Rich AkA TipZtaR (DJ/Rap Artsit(23)), first started to DJ when he attended some workshops at his local Youth Offending Team. He discovered a passion for music that gave him a new focus in life, away from the trouble that he was starting to get into.
Richard has shown determination and passion for working with young people from disadvantaged areas. He has established a career as a self-employed DJ tutor and promoter and has completed an intensive business course with efactor, a local government funded intitative. Richard has dedicated much of his time this year to mentoring new young DJs and giving them a new direction through music. He has been running workshops for young people as well as promoting club nights for under 18s.
Richard has been working with young people in deprived areas who are at risk of offending and his first hand experience of life as a troubled youth has helped him relate to them. He has mentored and encouraged some new young DJ’s to perform at local community gigs. His nominator Caroline Moorbyl has said: “He is passionate about giving these young people the chance to try something different and to give them the opportunity to channel their energies into something positive and creative’.
Richard set up a gig within one of the young people’s centres, working with both professional and local young DJ’s. He has also co-ordinated a DJ showcase event as part of his local council’s Youth Arts Festival. This particular event was a great success with over 160 young people attending and is testimony to his great organisational skills.
There is real evidence that Richard has been making a difference with many hard to reach young people who have engaged positively with him and his DJ workshops. Richard has been mentoring a young local man who had recently been released from prison. He worked closely with Richard and showcased his work at the Youth Arts Festival. At the end of the showcase he said that his involvement with this type of music and event gave his life purpose and was a real reason to stay out of trouble and not go back to prison. Richard is still mentoring him and hopes to help him with other projects.
Richard’s achievements are far from over. He’s planning to take his DJ workshops into local schools and community settings, working within the more deprived areas of Grimsby and Cleesthorpes. He will also soon be working closely with local police and councils to create good partnerships. He plans to run issue based workshops which will enable young people to voice their feelings and emotions through music. Richard’s determination to avoid trouble and channel his energies into something positive is inspiring and sends the message to other young people that they can make a difference to their own lives.
Technics 1210's ( Which I Class As An Instrument )
Acid Pro
Fruity Loops
Stagg Studio Mic
Council Estate Of Mind - Skinnyman
Black Twang - The Wrong Club
ODB - Return To The 36 Chambers
Wu Tang - Forever
Dr Dre - Chronic
Dr Dre - Chronic 2001
Eminem - Infinate
Rodney P - The Future
RedEye - Representin From Hull
Baby Jinx - Untitled Album
ALL The Hip Hop Peeps that have been keepin the scene alive UK & USA Style!
DJ Tutor/Mentor/Promoter/Getting Young People From The Local Area Involved In Music & Setting Up Their Own Events, Mixed With Biiig Acts From The UK.
Also A Loving Boyfriend & Dad Of 2!