Lifelong electronics design engineer and electromusic enthusiast.
Keys, fretted & fretless bass, some woodwind, reluctant vocal
Ableton, Csound (Cabbage), VCV Rack, Audacity
Dell XPS8700 PC, Zoom R24 for audio-usb interface or field recordings, Akai APC Key25 midi keyboard & clip launcher array, Behringer BCR2000 midi control surface, Korg SP-200 midi piano, various Digisound-80 analog modular synth modules, Samson MPL2242 19" mixer, Audiolab 8000A hi-fi amp
My spotify playlists
'So' by Peter Gabriel
Kate Bush, Peter Gabriel, Thomas Dolby, Isao Tomita, JS Bach
Clunky when I'm carving it out of thin air, but more refined and sublime as time etches into it.
design bespoke electronics for scientific instruments, renovate and maintain gardens and grounds, home educate and pursue lifelong learning.