I'm a young guy from germany that makes sweet melodies just for fun. Hope yall like 'em.
I played the drums for a few years as a kid and also a bit of guitar but I#m really rusty at both tbh.
I use FL Studio 11 for the production.
Logitech Keyboard and Mouse.. nothing special but Studio Headphones because i wanted the best audio quality i could get.
A bit of Lil Nas X, Ryllz or Maneskin.
As I said, a lot of different influences.
I dont have favourite albums.
It's more like some singles from this or that artist.
I listen to all kinds of stuff which also kinda helps me with getting new ideas for some melodies.
My melodies fit most of the times in modern rap, pop or trap kinda songs.
Im a student currently and I'm interested in stuff like fighter jets or aviation in general, knights and movies...