I'm just a 21 years old french guy who likes music. I make beats, i remix beats, i make samples and all kinds of stuff around music. I'm opened to any collabs just contact me. :)
Guitar, Keyboard and MPC.
Fl Studio, Vocaloid, Audacity, VocalShifter, LMMS, Melodyne, Autotune, Garage Band sometimes.
Mpc : Akai MPC Element
My Laptop
My Synth Keyboard
My acoustic guitar and electric guitar
So much stuff to write down. But the one i recommend right now is the last album from Drake and Future "What a time to be alive".
Tupac Shakur-Greatest Hits
Trey Songz-Ready
Frank Ocean-The Lonny Breaux Collection
and so many others
There's so much. From Tupac, to Nirvana, passing by Japanese and Korean music bands and artists.
My music sounds like the? World, i guess. ^-^
I'm a program developper.