I'm a jack of all trades, master of none... A musician & producer photographer & photoshop geek. I draw inspiration from life, both good and bad.
Guitar, drums, keyboards. I have been known to rock out on the wheels of steel, as well.
Old School Acid ( Sonic Foundry Acid )
Sound Forge
Fruity Loops
Yes, back when Acid and Sound Forge were under the Sonic Foundry name. I'm stubborn, and if it's not broke, then don't fix it...Plus, I'm broke as a joke!
My lovely crashtastic notebook.
El-P's "We're All Going To Burn in Hell MeggaMix 2"
NIN's "Year Zero"
RJD2's "Dead Ringer"
Blockhead " Music by Cavelight"
"I'll Sleep When You're Dead" by El-p
"Downward Spiral" by NIN
"Odelay" Beck
"Bazooka Tooth" by Aesop Rock
"Se7en's Travels" by Atmosphere
"Aenima" by Tool
"Antichrist Superstar" by Marilyn Manson
My life, my love, my children first and foremost. I take EVERYTHING in and am influenced by all that I see and hear.
A little bit of this, and a little bit of that, mixed with a rusty blender, and baked under radioactive heat lamps, till it's brown around the edges...
I'm a Retail Admin for "The Save Money, Live Better Machine" I am a father of two beautiful kido's, and My Love's Love.