Hi to everybody!! :)
My name is Stefano Novelli ( also called " Il dottore" ). :P
I'm 19 years old and I come from Bolzano. I study economics at the trilangual free university of Bz, nevertheless my dream is to become a good Dj Producer / Remixer.
Today unfortunally the music i produce is not that good, but I hope to improve the way I do it.. ( Maybe u'll help me?!?!!!!! ) :) :)
The kind of music I prefer is ITALO DANCE. I like it since i was a child. It's my big passion.
Furthermore i like to go out with friends, to have fun, to enjoy life, to do sport and..
My pc!! :P :p ;P
I use mostly Fl. 8
( + Virtual Dj and Cubase )
Only my pc -.-
1. My Italia ( Disk Jokeyz );
2. Quell'estate con te ( Dario Synth rmx );
3. Sing a Song ( Dario Synth );
4. L'Amore ( Sonora ( Favara Dj rmx ));
5. Secrets of your life ( Dante & Luchetta );
6. Make u Love ( Calvalruso - Dario Synth rmx );
7. Call it Love ( Favrizio e Marco - 2009 italodance rmx );
8) Memories ( Brothers );
9) Break 1 ( Ghost Dj);
10 ) Etico Elettriko.
I like all stuffs, except Punk music..
I like coldplay a lot.
Furthermore I like italian singers like Baglioni, Battisti, Max Pezzali, a.s.o.
I think that their beatiful song need to be remixet at 142 bpm!!!
My heros are bad guys such as
Gigi D'Agostio
I Brothers
Gli Hotel S. George
and Dario Synth!!!
Tuz Tuz!
I listening to the music!! or look for i girlfriend.. :$ :$