Hello Nonube, its very nice to make your acquaintance. Wonderful way to wake up in the morning along with my hot cup of joe. Very well produced and mixed song. Couldnt tell you if its Lo Fi or not. Overall, excellent music. Thank you for sharing with us.
Kicking back chilling with a nice hot cup of java while I'm listening . Great music for the mood, nice way to escape from reality for 3:20 min. As always, great stuff. Cheers!
Great track atw, really. Loved the melodic bass stabs, piano melody, the whole nine yards. What also caught my attention is the sound of your mix. Nice amount of reverb (assuming you're sending them through a reverb bus channel). The warm tone reminds me that of a british console. Great stuff!
Heya Ed, it's good to see you back here again. Wow...gorgeous piece. Stellar arrangement,production, and as always, ace guitar work and tone. Can't wait to hear more of your upcoming music. Be well and stay safe.
Hey Pete...great to hear from you. Don`t know if I would have found you under the new name. I haven`t been very active on LM and don`t have the time I used to (nor studio space/equipment). Many thanks for your generous comments...Ed
Gorgeous piece. Smooth and silky. Ooh la la. Sipping my cup of java while I'm listening. Your musicianship is stellar. I dig the timbre of your voice, it has a unique ring to it, and I think it suits the music very well. Look forward to hearing more of your music. Faved.
No nonsense here, just good ole music, and a good one too. Your voice and the music is a perfect combination. What did the kids think of it? I'm listening with my grandsons, and no lie they are dancing to it :) Such an uplifting vibe, it certainly became the highlight of my day. Thank you for sharing it. DL and faved.
wow CBC, I am really loving this. It sounds...wow ( for lack of a better word). You are generous for enabling DL, I'll be listening to this over and over. Never knew of John cale, but listening to this I'd like to know more of him. Thank you for sharing this, one of the best tunes I've heard in general. Hats off my friend.
Wow..impressive! I realy dig the style of music. Pleasant tone on your voice, fits perfect with your music. For a headphone mix its good. My only preference is to maybe brighten up the guitar a tad bit. Other than that, stellar production and performance.
Hi there, thanks very much for the constructive comment. I did brighten the guitar a little and upped them in the mix a fraction. Cheers mate, have a good day.
Hey ZS, cool track as are your other stuff. I’m digging the melody and chord changes, it makes the track much more colorful if that makes sense. Mix is pleasant to my ears - crisp, warm, punchy, and good dynamic. Stellar job!
Nothing to hate about this beat, I enjoyed it. Cool aynths, diiferent in a good way. Love the vox, fits the music well.I like where this is going, keep it up.
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Thank you so much for listening!