Meh. I am the Fourth Hostage. Welcome to my musick.
BTW, I'm not serious about anything I do on this site. FL studio is no more than my favorite video game in a sense. I'm not trying to make a name for myself. So I'm not exactly technical or experienced. I just do what I do and call it done. I really have been making this stuff just for me for a long time. Until recently It never occured to put anything out there for people to listen to.
I guess I'm, umm... Measuring up? So to speak? Or how would I put it? Ok, I've hit a brick wall with my style and need input to correct my ear bleeders? There we go... I like that.
I play drums, and keyboards.
Fail FL 7. I've been using this series for about 6 years.
Since FL 3.56 was pirated onto my computer by my best friend.
Since then I've resorted to buying them.
Keyboard and mouse.
Clinical Torment
Freaky Flow (older stuff)
Alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.
Noise. Without intelligence. The way I like it.
I work for Crystal Clear Productions. Live sound situations and recording purposes.