I am a singer/songwriter, music producer, creative director and consultant. I am a photographer, graphic artist, scriptwriter, etc etc etc. My debut album 'Welcome To The Circus' is due for release soon and am currently working on my clothing line 'Retro Surf Clothing'. I am currently writing the script for a movie 'Life To Rent' and am currently interested in producing music for other artists/musicians as a hobby.
I am a music producer, songwriter, so all the musical instruments that are at my finger tips, I unashamedly use.
Queen Latifahs jazz record is playing on repeat in my stereo at the moment. Beautiful singer. I absolutley love her voice and urge everyone who appreciates fine music to go and listen to it.
Life, Love and the journey of my exsistence.
Unlike anything else heard in the music industry today. I pride myself on being original and beautifully unique...musically. There are to many "artists" that sound like someone else or can be easily compared to someone else. It's sad.
All of the above.