I am a producer from Norway.
I am a man with a huge heart and contact network, and an huger sample library.
I enjoy making dance music and playing at the local clubs.
I am currently educating myself as a teacher since I have a passion for helping, being helped, teaching others and learn myself.
Ableton live 8.2
NI Masive
Nexus I
Izotope Ozone 5
Scarlett Focusrite Soundcard
Everything. All music has it's beauty, you have just not understood it yet.
Slipknot, My name is skrillex, The number of the beast, Famous Monster and Idols.
I only have a few influences.
Those are Skrilelx, YKM, k-391 and Belzebass
My music is gritty, crisp and repetive.
Help out localy at "Meierigården" and other people/foundations.