Hmmm.................. HI THERE!!! I'M JONATHAN!!!
Well it's either the traditional Filipino wind instrument, the himig bumbong, or the guitar.
Programs that help you learn a different language, computer games, Guitar Pro (which I don't use anymore but I felt like listing it anyways), etc.
Well theres external hard drives, printers... wait, are we talking about music?
I'm not listening to music right now so this question doesn't apply to me.
I have no top 10 favorites list.
Wait, wasn't I just asked this?
I'll come back when I can think of one.
AHA!!!! Here's my well thought out list of favorite artists (I'm kinda sorta meticulous about these kind of things so bear with me):
-Yoko Kanno (technically she's a composer, but her music is off the hook)
-Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra (AWESOME band)
-The Mars Volta
-Led Zeppelin (mostly their earlier stuff)
-Linkin Park (Ditto)
-Alicia Keys
-The Beatles
-Jimi Hendrix
-Gogol Bordello (I actually have only album from this band, but I think its an awesome one)
If I ever upload a song here feel free to give the most hateful comments you can think of.
I'm looking for a job right now, preferably something in IT. I'm also looking for something that won't keep me isolated for long periods of time (I ain't gonna be no network administrator).