

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Joined : 11th Aug 2011 - 13 years ago
Last Online : 20th Oct 2024 - 5 months ago
DrvanLansberg comments on tracks

DrvanLansberg has posted 28 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 28
DrvanLansberg 8th May 2018 22:02 - 6 years ago

on Box Room Remix Feat How to Loot Brazil by EricMilligan
Listening to this track for the third time now. You are clearly a gifted and talented musician Eric. There's few interesting details and tricks hidden in here.

What I really like is that the track starts out as kind of 90's Air track. I hear resemblances. And then, even without noticing, I am listening to a blues like track with some jazzy influences. Like the way you play with styles, intended ot not. Another tricky thing is key shift during the track. It starts out in B flat and ends in C flat, also even without noticing. You described how you have no clue in which key your track is. Which is proof to me that you are indeed very talented since you apperently do all this on intuition. Nice!

Although I would never be able to create a track like this, I might have made a few minor different choices. At 0:32 you play six chords (3x2) that sound "too easy". It is hard to describe sine I'm not a native English speaker. Same goes for the chords that lead to the E major chords just after. Playing these chords on each first count adds to the effect.

The first time I listened to your track, I thought the vocals were processed too much, like all over the track. And at first I thought it would be better to only to this processing at the chorus. But after listening to the track mopre often, it grew on me and now I think it was actually an excellent choice to do it the way you chose.

Around 2:00 or just after, the piano seems panned quite heavily to the left. Why? (just being curious). Gotta love that muted trumpet in the outro. What have used for that?

All in all a very well put together track that (although you labelled it pop) is a lot more complex than one would imagine at first listen. Well done.
EricMilligan replied 9th May 2018 - 6 years ago
Thanks for all the feedback. You are absolutely right. Looperman’s greatest value in my view is that we can get constructive input from other members on what works and what doesn’t work so well in our tracks.

It has been a while since I developed the Box Room track, but I’m pretty sure I was aware (or at least I suspected) that I might have a key change going on in the track. I remember thinking of the Daft Punk track, “Within”, where Montreal Pianist Chilly Gonzales had to come up with a way to bridge sections from A minor to Bb minor. He had to find a chord that played a role in both keys. He chose F. (There’s a really interesting VICE interview with him as one of the collaborators on Random Access Memories where he explains this.). He’s like Jacob Collier in his focus on the role of harmony in music.

Muted trumpet is from Native Instrument’s Session Horns Pro. I think it’s a really good VST. I do tend to layer different VST instruments for strings and horns, but on this one I just used the Session Horns patch on its own.

I’m not sure I agree with you about the vocal processing. I think, on reflection, that I over-did it. It sounds kind of harsh to me in some areas now. Some level of effects I think was OK throughout, but I think I should have been more selective.

I’m not exactly sure what you meant by the chords at 0:32 sounding “too easy”. Definitely agree that playing them on the first count makes thinks sound kind of “wooden” in the track. I think that was just laziness on my part. I struggled to find a chord progression that worked. Once I had that I didn’t make the effort to play a more nuanced piano track. It isn’t quantized, but the timing is pretty close to being exactly on the beats, which gets boring. I think I usually do better.

But, I also think you are suggesting either that the chord inversion was “too easy” or that the chord itself was not as interesting as it could have been. That’s a more substantive issue and I’d really appreciate hearing more explanation from you on that, if possible. The first chord is a Bb7 major, second inversion. Second chord is Eb major with the fifth (Bb) doubled in the bass. Keeps Bb as the common foundation for both chords. (I’m trying to avoid always using the root of the chord in the left hand). Anyway, I’m definitely interested in your advice on what I might do with those chords.


DrvanLansberg 12th Apr 2018 09:01 - 6 years ago

on Front of my eyes by MGproduct
Nice and uplifting. Gave me some energy next to my first cup of coffee for the day :). It has been said before, but there is some room for improvement on the mix. Keep an eye on the compression.
DrvanLansberg 12th Apr 2018 08:28 - 6 years ago

on The Runner by toastedavalanche
This result is remarkable if you have spent 1 hour only to produce it. At the same time it makes it somewhat difficult to analyse/review it :). I love the catchy feel. It stays in my head for a while. There are also a few minor issues that I'd usually address ;). But great result for a 1-hour challenge. And the extra minutes due to technical issues, are forgiven.
DrvanLansberg 4th Apr 2018 09:09 - 6 years ago

on It Will Make You Dance by igorsamanski
Funky as hell! When I read your description, I thought "yeah, well ,let's see", but you are right sir! Love the energy and rhytmic component of this track. Very well done. By some subtle changes in EQ and reverb you might be able to add some additional depth to it. Some parts are just a little bit too staccato for my taste. But that's a minor thing and doesn't influence the great overall feel. Love the combination of the hard synth sounds and rhythmic guitars.

Well done.
igorsamanski replied 15th Apr 2018 - 6 years ago
Thanks, maybe we can remake it.
DrvanLansberg 27th Mar 2018 21:19 - 6 years ago

on The God Unknown by StaticNomad
Just typed a very extensive reply, hit post and forget I got cookies disabled and therefor was logged out. Post gone...

Anyway, a shortened version: This was some amazing trip. Took me to a whole different dimension for way over 10 minutes. I listened whit my eyes closed and I could recommend doing so to others as well. It's simply an amazing composition (not track, but composition) which shows your skills.

As for the technical part, there might be a few minor things that I would have done differently myself. Love the drumtrack, maybe a little bit extra reverb to match the synths. I am curious for what you have used to make this composition. Expecially as for these reversed sounds.

Anyway, magical 11 minutes dear Static!
StaticNomad replied 28th Mar 2018 - 6 years ago

It’s a shame I can’t read your extensive reply but not to worry. It’s best to type your replies in a separate document and then copy and paste to Looperman.

I’m glad to hear I took you on an amazing trip to a whole different dimension. That’s my aim. I’m really not much of a composer. I just loop riffs and parts up and then jam over the top and extensively edit and see what comes out. I’m not really sure that’s composition in the proper sense. I only have a vague idea where I’m going when I start a track and fully expect interesting and unexpected things to happen along the way as I try out all sorts of sounds and moods.

Maybe I’ll try adding a bit of reverb to the drums though I quite like how clear and present they are. Not dry, as that wouldn’t suit the spacey vibe, but not overly booming and reverb heavy.

“I am curious for what you have used to make this composition. Expecially as for these reversed sounds.”

Since 2001, I’ve used Reason and Cubase in conjunction ie each track is made up of a Reason and Cubase file that run as one. Synths are mostly from Reason and audio recordings are all in Cubase though my drum VSTs (Superior Drummer) also run in Cubase. The only recorded audio here is electric cello. Everything else is programmed synths and drums, plus a couple of samples.

The reversed sounds (they’re not actually that obvious to me) are simply a reverse reverb setting on the reverb units on a few synths in Reason. No reversed cello parts though I do sometimes do that.

The only bass sound in this is a sample-based orchestral string sound that I really like. It’s quite noisy, which is effective a lot of the time. When I don’t want it to be so noisy, I just add a filter that takes the edge off it. Plus EQing the top end.

Any other setup questions, just ask and I will tell.

I’m now working on another track based on leftover parts from this one though it will probably take a while to finish. I’m aiming for it to be just chilled out and beautiful rather than dark, ominous and sometimes heavy.

Thanks for the appreciation.
DrvanLansberg 27th Mar 2018 09:57 - 6 years ago

on Capucine by BLEEP
Wow, amazing drum track. I love this dragging rhythm and the countering bass line. This bass line reminded of a track of Bomb the Bass (for which I cannot seem to remember the title at this moment). This snapping dry snare is simply the coolest. I know modern jazz can be all over the place, but I think your track might even be more powerfull and accessible if you keep some of the solo lines into key with the bass or rhodes. You alos might want to consider to fill some empty frequency spectrums in this great track. Maybe a simple organ with a few chords might do te job.

Then again, it is your track and it sounds amazing as it is. Fav'ed.
BLEEP replied 28th Mar 2018 - 6 years ago
Hello DrvanLansberg,

thanks for your friendly words, i quote your advice about the solo lines into key with the bass or rhodes :) however, i don't understand the meaning of "to fill some empty frequency spectrums", english is not my natural language and the translator didn't help me lol

thanks again for your feedback,
DrvanLansberg 26th Mar 2018 23:37 - 6 years ago

on Thats what Ill Do by wemert
I love this unpretentious type of song, the nice mid summer breezy quality it has. Your voice is brilliant in any sense of the word :). Not sure if you followed singing lessons. If not, I would definitely recommend doing so. There is still room for improvement in my humble opinion. Whenever you start a new line, I hear you voice trying to find the correct pitch. I also think singing lessons might help you to get more dynamic in your singing. Don't get me wrong, I love your voice. But with a few adjustments it would be great.

As for the mixing of the track, well... :)

And yet, an easy fav!
DrvanLansberg 21st Mar 2016 14:59 - 9 years ago

on Wildwood Ambience by DanGoldstein
Although I usually wouldn't listen to soundscapes, I must say I was pleasantly surprised by your upload. For me, music it good when it touches me somehow, or when I feel something with it. I definately felt something here, a bit like drifting in water, on my back, away from the shore, and still feeling OK with it. If this track would have been 10 minutes or more, I really wouldn't have minded :).

The cracks I hear every now and then, is that clipping?
DanGoldstein replied 4th Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
the track evolved a bit since you were kind enough to have a listen. added a few sounds. tried to develop a "line" It was a fun project. learned a lot about modeling sounds and mixing with this one. I ended up nevertheless with a little bit of crackle here and there in my effort to get a louder result. thanks again for checking this out.
DrvanLansberg 21st Mar 2016 14:52 - 9 years ago

on Raw Sessions - Its Beautiful by BradoSanz
Haha, during the intro I heard myself say "Oh, wow". Instant goose bumps. Simply wonderful, really. I'd love to hear a whole album of songs like these in my car when driving through the country side.

Now on the production side, I really think your song would benefit greatly from a good recording ;). Simply buy a good mic, or start saving for one. You have a great voice (it is actually the first time I listened to one of your tracks) that really deserves to be recorded with care. If you would, and the song would be released, I'd be the first one to buy it. It's beautiful.
BradoSanz replied 21st Mar 2016 - 9 years ago
Thanks! I do actually have some recording equipment (AKG C214 and Behringer B1 vocal mics, TubePre V2 vocal pre-amp, Audiotechnica ATH-M50x headphones, Martin and Guild acoustic guitars, Yamaha MOX8 performance keyboard, PRS customs each worth 3000 and 5000 USD respectively and some pretty decent amps :33)! Im just missing the software to put it all together :P Soon, I will re-record this and hopefully make a little album of just acoustic songs. Who knows, I probably will make it into an all-out album. I'll hit you up when it comes to full fruition!

DrvanLansberg 19th Mar 2016 17:32 - 9 years ago

on Hold On by austinmusic
Simply beautiful. It has a great Tracy Chapman atmosphere in it. I think it's a great piece of music to play live on stage.

Wish you all the best.
austinmusic replied 21st Mar 2016 - 9 years ago
Thank you! I agree, can't wait to do it live.
DrvanLansberg 28th May 2015 15:35 - 9 years ago

on montagsmorgen by promenade2239
Hi again Alex,

This is for sure the most nizarre piece of music I h ave listened to in the past 12 months. I do speak quite a bit of German and I must say... WTF?! :-). So understanding the lyrics, I can only say that your music fits it perfectly. Very well done. This is a great example of how the acapella and music both make the other one stronger. I'm impressed.

I also hear some very interesting timing details in this track. Nice.

Easy fav mate.

promenade2239 replied 1st Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
hey. glad you found this piece bizarre. of course there's no plugins for timing-fixing used and honestly any plugins at all here. just very raw take on the acapella without even restoring and manipulating the given audio. all the rest was real time played. delayed piano notes are intentional. in fact everything is intentional on here.

thanks a lot for the fav and some nice words.

Best to you, Alex
DrvanLansberg 28th May 2015 12:08 - 9 years ago

on midnight hindsight by doudei
One word: Beautiful!

Up to the moment the bass gets in, there is quite a lot of high frequencies in your track. Same goes for the full drum track. You might want to consider cutting off a bit of these and adding some mid range frequences during the track. Maybe play the choir one octave down.

The harmonics are simply wonderful! Reminds me of the work Thomas Newman did for American Beauty. A mixture between feel good and a kind of disassotiation if you know what I mean.

doudei replied 10th Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
thanks for your insights DrvanLansberg!
those suggestions were spot on. i tend to have too much stuff going on in the 1k and up region when i do those kind of build-up arrangements like here. looking back this was no exception. it's still not perfect but there has definitely been an improvement mix-wise.
thanks again for your input!
DrvanLansberg 1st Mar 2015 21:02 - 10 years ago

on Lovin It by Spivkurl
From the first seconds this song gets me in a way. Strangly enough, this would never be the kind of music I would listen to at home. But it's energy is amazing. I just couldn't stop listening :-). What I like best is the drum track. The double bass and tight snare are awesome. Percussion adds to the energy as well of course.

In the comments I read that were going for that mid 80's sounds, well, you succeeded because that is what my first thoughts were listening to the track. Have you considered leveling up the guitar somewhat? I think it might have somewhat more precense. Maybe some (extra) reverb would work as well.

So, great energy and a wonderful drumtrack! Well done.

Spivkurl replied 6th Mar 2015 - 10 years ago
Hey there, thank you for our kind and constructive comment! The drums really drove the inspiration for this track, so much thanks go to MrFunk and Proecliptix for that. As a bit of inspiration from staticnomad, I did a bit of layering with my own drum sounds to enhance the rhythm. Happy with how the snare ended up. I'm glad you hear a mid 80's vibe in there too. I think that era is all but forgotten, and with good reason I suppose. I appreciate it more all the time though. I guess I wanted a pretty thin guitar presence in this, since it's mostly going on when the chorus vocals are there. Didn't want to take away the focus you know. As far as reverb goes, I didn't know if you meant on the guitar or as a whole. I've been going for a pretty dry sound lately, so it was pretty intentional. I really appreciate the feedback!
DrvanLansberg 6th Jan 2015 09:27 - 10 years ago

on Realm Ft Oceanically by promenade2239
Hi Alex,

Sorry man, I didn't mean to say that anything was actually missing in this song :-). While listening, I just heard a trumpet in my head doing a few stretched notes. Same goes for the female vocal. Maybe "jazzy" isn't the correct word, maybe "smoky" covers it better ;-).

But as it is, it is of course a great track. There is a reason I faved it.

Best, Doc
promenade2239 replied 6th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
thanks again. the idea of adding some more elements to this song is nice. I think there's much space for it but actually I am too busy at the moment with other things than revisiting or editing my older tracks. These last months since joining this site was an extremely creative time for me. I didn't expect that music like this will come up anyway but I think I will give the looperman a rest for some time.

Here are my last chillout productions:
'Orbit Retro Trancer' and 'Zen Motion'.

Actually I do not make so called 'stylistic music', more let us say 'experimental'. The tracks are definitely worth listening. I think this is very close to your style. You might check them out if you have some time and simply want to.

For sure we can create some really good music together in the near future - I will write you a message. I think we have something in common regarding to the music and listening preferences. I am simply open-minded to any eventual collaboration with you.

Thank you again for some nice thoughts and I am happy you enjoyed this song. Best, Alex
DrvanLansberg 5th Jan 2015 19:00 - 10 years ago

on Realm Ft Oceanically by promenade2239
Yeah! This is amazing. I love the vibe of this beautiful peace. It's subtile and powerful at the same time. During listening, I realized that this track is missing two items:

- a mellow muted trumpet playing along
- a Jazzy female vocalist that does a few verses, like a real song

If you somehow would be able to have these two added, it would be perfect!

And of course I love the Rhodes :-).
promenade2239 replied 6th Jan 2015 - 10 years ago
hi. thank you for such a nice comment.

actually I am in love in whatever music I am listening currently (at the moment lol) so I do not really understand you point. basically I do not understand at all. nothing is missing there. I can't play jazz. there's no even II V I progression here lol. I played dorian mode throughout. maybe some trumpeter or female vocalist could provide a bebop stuff and interesting variations. for sure. and maybe some day I will be abe to play jazz also.

I do not know what 'mixing' actually means - I am only trying to make some corresponding sounds. It is safe to say.

thanks again for nice words. I appreciate that, alex
DrvanLansberg 9th Oct 2014 07:34 - 10 years ago

on Phasing Song by Nextgentracks
I like the groove and the kind of positive energy of this track. Would be nice to hear the final result.
Nextgentracks replied 10th Oct 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks man!

Was thinking of continuing this project, but I haven't really gotten around to it. Will make an effort some time for sure. Just not yet!
DrvanLansberg 8th Oct 2014 23:30 - 10 years ago

on fusion1 ft ferryterry by promenade2239
Don't you just love the Rhodes? It always gives so much emotion and atmosphere to any track. Guitar and sax are both nice touches. Gotta love that groove too. Nice use of that percussion loop (Nexus?).

Judging from the different upload dates, it seems you are very productive :-). Mixing is still quite OK for this track.

Thanks for another very original track.

promenade2239 replied 9th Oct 2014 - 10 years ago
hi again and thanks for your time and listening. Glad you enjoyed this one as well!
I love Rhodes and using them a lot. Here it's MrRay22 free plugin. Really nice to hear you liked the groove eventhough it's a bit odd meter here as well.
There's some nice ehnic percussion loop from ferryterry and some congas also jazz drums. The fill loop are probably 2x faster played here but I do not remember the source.

Thanks again for your interest in my music and comments on production and mixing - much appreciated! and I am glad that I can somehow inspire you.
Greetings, Alex
DrvanLansberg 8th Oct 2014 23:22 - 10 years ago

on Fusion2 by promenade2239
This is some interesting track. Very inspiring. So glad to hear an original track. I fell in love with that lazy bass. Could you tell me from which synth it is?

Also the 5/4 beat isn't something that I hear a lot nowadays.

If I may be honest with you, I would like to hear the same track without the synth solo. I do understand it belongs to the track, but it does distract me from the groove somewhat too.

All in all a very nice and original track! Keep them comming.

promenade2239 replied 9th Oct 2014 - 10 years ago
hi and many thanks for checking out some of my songs! I am here about 2 months, most of my tracks I made using the loops from this site although there are a couple of a bit older songs without loops as well. I can work quite fast.
This track is a bit experimental but it's basically 4/4. There's some 5/8 patterns and other odd things that probably can feel like 5/4 at times ...
The bass was made using 'MinimoogueVA' plugin but I layered it many times and added EQ and stuff. Also some bass-chorus.
It's just an improvisation - trying to stick to the groove. I agree: it is not quite an 'easy listening'.
Thanks for kind words and really glad you liked the original track. Alex
DrvanLansberg 3rd Jul 2014 11:57 - 10 years ago

on JOHN HOLMES by Planetjazzbass
A year has passed and I just now ran into this track. Shame on me.

The thing I like most about this track is the steady groove that just keeps going on and on. It sounds like a locomotive that's on speed and hard to stop. Solid might be the right word.

"Solid" comes in mind also about the mixing. I do hear a solid presence of the lower frequencies in this track. But I also realize it is difficult to make choices :-). Somebody once explained to me that writing is expunging. Maybe this applies to music as well.

But this composition is just wonderful, no theme, no catchy hooks, just steadiness. I love it.

Cheers, Doc
DrvanLansberg 3rd Jul 2014 10:58 - 10 years ago

Dub is usually not a genre I would listen to a lot, but I came across this track by incident. I love the energy of it. One small piece of advice, take it easy on the compression :-).

Best, Doc
AZZYKO replied 3rd Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks Doc, I'll have your advice on mind in future :)
DrvanLansberg 3rd Jul 2014 09:49 - 10 years ago

on We Find Our Way by brillbilly
Thanks for sharing this wonderful trip. I think I understand the track, emotionally that is. Technically the track is beautifully done, noce open mix, great choice of sounds. I really can't think of any improvements on that part. The mp3 compression does do it well though :-).

Composition wise I know that with lounge, there is not a lot of variation to expect. However, after hearing this track I am searching for an answer to the question it askes. Maybe there is non, but I always feel good affter watching a movie that in the end brings the lovers together after all. I would like to hear a similar thing happening here to be very honest. Now it is an open end, but I need an answer or a solution. I know, it's not the track, it's just me :-).

Great track anyway!

Best, Doc
brillbilly replied 17th Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you so much DrvanLansberg12

As to the answer to your question
Quote; but I always feel good affter watching a movie that in the end brings the lovers together after all. I would like to hear a similar thing happening here to be very honest. Now it is an open end, but I need an answer or a solution. I know, it's not the track, it's just me :-).

the end brings the lovers together after all is correct!

bless lol

big thanks man

DrvanLansberg 3rd Jul 2014 09:36 - 10 years ago

on Happy Birthday by TurfGoldMusic
Instant goose bumps here! Very impressive, and not only because of the story itself. Well put together track. Just pump up the volume a little bit ;-).

Best, Doc
TurfGoldMusic replied 3rd Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
I appreciate you taking the time to listen. Thanks for the review. Did this in like 45 minutes so, didn't put much effort into the entire mixdown.
DrvanLansberg 11th Jun 2014 16:06 - 10 years ago

on No Mans Land - Featuring Janis71 by Groovechapel
Yeah, great feel on this track. I did some tracks with Janis too and I just love her. She sounds great here too.

The mix sounds osmewhat fluffy in the low frequencies. The bass (great line btw), seems to be fighting with the bongo's a little bit, at least that's my feeling. Maybe cut away some of the higher frequencies of the bass? Also, Janis' vocals sound a bit mono. Nice chorus fx on some parts. have you ever used a stereo enhancer? Just curious what it would do.

Anyway, again great feel and flow in this track.

Groovechapel replied 13th Jun 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks Doc, Great feedback... I've only just started experimenting with loops and samples uploaded to this site so your feedback is much appreciated. its certainly good to know that what sounds like a well balanced and level mix in my system (albeit not mastered) hasn't translated as well on 3rd party listening devices or speakers. I will certainly look to address that on future studio projects.

Thanks again for taking the time to listen to my work, your feedback has been valuable.

DrvanLansberg 11th Jun 2014 15:52 - 10 years ago

on A Jazzy Autumn by michellernia
I do love the jazzy chords. It is nice to hear some "real" music every now and then, no beat, no bass.

Either you play very, very tight, or the track is just a little bit too much quantized. I would try to make it just a bit looser. the style can definitely deal with it.

Do you have plans to finish it?

I know what it feels like to have painful fingers. I suffer from artrose and have issues playing the keys. That's why I only "produce" nowadays, using my daw and a mouse. So, here's my support!

Anyway, very nice music and keep them comming.

DrvanLansberg 11th Jun 2014 15:40 - 10 years ago

on Addiction by AviatOfficial
Indeed a good start! Very uplifting.

To my humble opinion, the track does build up in the correct order. I would maybe tale a little bit more time for it though. What you could try is to change the rhythm of the stabs a bit after 0:30. Rhythm of the hats is great. maybe you could put them somewhat louder and add an open one on every 2nd and 4th beat.

Last tip would be to add some pads in the background that fill up a whole in the frequency spectrum that I hear, somewhere in the low-mid range.

Definitely a track with potential. Curious for the end result.

Keep it going!

Comments 1 - 25 of 28