F.A.M.E born monte was raised in the streets of charlotte nc, his quick and edgy delivery is fueled by the exposure he received growing up in the hood. with the presence of a hustler and mind frame of a businessman, fame has mastered the craft of a true emcee with a background to back it up. at the age of sixteen, fame started to receive training in music production from some of the games now super producers. over the years he crafted banging hip-hop and r&b beats for almost every local artist that was working on a project, which in turn earned him the title before his time ..super producer...
Piano, Keyboard, Guitar
Logic 9, Pro tools, Sonar, Samplitude and Cubase
Roland MV 8000, 8800, MC 909, Korg Micro X, Triton Pro, Emu Mo Phatt
Nas, Rick Ross, Tiny T, Kanye West, Nickelback, Jason Walker
it was written, illmatic, Day money fell from trees
Timbo, Pharrell, Jay, Nas and LL, Steve Wonder
I sound like the pipes on my Hummer, real good
I work for Street Power Productions, anything to do with music and Video editing