Getting baked then playing the piano is the way I like to spend my time.It seems to go hand and hand.
I play the piano I have been playing for a while.I'm not going to say I'm the best, But can hold my own in a studio or live.I mostly play for fun or whatever.
I know theres alot of good programs out there but I'm stuck on Magix Music Maker. I have the program figured out. It also works with my keyboard, I'm able to layout live tracks that record and sound really good.It's simple.
I dont have a favorite if it don't suck balls I'll get stuck on it for a while.
those mother fuckers up in Cali. selling Mary Jane im jealous.
My music sounds like my music. What ever mood I'm in how freaking baked I am is what makes the tunes.
Wouldnt you like to know you nosey fucker!