Me is a noun. It is the objective case of I, used as a direct or indirect object. A name I call myself. In my vocabulary it refers to a man who sometimes thinks too highly of himself and sometimes doesn't think quite highly enough. A thinker in the body of a working man.
First I am a singer. I dabble in keys and am very slowly picking up the guitar, though I profess no real talent yet.
Sony ACID Music Studio 5.0
Audacity freeware
Nero Wave Editor
MR8 Digital multitracker
Yamaha PSR 225GM electric keyboard
Burswood steel string acoustic
Duke Ellington once said "there are only two kinds of music, good and bad." I'm influenced by them both...the good I try to emulate, the bad I use to learn.
I am a 911 operator. I read a lot of nonfiction. I write fiction. I have a wife and children who happily occupy much of my time and make my life worth living. I enjoy creating things, including music. I am not sensational and there is nothing that goes on in my mind that elevates me above most other people. It's my actions and the love I have for the world and for beauty that I believe makes me worth something.