I am a wannabe producer and artist from Hazleton Pennsylvania. My birthday is Valentine's Day (Yuck, am I right?) but I was born to do music and I'm going to make it my life a little bit at a time.
Piano, alto saxophone
Audiotool ~3 years
Cubase AI Just learning
FL Studios Still learning
UR12 Audio interface with 2 Yamaha HS7's and a Yamaha Privia PX-100 full range keyboard
Omar Linx
Zeds Dead
Midnight Tyrannosaurus
Lots of Chill EDM
Oh shit. I can't. sorry guys.
Oh I could go on for days.
Most bands from the 60s-80s
Lots of pop. Lots of Electronic Music
Zeds Dead
Omar Linx
Dr Dre
Doctor P
Flux Pavillion
Passion Pit
...but my biggest influence:
Get out there and experience shit, and you'll know what to write about.
A lot of people right now say my music would be great in video games, but I'm determined to make my music stand out on its own. New genre? You decide.
Music sounds chill, mostly instrumental. But I'm learning so my music is constantly changing
Work at a call center, and go to college.
But hey, it pays for now.