Toni Wortherly is a songwriter, author and educator from Jacksonville, Florida. She has been singing and acting since she was a teenager and writing for almost twenty years. Her childhood goal was to practice law and she did that for awhile, yet felt drawn to do something different. To date, she has completed the lyrics and chords for over forty original songs.
Her favorite singers are her dad, Ray Wortherly, and Tramaine Hawkins. She has been influenced by all styles of music, as it is a universal language. Currently, Toni serves as the praise team leader at New Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Atlantic Beach, Florida, which allows her to use her music, as well as, music from all genres and generations to inspire the congregation each Sunday.
A little guitar and vocals
Samson GoMic
Koryn Hawthorne, Annie 2014 Soundtrack
My dad, Tramaine Hawkins, and Prince
Teach social sciences at the high school I attended.