I'm just a guy who loves tropical fruits and music. I also do a bit of singing. Maybe a lil' guitar on the side as well.
Guitar, Piano, Ukulele, and maybe the Flute on some days.
Studio One Artist 3 and FL Studio
Blue Yeti Pro USB Mic
Oh! Listen to "Trains" by Altitude. Lo-fi HipHop Beats are my life.
"Pinkerton (1996)" - Weezer
"Blue Album (1994)" - Weezer
"Plastic Beach (2010)" - Gorillaz
"Favorite Worst Nightmare (2007)" - Arctic Monkeys
"Unorthodox Jukebox (2012)" - Bruno Mars
"Pink Season (2017)" - PinkGuy/FilthyFrank
Weezer, Gorillaz, Arctic Monkeys, The Orwells, Filthy Frank, Russ, XxxTentacion, Bruno Mars, Elvis Presley, The Everly Brothers, Ritchie Valens, etc.
Trap mixed with pop, love, and a dash of depression caused by romances lead all too foolishly and carelessly.
I do online college, go on Discord to do Discord-y stuff, play games, watch Anime, listen to music, watch concerts, and eat tropical fruits like a boss. Ayy lmao.