Marcus Schneider combines synthesizer, piano, guitar, beats and occasionally vocals to create songs that each tell their own stories.
In a deeply emotional, sometimes melancholic, but also hopeful way, the individual components are melded into rather less mass-produced tracks.
Those who get into it will leave on a journey somewhere in their thoughts.
Ableton, NI, Arturia, Kazrog, Waves, Soundtheory, Izotope, Samples
Active - Mac Mini M1, Focusrite Scarlett 4i4, ATH M50X,Yamaha HS 80, M-Audio Subwoofer, Korg Koss Pad, PO-133 Street Fighter, BCR2000, Push2, NI-M32
Sold - Korg Z1, ESX, Nord Modular, JD990, Pedal AX3000G