22 years old. Born and raised in North Carolina. Have moved around a bit in NC, but also lived in Jersey and NYC. I have been into music, as an emcee since i was a preteen. I never really pushed myself in it until recently. I have been getting into producing and such lately. I know I have talent in multiple fields, I hear it all the time, i just dont push myself.
Guitar, drums, piano,
Sony Acid Pro, Sony Soundforge, ProTools, Antares
M-Audio, Shure, Casio, Rolland
Recovery, Thank Me Now, underground, myself (lol)
Everything that goes in my ears I pull something from!
I am studying sound operations pre and post production in film school. It was the closest thing to music production I could find in my area and it puts me in a studio a few days a week. It works for now. I also bartend at a bar/club.