Married 34 years and still loving it. 2 Kids have all left home now with kids of their own.
Nice and quiet without them now lol.
Into the Blues Trance Dance Electronica.
Like a beer now and then and a right good chat about anything.
Ableton 8 suite
z3ta 2
Dimensions pro
Sonar x1
Komplete 7
Kore 2
Asus i7 16 gig ram 2x 1 terabite
Tascam FW1082
Red Audio Condenser
acuna88 controller
Roland Monitors
Urban Grooves
Euphoric Dance Breakdown
Gatecrash Digital
Tracy Chapman
Top ten RnB
Sargent Peppers by the Beatles
pink Floyd The wall
You Gong
Who Quadrophenia
UFO the visitor
Canned Heat Woodstock
Johnny Winter Roots n blues
Eric Clapton, Muddy waters, Beatles, America, Jimmy Hendrix Simon and Garfunkel etc
erm er mmmm I erm oh!