I am a 16 old guy who likes make electro house musics, i am also a Portuguese Youtuber:
MY channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0kDYkz01gYNcYwDzwOolOg
I use Fl Studio to make electro house musics, i also make Dubstep but this is not my favourite type of music
I play Piano since i have 7 years but now i'm getting tired of piano, i am thinking in stop playing piano forever=/
I also learned to play flute in the school!
To produce my music i use Fl studi,I thinks that is the best program / software the make musics, but to make musics we need to create or edit sounds, i use sound editor to make that work =D
As i say i use FL Studio to make my musics, i think FL Studio is clearly the best program to make or even edit musics
My favourite musics are:
Go Hard
Cannabis Eclipse
Turn up the speakers
I dont have a favourite album, i like electro house music in geral!
I also like progressive house and i also like a bit dubstep!
I Was influenced by Martin Garrix and also by jay hardway.
I also like and i am also influenced by Trap Music Makers, actually, "in trap channel" is one of the best youtube Channels to listen som etrap music =D
My first musics used to sound like sh** (sorry for this word =/) but now i thinks i am having some progresses in my songs, i put a lot of details, and i am always liking more my last musicas what is good i think =D
well, i have a simple life, i always go to school in the week, i have not the best grades on the world so my parents dont leave me to go to the computer during the week (i'm sorry for my Bad inglish)
During the weekend, i love make some music or... who knows, make a youtube video because i'm also youtuber and my channel is called Hatpox Will