Im a young producer and aspiring artist, atm I just make pretty simple beats mainly with samples I find on this website. Im grateful to everyone who allows me to use there samples and grateful for music for helping me with tough times.
Self Taught Piano
used to have drumming lessons
Logic Pro X
MIDI Keyboard
Drum Pad soon
Atm I'm into a lot of either Chill or Lyrical hip-hop but I'm a really big fan of aggressive rapping and aggressive beats.
Plastic by Jaden Smith is a banger,
All of DiCaprio 2 is good,
Buff Baby by tobi lou
Idk I listen to a lot of music
Members Only Vol.2
Book of Eli
Ice the World
Again I listen to a lot so these are just some.
I was and still am a big fan of X, mainly older X like members only vol.2.
Jaden Smith is another one of my influences, his production is so unique and slaps hard so I enjoy a lot of his music.
Producer wise I take a lot of inspiration and listen to a lot of Downtime, ever since I heard Diamonds a song he produced I've been addicted with his production.
I try to make Dark and Ambient music by I try to not keep a fixed genre as anyone could get anything from a beat.
I really want to make a beat with some Vocal/Choir melodies but I'm yet to find a good sample for it.
Just hang out with my girlfriend and try to make the best out of life.
Have some inner demons tho that I'm trying to sort out.