I am a bassist since the age of twelve, I started bass in metal bands and fusion, it is by discovering jaco pastorius and jamiroquai, that my style is specified towards groove and funk music, I have followed a two-year course in national school, and at MAI (music academy international in Nancy-france) I like rock, country, soul, funk, electro, afro-beat, Blues, and many other kinds of music. contact: blanc.xavier@gmx.fr
bass-guitare, guitar, piano
FL studio 12
Basse Ibanez Musician with préamplis boss
Fela Kuti... soul, funk, and electro-jazz
Macéo Parcker; Life on Planet Groove
Jeff Beck ; Wired
Weather Report; Heavy Weather
Jamiroquai ;Travelling Without Moving
Marcus Miller, M°
Primus ; Rhynoplasty
Jaco Pastorius; live in Italy
Jeff Beck ; Blow by Blow
Macéo Parcker, James Brown, M Jackson, Jaco Pastorius, Marcus Miller, Chic, Fred Wesley, Alain Caron, JJ goldman, Saint Germain, Prodjy, Prohom, Skrillex, Stomp, Primus, Jeff Beck,
I do not seek to resemble another bassist, or have my style, I play before all an instrument that allows to play an enormous variety of styles and things.
If I really wanted to look like a musician, I'd love to play bass as Jeff Beck plays guitar. I like the sound, and the shape that it can take, the ideal music is always a kid's dream, find the groove that "kills", the sound that explodes in the ears ... This is a good program of Bassist I think
When I am not a bassist, I have a rather simple life made of friend and archery my exsutory ... I am invalid, I do not work anymore, so I have quite a lot of time for me, My music and my diverse passion. I love dogs very much, and cook, I worked before being sick, as factory production agent, wood, automobile, and ceramic. As security guard, cooking man, and other little work ... Music has always been a dream, but the way is long ...