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Ipswich, United Kingdom
Joined : 5th Jan 2010 - 15 years ago
Phyruis comments on tracks

Phyruis has posted 394 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 76 - 100 of 394
Phyruis 28th Nov 2011 10:47 - 13 years ago

on Do Not Attempt by michelknoxville
Firstly I have to house...not really my thing... but I really did enjoy this..some nice stuff ... for the first time today I have no critique at all... nice one...

keep 'em coming brother
michelknoxville replied 7th Dec 2011 - 13 years ago
thank you, there were vocals in this track but i had to get them out because ther not mine
Phyruis 28th Nov 2011 10:38 - 13 years ago

on snyth n guitars by pcm2008
some nice ideas but just a little bit too vanilla for me ...maybe try adding a little more bass...

I would also try layering up your drum track as it lacks power ...but still some nice ideas

Keep 'em coming
Phyruis 28th Nov 2011 10:26 - 13 years ago

on Where Im Going version 2 by EasyToEnvy
I have to say firstly I did not hear the first version..but... I like the intro nice and smooth..then those strings come in nice...

that vocal needs to go brother... keep the rap... but seriously the vocal at the start ruins a great intro...

that rap needs to come up in the mix... because it is lost..

I would have peppered this with a little 808 line... some bass maybe ...

all the ideas are there you just need to work on the post production.. work on your levels and's not easy but if you practice you'll get there..

keep 'em coming brother
EasyToEnvy replied 28th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Alright, honestly i felt kimda like that too.mi juss dont know how to get it all to flow together nice, but like you said, in time after practice i guess i will. And i wanna work on when those strings drop, i think if i made them a bit more stereo and breathraking it would sound even better. But thanks for the review, i feel what your saying, and ima keep working at it
Phyruis 28th Nov 2011 09:58 - 13 years ago

on Addicted 2 Sleep Dreams to Dream cover preview by DonnieVyros
loving that deep bass synth brother..nice idea.. the drum track sets it all up perfectly for the build...nice ..

I personally would have loved have heard a little more in the way of sfx or glitches to really set off the DEEP house feel for this track... maybe even some more percussion...

I also would have liked to have heard some more of that beginning vocal..

now I must say dance music really isn't my thing but I did enjoy this track... although I think it should have ended about thirty second earlier..


keep 'em coming brother
DonnieVyros replied 17th Dec 2011 - 13 years ago
Cool deal mate. The bass & the lead synths were my fav bits when I was mixing this. Drums were just pre-loaded samples from the prog I was usin. Took your advice on trimming down the track (which left me with some bass loops I might add here later). Also tossed on an extra bassy synthline to give it a more house vibe. Then I worked on tweekin the vocals to make 'em sync up better (posted it as a separate track to show the before/after difference). Anywho, glad ya dug it. Lates!
Phyruis 28th Nov 2011 09:52 - 13 years ago

on Pure Evil by Jiberish
nice... not sure if that sub is just too much maybe if you used a filter to cut the top end off from about 150hz maybe even lower remember that sub is most meant to be felt rather than heard.

after a while the track did get a little mono tone and that piano gets a bit almost hypnotic .. so for me it needs a bit more of a change up... and maybe a cut away from the piano.

the drum track you have in there although it creative does lack power that maybe because of the sub or it may just be it needs layering up... create three or four instances of the snare using different sounds maybe even layering it with a clap or a rim shot to add texture. your kick I would do the same...layers brother..

having said all of that the track has some interesting ideas..with a bit of tweaking it could be a banger..

keep 'em coming brother
Jiberish replied 3rd Dec 2011 - 13 years ago
Cheers bro,
Always appreciating feedback and advice.
I'll give the song a bit of an edit soon and try and bring it to new heights :)

Phyruis 28th Nov 2011 09:46 - 13 years ago

on New heavy song by joshthedjentleman
some nice ideas...

I think I would have take some of the top end away from your crash/ride it does tend to over power the track and take away from the power of the drum track over all...

great guitar work.. perfectly EQed BTW... that mid section would be enough to please any slipknot fan...reminded me of early korn.. not a big fan of the solo personally because I feel no one does it better than kirk Hammett...

for me the bass needs more low end I like to be able to feel the bass maybe it wouldn't hurt to make an instance of the bassline and EQ it as a sub cutting everything above 50hz remember that sub doesn't have to be too high in the mix because it's more about texture...

having said that over all I enjoyed the track nice one..

keep 'em coming
joshthedjentleman replied 29th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Thanks man! I'll give your EQ suggestions a try. I can't say I agree with you about the whole Kirk Hammett thing though, but to each his own!
Phyruis 27th Nov 2011 13:03 - 13 years ago

yeah Mahloo13 said everything I was going to say...

I would try making three instances of the bass...eq one as as mid and one as top end... then make another instance of the three instances pan of the three completely left the other completely right... it would give the rest of the track room to breath.

I would say your drum track needs layering for sure... more on the kicks and definitely more on the snare... maybe try add a clap on the's an old hip hop trick but it does add snap to the over all snare sound...

the track over all is great all the ideas are there it just needs tweaking in post production

keep 'em coming brother
SHOKHER replied 28th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
so pan the bass to both sides?
Phyruis 17th Nov 2011 08:25 - 13 years ago

on Dont Cry by eshar
some good stuff here, it's great when you hear something so simple work.. that bassline is almost a stroke genius ...the drum track is awesome..

the whole structure of the track is great ... very nice production also... I have only one problem really and that is the track does feel a little "vanilla" ya know? a little too clean...but I'm sure that is just me..

over all I enjoyed it alot... nice one

Keep 'em coming
eshar replied 18th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment...feels like ages since I made this track now lol.

I'm glad you liked it :)
Phyruis 11th Nov 2011 12:44 - 13 years ago

on Trick or Treat by DextDee
great track brother...not much else to say that hasn't already been said ..

would be great on a release...

Keep 'em coming brother
DextDee replied 12th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
thank you Phyruis. comment appreciated
Phyruis 8th Nov 2011 14:15 - 13 years ago

on The Club - Original Mix - Versuz Essentials by DjShifter
I have to be honest I don't really dig on house music at all.but I enjoyed this...

I would have probably taken that first breakdown a little deeper to really get that build up hitting.

the balance is just right on the mix... I would have like to have felt the bass as well as heard it but maybe thats just a personal preference being a bass head and all...

nice track...

keep 'em coming brother
Phyruis 8th Nov 2011 14:03 - 13 years ago

on Louder by juliendou
ah...alivid... the man is a demon in disguise.... this is awesome brother... I can find no faults...

nice one great track PM me if you get this one finished I'd like to hear the finished product..

keep 'em coming brother
juliendou replied 8th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
His Drum sound is perfect !

No problem, I work for the end of this track, after i'll give you the link !

Thx man !
Phyruis 7th Nov 2011 14:26 - 13 years ago

on I Do - U Listen by 7th
some nice ideas...the only thing I would say is this probably fits more in industrial more than glitch.

a nice track... I'm sure I've heard the vocals before though...

keep 'em coming brother
7th replied 8th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
hi :) jea the voices r just internet downloads. thx for listen and may ur right with indust....had used glitch vst to creat some effects and so i named this and a nice life :)

Phyruis 7th Nov 2011 13:31 - 13 years ago

on no connection by Chemx
some nice ideas here... for me the bass is a little too clean maybe try running it through some distortion...

the other thing is you got cut the low end from your kick it is messing with your bass line.. cut everything under 80hz and make a small boost at 90/100hz to regain some of that power. also if you sidechain (0 attack & release around 80) your bass compressor through your kick it'll add to it to.

then boost that sub around 50hz...remember not all the essence of a sub is about hearing it (with Dnb especially) you also need to feel it... so cut your subs EQ taking away everything above 80hz a filter might help it to be smoother... then like I say boost it at around 50/60hz.

the other thing I would suggest is cut every EQ so that none of them have anything below say...80hz then nothing is messing with your sub and the make a down point on every one too around 10.0hz (thin Q and 0 gain) because the it'll give more room for your hats which you can boost rather than take down.

anyway nice track sorry to ramble on.... some times I get a track that inspires me to advise. and your track did that.

keep 'em coming brother
Chemx replied 7th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
nice review thanx brother
your wisdom is well appreciated. Will sure use your advice.
Thank you again
Phyruis 7th Nov 2011 09:58 - 13 years ago

on Tavern by jussi_huhtala
I have to say this track is quite usual.. it is full of joy and happiness something that can be quite lacking here at the looper.

thanks for sharing I really did enjoy it.

keep 'em coming brother.
Phyruis 7th Nov 2011 09:48 - 13 years ago

on wots up by manicman
some nice ideas brother...

If I am honest you the only thing this track need is a good going over post production wise. a good mix down would sort out any glitches

I would go for harsher EQing on the bass and drum track to stop them messing with one another... etc.

I would remove some of those samples too at times you feel as a listen that you waiting for the next sampler rather than waiting for the bass to kick in or a sweet snare hit.

so yeah...

I did enjoy it but you need to do a big fat hairy mixdown to tweak the track in to more than just being... to make it sing.

keep 'em coming brother
manicman replied 7th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
cheers for the review .i make all my stuff on audacity with samples.ant got no high teck eqwipment dont no how 2 mix down..........
Phyruis 7th Nov 2011 09:22 - 13 years ago

on Interlude - Ne Me Quitte Pas by Leagues
loving the elements in this..

I would say though it does break some of the looperman rules when it comes to copyrights so please be careful... you'll get yourself banned. just a heads up brother..

I do like what you've done though for me the kicks might need some more definition I would try making two instances of them and panning one slightly right the other slightly left.

maybe I would try playing around with the stereo filed a little more too..

having said that I did enjoy the listen...

keep 'em coming brother
Phyruis 6th Nov 2011 14:20 - 13 years ago

on slowly once lounger rmx feat Eshar by arkeyetexture
you know I am rapidly becoming a big fan of your stuff.... and dub for that matter....

for me that bass needs to come down a little in the mix and maybe try putting a filter on it to cut everything above say...70hz... just so the bass doesn't mess too much with the rest of the track like it does in parts... I would also add some more layers to the kick to give it more definition ya know?

other than that great stuff my friend..looking forward to your housefly records release...

keep 'em coming Justin
arkeyetexture replied 6th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Thanks Brother! Good solid advice! love it!
Honored and very pleased you getting into the dub Vibe!
Looking forward to working with You kind peeps at Housefly< very excited!!!
Much Love!!
Phyruis 6th Nov 2011 13:45 - 13 years ago

on Chase scene music by Samh
some great ideas but for me it was a little too simple ... at times the track has a monotone feel to it..nothing really changes throughout the track... you have a natural progression but I'm not sure as a listener thats enough...

I would say add some SFX to extend the stereo field also change up the beat in places maybe a drop or two might add definition..

like I said some good ideas but maybe just too simple

Keep 'em coming brother
Phyruis 4th Nov 2011 10:13 - 13 years ago

on Sweet Blueberry Butterfly Waffle Kisses by alividlife
some great stuff here gotta stretch out the intro... brother add some more interest in it...

the all round vibe of the track is cool ..

my advise for the drum track would be have two instances of your kick and pan one slight left and the other slightly right it'll give the kick more power and take alot from the middle section of the could also bounce them to a send track an add some extra reverb and a auto pan ya know?

the track does seem to be lacking that bass element ya know?

but still having said that you got the makings of a cool sounding track brother

Keep 'em coming
alividlife replied 11th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Totally going to do all these things you mention.

Yeah.. I mean I am transitioning begrudgingly to focusing on quality over quantity (and I fuckinghateit) but your too true in your review.

Longer intro.
Drums need to have more presence.
BASS! I actually mentioned it to Marius (a fuckingbadass like SIENsystem) and his responses where kinda the same.
With the bass I have to wrestle that fine line of EPIC bass, (as bass sucks all the mids and some highs ie, mah guitars), but I NEED MORE BASS!! I think I need to just get a better microphone and maybe cabinet, as bouncing down from computer to outboard is still "meh" at best. =/
or maybe I should just try and emulate my bass guitar with a 3 oscilator detune saw wave and mix the live element of bass guitar with soft synth stuffs?

I dunno.

It is a cool track I think.. just lacks a producer behind it lol
Phyruis 2nd Nov 2011 07:58 - 13 years ago

on Call Me Out (Take This On) by logannano14
there are some great ideas here but for me this track goes more into the realms of Industrial rather than glitch...

the ideas are there it just needs a little bit more loving on the mix down and master end... you know?

bringing stuff forward and dropping stuff back in the mix... boosting and adding space maybe using a little reverb to cut through the mix... I don't know... this is all probably a mute point since you upload this track 3 months ago.. you've probably moved on and dumped this by now..

any .... keep 'em coming brother
Phyruis 23rd Oct 2011 16:47 - 13 years ago

on Cigarettes Are Expensive by Spivkurl
some really good ideas brother... the pads need some work to really sparkle at the top end... maybe adding some chorus and/or panning nothing too aggressive some nice a subtle.. the bottom end also need some work... maybe cutting that kick below 70 hz and adding something in there as a sub element you know?

the atmosphere is perfect for sure.. for me I would add some extra delay on some those elements maybe even again Panning... just to add on that sonic scape you've created

the drum track is a bit repetitive but that can be fixed in a heart beat ... so I would go on about that

don't get me wrong I really enjoyed it is also minimal.. loving the synth sounds in there like feedback through a broken speaker....

nice track brother...keep 'em coming
Spivkurl replied 29th Oct 2011 - 13 years ago
Thanks for your ideas and comments, if I ever finalize this song I'll take them to heart. Appreciate the listen!
Phyruis 18th Aug 2011 19:39 - 13 years ago

on An Old School Project by nepaul
this is awesome... I downloaded your E.P and it's hasn't been off my MP3 player since I listen to it daily ....fantastic brother...loving it...

keep 'em coming
Phyruis 16th Aug 2011 12:36 - 13 years ago

on Aint No Sunshine Muzic and Prod by NUADA by FullCapicityMuzic
very very colab... youse two seem to work well together.. I have no critique at all.. nice one

Keep 'em coming
FullCapicityMuzic replied Unknown
thanks PBJ. preciate it.
Phyruis 13th Aug 2011 14:38 - 13 years ago

on When you hear this one by edwin1976
some really nice ideas in the intro....

nice drum beat though it needs to be thicker..maybe some layering and some extra Eqing might give it more of an edge ... that kick needs to hit hard maybe a boost on the EQ at around 90hz might help also maybe try side chaining that bass through your kick to give it a boost as well... your snare needs to come up in the over all drum mix down... I would try layering it up with a one hit snare something with a snap to it that might help...

the bass is nice but again it needs layering up ...try making three instances of it and EQ one as a sub by cutting everything below 90hz and adding a boost at around 70hz... EQ the second for just mids cutting everthing below 100hz and above 2.00hz.. and the final one eq just for top end cutting everything below 2.00hz .. you gotta think of the over all sound of the bass they may sound rubbish on their own but together it will add some major thickness to your bass... I do this with all my basslines even sometimes making six instances... and of course don't forgot to side chain the bass through the kick setting the release so the bass just dips when the kick hits not too much though because it will act like a gate...

having said all of that I really did enjoy the track and with some really minor adjustments it could really POP...

keep 'em coming brother
Phyruis 2nd Aug 2011 07:44 - 13 years ago

this is bad arsed brother.... chilled but still progressive like PJB said ... gave me the same feeling I got when I heard "running away" for the first time ... you truly are a talented man brother....

keep 'em coming
Thanks PBJ I agree PJB said it well. lol Glad you like it brother man. Im not familiar with the "running away" track. lol
Comments 76 - 100 of 394