Hello Everyone ,
So first of all I am a complete beginner in creating music but I think I can say that I learn fast. I'm a contemporary dancer in a great company . I'm really interested to become a choreographer . And for that I started to learn how to create music . With making music not only I can make my choreographies better but I can make my music as I want my dancers to move and also it's like a new world opened up. I'm truly enjoying it .
Right now , I'm listening to :
Ramnemetnemlel from AKPH
check it out ! It's awesome !!!
My favourite artists ? I have quite a few artist who are inspiring and motivating me but I try to mention only 5.
Hofesh Shechter - not just as a choreographer but I also love the music he composes - , Cadik , Thom Willems , La parasite , Eminem.
Well , The music I'm trying to make .... hmmm
I'd try usually to make the beginning of my music experimental and then I like to make it really STRONG , POWERFUL , INTENSE , MASSIVE ... with a good rhythm ( If You guys have ever listened to Lil Wayne's A Millie You know how I mean) and I also like to put some unexpected breaks in it , But I'm still searching ...
I have the Best job ever . My job is my passion , My lifestyle , my Happiness , the best challenge and the best feeling ever , I always love to learn more about it , to learn new styles , new techniques and different feelings. It always keeps me creative and It also needs "You" to be opened minded , It makes me keep my imagination "vivid" and the control over my body active. As once one of the greatest choreographer said : You also need to be a bit crazy , but it's okay . It helps !
It's my everything.
I'm a dancer .
It's a learning process until the end of your life . Just like anything else ....