i live in great yarmouth, witch is right next to the sea, witch is great if you like the beach but i like 2 stay inland personly, i ride my bmx most days we have lots of skateparks dotted about .....i am a bit mad and i cant handle my drink i just try 2 stay hi, it alot safer 4 me, stop me gettin arested ,me and me woman live 2gether in a flat with r little cat sky, wicth is a little bugger i wake up with new sratches on me face every morning, i need 2 start locking it out the bedroom went i sleep,im really into aliens i belive they exsist .........i think i should shut up now...
guitar drums keyboard (beatbox)
nune really ant got nune need sum
vernision snairs
square pusher
casset boy
dj sctotch egg
cookie monsta
apex twin
black sabath
cannible corspe
viral load
i listern 2 so much music i dont no wot is my best all time stuff i really like hearing sumthing i never heard before.
cory martinez
cookie monsta
viz comics
total rubish
unenpolyed really need a job having a lot of trouble getting one it sucks