I am only 13 with a crazy addiction to techno, especially Hardstyle/Hardcore Techno. I play FFR (Flash Flash Revolution) which is an online game where you practically play DDR on the keyboard with the arrow keys. I always wanted to upload my own simfile on it but I found that most songs accepted have to be made by you so no copyright problems would occur. At first I was suprised at all the knoledge needing to be known when it came to making music like this but soon I picked up the pace and here I am making decent songs and now my own loops!
Snare Drum and Drum Set.
ACID Pro 7, ACID Xpress 7, and FL Studio 8 XXL Producer's Edition.
I don't really know or care and either should the person reading this.
By Angerfist: Bloodstain, Greed is Good, My Soldier, Spit on You, and Pissin' Razorblades. By Showtek: Dust to Dust. By Dj Mad Dog: History and Enter the Time Machine. By The Playah: Enter the Time Machine. Finally, by The Playah and Dj Mad Dog (together): Enter the Time Machine.
I do not go by album, I go by song and sometimes artist.
Angerfist and Dj Mad Dog
Techno, Breakbeat, and Trance... for now.
I am a soon-to-be black belt, I hang with friends often, and I love to bike.