Synthetic Harmony by ZWR
on Factory Gnome Midnight Party by n0mad23
on Boozer by Faketrix
on Trance Angel by Niclas199
on full auto by Jake_richards
on Macularia by Varkphazt
xD lets make a song sometime man!