Born in 1980 in Poland, currently living in Leeds/UK. Tries to think outside the beat. Addicted to deep rhythms and hidden meanings.
Djembe, conga, shakers etc.
FL Studio 9
all sorts of stuff. Always looking for new musical masterpieces.
Not it any particular order, artists only:
Post Regiment
Nine Horses
Nature And Organisation
Burnt Friedmann
Saul Williams
Silver Mt Zion/Godspeed! You Black Emperor
Manu Chao
E-Z Rollers
Anything that is in a range of my six senses.
The sight. The sound. The taste. The feel. The smell. The Vibe.
A bizzare mixture of things that I experience, and am exposed to - filtered by my rhythm empathy. A thought outside the beat. Deep trips.
Work as a Test Analyst. I am also a wirter and a poet. I am part of a art collective Polish InvadARTs that organises art events in West Yorkshire (UK) area. I enjoy offroad cycling a lot. Feel free to pay me visit at