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Joined : 4th Aug 2010 - 14 years ago
DJSchmeeJ comments on tracks

DJSchmeeJ has posted 249 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 249
DJSchmeeJ 23rd Apr 2013 22:24 - 11 years ago

on The Good Life by Mykael
Throw back to yesteryear when singers were swooners and crooners! I'm thinking a little Nat(King Cole) a little Sam (Cook). FANTASTIC! Great job!
Mykael replied 29th Apr 2013 - 11 years ago
Very grateful for your comments! Thank you!

Love & Light,

DJSchmeeJ 13th Apr 2013 13:32 - 11 years ago

on The time given by phillipson
I really like the melody on this. Keep on track and build on it. It is hard to get good guitar sounds without a guitar. My 1st set up made it difficult at best to add any guitar to my tracks, so my earlier tracks that I wrote and recorded were all hip hop and pop kinda stuff. But when I got Reason 6 that allowed for live recording, my tracks went more live instrumental, and it changed everything! Keep up the good work and don't let this one get away!
DJSchmeeJ 25th Sep 2012 16:05 - 12 years ago

on it could be ft jenny mayhem and jesse taylor by jazzygimp
What a great vocal and smooth tune! Lovin it!
DJSchmeeJ 30th Nov 2011 14:21 - 13 years ago

on Dance with Me by Audain
wow... crazy hard synths in a chill song! it works well together! Nice combo of sounds and it sounds like its been produced and mastered pretty nicely (from what I can hear w/out headphones on a computer spkr). Ends rather quickly though... seems like it should fade out from one of the synth pads... but thats just my thought. Good job!
DJSchmeeJ 16th Aug 2011 15:07 - 13 years ago

on Aint No Sunshine Muzic and Prod by NUADA by FullCapicityMuzic
well I wouldn't go so far as to say it's better than the original... Bill Withers could make you cry from missing HIS woman with that song! Don't get me wrong...this is a great track.
, and I love everything about MuzicIzMe! Right down to that GORGEOUS SMILE! A class act and a looperstar for sure. But I think it would be better if you had recorded the individual stems and sent them to NUADA to master into his track. As it is it sounds like your vox are sitting on top dead center of the music, and thats a little too distracting for some listeners on here. And I think that Muzic, you should have gone to a very depressing place over a love lost before tackling this song so the emotion, the very soul of this song comes CRYING THROUGH! Its not you girl, its just that kind of song and the original version is so burned into the very souls of the listener. I love you, and think you are the top vocal on the loop... and I am such a big fan of yours! The was fantastic! 10/10
FullCapicityMuzic replied Unknown
i always welcome "constructive" feedback!
i respect that! aint no hate here.
thank you much. :-)
Great control, fantastic tone, in key and pitch. Well done! Of course I already know spelljammer and allenv are both world class musicians in my book, but girl you just put yourself up there with them.
FullCapicityMuzic replied Unknown
much appreciated, thank you.
DJSchmeeJ 16th Apr 2011 13:49 - 13 years ago

on SD Convocation by toniocnc
yes yes yes!! Great tune and great work. Much respect fam.
DJSchmeeJ 16th Apr 2011 13:40 - 13 years ago

on Dancing With The King by Yttrium
I read the info and had to listen! There's something about real instruments, and the whole jam atmosphere, thats missing on the loop (due to the nature of the beast). I'm glad I listened... Great job! I can tell you recorded it at church, but the sound quality is good. Guys, keep it up and stay focused! Anytime you try to do something to further the Kingdom there will be things that happen... that try to turn you away. Watch for them closely. Peace
Yttrium replied Unknown
Wow :D thanks for the great review! We're hoping to record a few more songs soon :)
DJSchmeeJ 16th Apr 2011 13:34 - 13 years ago

on Look At Me Now by Twanna1
Great work girl!!! I'd love to see this one live cause it has such a nice gospel vibe. This is the real meaning of "The truth shall set you free".
Twanna1 replied Unknown
Thank you DJSchmeeJ for your kind review. My goal was to tell the gospel (Good News) in this track as through all of my works.

God bless and have a wonderful weekend.

DJSchmeeJ 18th Feb 2011 12:44 - 14 years ago

on All Night Long by KillaKeishh
KeKe this is phire! Real nice production, and D-Cal put it down! Nice work fam!
KillaKeishh replied Unknown
thanks a lot ..!!! :)))))) glad you like it
DJSchmeeJ 18th Feb 2011 12:09 - 14 years ago

on Slow Dance by CharlesDanger
I see what you are trying to do here and I like it. The music production is really good, nice and airy and clear... somewhere around 1:12/3:48 it's a little loose. .. and theres a little pitchy thing on the vocals.... all which can be easily straightened out. The track is worth working on a little more because your composition skills are outstanding...just need to work on tightening your pitch a little more. Good job!
CharlesDanger replied Unknown
thanks for the review i can tell you put alot of thought into this! yeah im not the greatest vocalist but i think i can fix that. not quite sure what you mean by little loose though
DJSchmeeJ 17th Feb 2011 14:40 - 14 years ago

on Chromasonic (Feat Philosofist and Prolyfik) by Lvino
Yes! This is production with accapelleas 101 here fam! VERY NICE work. Sav'd n Fav'd!
DJSchmeeJ 15th Feb 2011 12:26 - 14 years ago

on SAY U READY Farisha Ft Geo by GEOram
I thought I had reviewed this one already cause it sounds familiar. Very nice production! The flow is tight and CLEAN! Jeez man...thank you so much for buying that freakin mic! I hate to hear some good spittin on here but the quality is sooooo bad! Then someone puts it on a track that has superb production and it just sucks the life out if the track! This is great Fam!
GEOram replied Unknown
Yeah i think the one you might have reviewed was Lvino's version of it..He did the production on it; on the original one...but i did the production of my vocals and mixing and mastering on my version, the one you just heard..I left my vocals with my natural sound, because i believe you get more feeling out the track this cutting or pitching or speeding up of vocals... if you compare both of them i think you will be able to hear the difference, plus i had a few other subtle changes and added an outro on my version as well..Yeah the flow is on point on this one i was just in the zone with this beat so it came real natural on it...The mic is a Sure PG42 it works real nice but u also have to know what compressor to use for each i already know what compressor and eq my vocals like for certain tracks so it just gets a bit easier every time, but i also learn something new everyday that helps me develop my capabilities so that's always a plus...But yeah i know what you mean about some of these tracks that are very good lyric wise but production, well lets just say it lacks quality..thanks for the review and sorry to have rambled for such along time...Hope to drop plenty more tracks within the coming weeks...
DJSchmeeJ 15th Feb 2011 12:18 - 14 years ago

on Sooner by Jamscience
Glad to be the first to review this. You both did an outstanding job on this man! Her vocals are very tight! I like the beat you put behind her, the sub bass line sometimes seems a little distracting... might be a key thing, but this is very well put together and I see what you wanted to do with this, and I get it! Freakin awesome job Fam!
Jamscience replied Unknown
Thanx for the positive review man, I'm so glad it seemed to work! I agree the subs a bit strong and will re-upload when I've taken it down a notch or two. Mixed it through duff speakers...Doh! thanx again for the feedback.
DJSchmeeJ 15th Feb 2011 12:14 - 14 years ago

on When Hippos sing with Frogs by n0mad23
Wow I really love the imagery on this on. The percussion is great! Really drives it. I don't know much about DUB, but I know what I like.... and I like this! The beat just takes your body over... it forces you to move. Great job Fam!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
lol - it's one of those tracks that can't be ignored, at least not if the volume's at 50% or more! It's funny hearing this one a couple years later - and reminds me that it's totally possible to make interesting and compelling music with a DAW. And to think once upon a time I thought it was only fakery! Glad you enjoyed this one! Cheers!
DJSchmeeJ 10th Feb 2011 00:02 - 14 years ago

on Eat Me Valley Girl by Becca
SSSIIICCCKKK! Yeah see.... You go on with ya bad self Girl DJ!
Becca replied Unknown
Thx DJ Nuckinfutz or DJSchmee :) I appreciate it
DJSchmeeJ 4th Feb 2011 22:54 - 14 years ago

on whats ur name by donmega
Thats some chill sh*t there! You keep doin ya thang don't worry about the hater (no "s")... I got your back fam cause ya got skillz! Peace!
donmega replied Unknown
thanks for checking out the so called underdog lmao
real recognize real
thanks for the support
u rock
DJSchmeeJ 4th Feb 2011 12:47 - 14 years ago

on Lester T Nightfly by Badhuman
Ya I knew you were an Old guy like me....this tells a lot. And thats not a bad thing "Bad", cause they don't make magic like this anymore. It's hard to find soul in so much of todays music, but you got it Brudda! Very tight, Excellent work my friend!
Badhuman replied Unknown
Yep. You are correct. Thanks for the review.
DJSchmeeJ 4th Feb 2011 12:42 - 14 years ago

on Chuckkah Norris - Kick Yer *ss by ChuckNorris57
Great track Chuck...uh Mr. Norris. Very nice work!
DJSchmeeJ 4th Feb 2011 12:21 - 14 years ago

on Glam Ft Oasis Dukes and Sierra by ChrissG
This is great! I love that phat dubstep thing you got going in this pop song...great work fam!
DJSchmeeJ 3rd Feb 2011 12:34 - 14 years ago

on Funk Station Number 2 by StableD
StableD steppin outta his comfort zone! This is great man... and the thing I was surprised to hear was the scratching. Most producers won't touch it, especially when it comes to funk. But I like it a lot! I use scratchin in my tracks and love how it makes it a little more modern. GREAT JOB!!
StableD replied Unknown
Yo Schmeej! Thanks dude! Yeah, I'm quite a fan of scratching and love using it to accentuate certain parts or let it flair a bit. Thanks again!
DJSchmeeJ 3rd Feb 2011 12:31 - 14 years ago

Hey ShemZ this is pretty darn good considering the Man in Black is sooo hard to cover well. Big Ups fam!
DJShemZee replied Unknown
10x.Cash is damn hard to cover.He`s not just big.He`s huge.
DJSchmeeJ 2nd Feb 2011 12:43 - 14 years ago

on deceiver by spacegoat
this track ROCKS! Nice job....I'm not a huge fan of the screamo type stuff...but this is great!
DJSchmeeJ 2nd Feb 2011 12:39 - 14 years ago

on Say you ready (ft Farisha and Georam) by Lvino
great work on this one. I love the fast pace on this, and the production is great!
DJSchmeeJ 2nd Feb 2011 12:37 - 14 years ago

on Smooth (Beat) by DyeVerse
Nice flow...very chill! Great work Fam
DyeVerse replied Unknown
thanks alot brother!!
Comments 1 - 25 of 249