Born in the dirt.
Never had a home.
There were places I've lived.
You don't wanna know.
I was a snake eyed boy.
Since the age of 5.
I made love to the howl of the wolves.
With a dark haired girl.
If you wanna meet evil.
Come a little bit close.
Guitar, Bass, Drums, Gimme a Tuba and I'll make something up.
Tracktion, Fruity Loops, H.A.L.
Samson Mics, Peavy Mixer
The White Album/Beatles, The Black Album/Metallica, The Brown Album/Primus(sucks)
The Sutras, The Bible, The Vedas, The Quran, The Tanach, The Satanist Bible, Green Eggs and Ham.
All genres of music.
A cacophony of demons and angels having a nintendo party.
Read, Write, Golf and other such unlawful carnal practices.