My true passion is metal. HipHop has recently become my mistress on the side. With that being said, don't hate me if my loops suck bad. Any pointers I can get on creating HipHop beats and loops would be much appreciated.
I can't rap worth a damn, and I write lyrics just aswell. I'm not even sure I'm that good at writing metal tunes. But...I REALLY F@#$EN LOVE MUSIC! For those who (if any) use my loops prefer Rex files I'm sure we could arrange something.
I play guitar, and learned alittle about piano. But I don't own a piano or keyboard so it got boaring.
Reason & Adobe 1.5
Compaq Pentium 3 hooked up to PV6 mixer, which doesn't really make a difference.
I make more music then I listen too.
See Top 10 Albums/Tracks That I'm lovin at the moment.
Almost everything I hear Except Country or Pop. I'm sure a few others aswell. Country and Pop does not inspire me whatsoever.
It sounds like it came through a Compaq Pentium 3.
I'm seriously devoted to music. It's my life now, it was my other life and will be my future life. It is my wife, my children, my cute little pet, and everything I could ever ask for in this crazy, messed up journey we call life. I don't even care that I'm not getting paid for it. I will do it until the day I die even if it kills me.