Well, its like this..... I always been around the music since my brother opened up for cypriss hill , TLC and Boys 2 Men right.... So i seen all this as a kid and fell in ABSOLUTE LOVE:) Plenty Effection and Manipulation is what i showed the Turntables as a teen....oh And now:) IM A POWER HOUSE DIAMOND IN THE RUFFFFF!!! So Shhhh..
piano, geetar, and umm well
The soft tissues of my brain!! Final answer!!!
Same Tang Main... Final Answer:)
Me!! Oh and some of my influences, but ohwell
Family and my foundation!!! And special Ed, Epmd, cypris, dj funk, Disco D r.i.p, Dr. Dre & Ed Lova, Bad Boy Bill, Dan, Doc Martin, Krs1, ALL of Yo! Mtv Raps!!Bet!!! i mean...i can keep on goin but...not tryin to type in All ya'll..
Boom Boom Clap, Boom Boom Clap!!!
School, Learning about how to jump in a higher Tax Bracket!!! 4.0