My name is Vyacheslav, I'm 23 years old. The stage name is Slame. I am a Russian citizen. I'm engaged in music from the age of 14. I did not finish musical school, so all that I can do is result of independent works and efforts. Hip-hop, rnb singer. Over the shoulders of numerous performances at various events, concerts, festivals and so on. Participated in 6 rap battles, 4 of which won. Plans for music are global and I want everyone on our planet to hear it!) I will be glad to hear the songs with my capella from you!
I am a music lover and listen to what I like. It's not just rap, as you might think)
Eminem - "Revival"
Eminem; Jay-Z; Busta Rhymes; Kanye West; Rihanna and so on.
I do not know with whom to compare my music. Everyone in it can hear something similar to some other artist and maybe it is. Because the media space is now saturated with different music and it is difficult to come up with something individual, somehow stand out. I just make music the way I see it.
I work wherever I have to. I can not concentrate on any work, I constantly think about music.